Since it was written in the first century AD, the Book of Revelation has been seen as one of the most controversial books in the entire Bible. Its narrative circles round and round, layering images and symbols on top of one another to create a text so complex that scholars still debate what it means. Is it a literal depiction of what will come at the end time when humanity will face the last judgement? Or is it an allegorical text in which John is calling on the burgeoning Christian church to stand true to their faith in the face of oppression from the Roman Empire? These two opposing interpretations lie at the heart of Dr Robert Beckford's journey. He was brought up in the Pentecostal church, which believes in the literal word of the Bible. As a boy he remembers that Revelation was used to frighten him into being 'good'. As a teenager he began to feel that this blind faith was shutting him away from events in the world around him. Robert sets out to discover what message really lies at the heart of this book. He explores whether it really is a step-by-step guidebook to the events leading up to the end times when God will return to judge all men. And he investigates the alternative interpretation that that Revelation is a call to arms, proclaiming the revolutionary message that we can create heaven on earth.The Bible: A History
Series 1 | Episode 7 | Revelation: The Last Judgement
Sunday, 7 March 2010
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Britannia Radio