Thursday, 25 March 2010 12:25 'The decision to sell the gold – taken by Mr Brown when he was Chancellor – is regarded as one of the Treasury's worst financial mistakes and has cost taxpayers almost £7 billion. Mr Brown and the Treasury have repeatedly refused to disclose information about the gold sale amid allegations that warnings were ignored. Following a series of freedom of information requests from The Daily Telegraph over the past four years, the Information Commissioner has ordered the Treasury to release some details. The Treasury must publish the information demanded within 35 calendar days – by the end of April. The sale is expected to be become a major election issue, casting light on Mr Brown's decisions while at the Treasury.' Read more: Explain Why You Sold Britain's Gold, Gordon Brown Told Thursday, 25 March 2010 10:40 'Female homicide bombers are being fitted with exploding breast implants which are almost impossible to detect, British spies have reportedly discovered. The shocking new Al Qaeda tactic involves radical doctors inserting the explosives in women's breasts during plastic surgery — making them "virtually impossible to detect by the usual airport scanning machines." It is believed the doctors have been trained at some of Britain's leading teaching hospitals before returning to their own countries to perform the surgical procedures. MI5 has also discovered that extremists are inserting the explosives into the buttocks of some male bombers.' Read more: Terrorists Could Use Explosives in Breast Implants to Crash Planes, Experts Warn Thursday, 25 March 2010 10:30 'Call it the global warming crackup, an unfolding proc ess of contradictory claims about glaciers, weather, and scientists asserting a consensus when none exists. Global warming alarmists can't make up their minds because the entire basis for their energy rationing project has collapsed into a mess of errors, exaggerations, and deceit. Let me explain. The Obama administration said the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is the "gold standard" for climate science, yet now the Environmental Protection Agency administrator won't defend it. The IPCC and Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize. Now the IPCC has retracted several false claims concerning, among other things, rain forests shrinking, crops dying, and sea levels rising. We've been told weather is not to be confused with climate, except when you have heat waves or blizzards. We've been told cap-and-trade would create thousands of green jobs, yet the Congressional Budget Office, Department of Energy, National Black Chamber of Commerce, and others say it would mean a net loss of jobs.' Read more: Climategate Shows There's No Global Warming Consensus Thursday, 25 March 2010 10:07 'A journalist tried to arrest Tony Blair for 'crimes against peace' as the former prime minister arrived to give a speech at the European Parliament in Brussels. Mr Blair flinched as his accuser, left-wing writer David Cronin, wearing a press pass and carrying a notepad, put a hand on his wrist and told him: 'This is a citizen's arrest.' The former leader is then said to have given would-be detainer a 'bewildered and contemptuous' stare before bodyguards pounced. As Mr Cronin was pushed away on Monday, he shouted 'Mr Blair, you are guilty of war crimes' referring to the Iraq invasion.' Thursday, 25 March 2010 10:01 'The Education system in Iraq, prior to 1991, was one of the best in the region; with over 100% Gross Enrolment Rate for primary schooling and high levels of literacy, both of men and women. The Higher Education, especially the scientific and technological institutions, were of an international standard, staffed by high quality personnel". (UNESCO Fact Sheet, March 28, 2003). As a result of U.S. ongoing Occupation of Iraq, today Iraq is more illiterate than it was five or twenty-five years ago, because the U.S. Administration and U.S. forces occupying Iraq began to root and destroy every aspect of Iraq’s education.' Read more: Destroying Educational Institutions or Using them for Military Purposes is a War Crime Thursday, 25 March 2010 09:58 Video speaks for itself... stomping someone already detained and then kicking and kneeing someone who voluntarily went to the ground Thursday, 25 March 2010 09:26 'Even though this idea is obviously cost-effective with just a few moments’ consideration of the facts, even though the idea of creating money and credit for the public good rather than for bank profit has a rich history of support from many of America’s brightest minds, and even though this is the “secret” to the state with the lowest unemployment in the nation along with a record budget surplus (it’s North Dakota, one of only two solvent states today), the idea of a state-owned bank creating its own credit is a new idea for many Americans. Florida candidate for Governor, economist Farid Khavari, explains that a state-owned bank should replace for-profit banks to provide substantial public benefits while profiting the state. Two percent mortgages would reduce interest payments by 85%, saving $88,000 per every $100,000 borrowed. The bank would pay 5% interest on deposits, charge 6% interest on credit cards, and 3-4% on commercial and vehicle loans.'
Thursday, 25 March 2010
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Britannia Radio