Thursday, 11 March 2010

Fears Over Global Warming In Rapid Decline Following Climate Scandals
The latest survey from Gallup indicates that Americans’ fears over anthropological global warming are in rapid decline and that more and more people feel that climate change is being over exaggerated.

 Herod orders top UN scientists to investigate mysterious infant slaughter in Judaea
 Stock Up on Incandescent Light Bulbs: In Fact, Buy a Lifetime Supply of Them
 Your Support Needed To Keep Propaganda Matrix Online

Pacific North American regional integration and control
U.S.-Canadian state and provincial integration is being achieved in areas of transportation, the economy, energy and the environment.

Home Sec says 17m ID cards in circulation by 2017
The government expects to have issued 17 million ID cards by 2017, Home Secretary Alan Johnson told the Commons yesterday.

Use Cash And Enjoy Privacy? You’re A Terrorist
A new government commercial currently running on one of Britain’s most popular radio stations is selling one thing – fear – by encouraging Londoners to report their neighbors as terrorists if they use cash, enjoy their privacy, or even close their curtains.

Strike Paralyzes Greece; Protests Turn Violent
Greek public and private sector workers went on strike on Thursday, grounding flights, shutting schools and halting public transport in the second nationwide walkout in two weeks in protest against austerity plans.

US budget deficit hits record high in February
The US government registered a record budget deficit in February, the 17th consecutive month of running in the red, the Treasury said Wednesday.