Friday, 19 March 2010

The First Post 

The First Post

US v Israel: never fear, it's business as usual

Alexander Cockburn: Fear of the Israel lobby means Obama and Clinton's hands are tied

Doctor Who: Matt Smith and Karen Gillan step out

Fans get their first glimpse of the new Doctor Matt Smith and assistant Karen Gillan

Gay conman is dream role for Jim Carrey

Film of the Week: 'I Love You Phillip Morris' sees the funnyman give one of his strongest performances

Dutch fury at US general's gay theory over Srebrenica

Gen Sheehan claims presence of soldiers in Dutch Army 'partly to blame' for massacre

Lawyers try to ban sale of Tiger Woods love doll

'Just add air' Tiger doll and super-size condoms 'should be removed and destroyed'

Lebedev moves closer to buying the Independent

The Russian billionaire has been cleared by the OFT to buy the struggling paper - but why does he want it?

New Earth-like planet may be key in search for life

Corot-9b, 1,500 light years away, is bound to become the 'Rosetta stone' in search for alien life