The Environment Agency - which, from its support of windfarms should actually be known as the Environment-wrecking agency - has a new fantasy. It has spent shedloads of our money producing a survey that claims our energy needs could be met by building 26,000 water turbines on rivers round the country. Most taxpayers when faced with such codswallop would want to know how much damage that building schemes on this scale would do to the environment, how much it would all cost, how much such lunacy would put on the price of electricity bills and how practical it was in meeting the country's energy needs. But the intrepid boys and girls on the Today programme - greenie fanatics all - had only one concern when they covered the report his morning: whether the turbines can be built without I kid you not. Meanwhile, real journalists, like Christopher Booker, are dealing with the real issues that are raised by this disastrous focus on green energy schemes; Britain is facing major power blackouts unless we abandon such idiocy.
>> MONDAY, MARCH 08, 2010
Monday, 8 March 2010
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Britannia Radio