Saturday, 13 March 2010

By Vlad Grinkevich

The current global financial and economic crisis once again confirms the fact that during economic upheavals the rich get richer and the poor become even more destitute. - As of late 2009, the number of billionaires soared from 793 to 1,011 and their total fortunes from $2.4 trillion to $3.6 trillion. Continue

By Danny Schechter

Here's a story I was told about a middle class woman on Long Island, who happens to be Haitian. I am sure its not the worst case--and certainly not the best outcome. Read it and weep-but as you do remember this bell may toll for more of us. Continue

Welcome to America, Sucker

By Andy Kroll

Every great American boom and bust makes and breaks its share of crooks. The past decade -- call it the Ponzi Era -- has been no different, except for the gargantuan scale of white-collar crime. A vast wave of financial fraud swelled in the first years of the new century. Continue

How champions of Neoliberal economics are reversing New Deal economics

By Ismael Hossein-zadeh

The New Deal and Social-Democratic reforms that evolved out of the Great Depression and World War II were not courtesy of “benevolent” capitalism, voluntarily bestowed upon the poor and working people.Continue

Government finds 21.1 percent unemployment rate for young veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan wars:That's well above the 16.6 percent jobless rate for non-veterans of the same ages, 18 to 24.

The Most Powerful Corporate Business Club Most Americans Have Never Heard of: The Business Roundtable, an organization representing Fortune 500 CEOs, is at the heart of the Economic Elite's power center.

Report Details How Lehman Hid Its Woes: It is the Wall Street equivalent of a coroner’s report — a 2,200-page document that lays out, in new and startling detail, how Lehman Brothers used accounting sleight of hand to conceal the bad investments that led to its undoing.

Mortgage Principal Writedown Won't Save Housing: And so it begins. Big gun lawmakers are making the move toward principal writedowns as the last resort to save the housing market.

New round of foreclosures threatens housing market: The housing market is facing swelling ranks of homeowners who are seriously delinquent but have yet to lose their homes, and this is threatening a new wave of foreclosures that could hit just as the real estate market has begun to stabilize.

Officials: 2.5 million Floridians on food stamps: More than 2.5 million Floridians are on food stamps, up from three years ago where 1.2 million residents received assistance