FREEMAN CENTER BROADCAST- March 12, 2010 For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest." Isaiah 62. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() FREEMAN CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES P.O. Box 35661 * Houston, Texas 77235-5661 Phone or Fax: 713-723-6016 * E-mail: OUR WEB SITE (URL): THE MACCABEAN ONLINE: URL: Freeman Center Blog ============= ==================== They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth. - Plato "The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see." -- Ayn Rand ########## Ignorance Is Weakness - Know The Truth Self-Inflicted Ignorance Is Suicide The Freeman Center Is A Defense Against Ignorance =============== To Make a tax deductible contribution to the Freeman Center's important educational work, mail check to address above or go to our website to pay by credit card or paypal. We need your help to continue our Zionist work. ========= THERE IS NO MAGIC CURE FOR CONFLICT ISRAELIS MUST BE PREPARED FOR A CONTINUOUS BATTLE FOR SURVIVAL WE CAN NOT RESIGN FROM THIS STRUGGLE WE CAN NOT DEPEND ON ANY OTHER NATION THIS IS OUR BATTLE - AND WE MUST FIGHT IT ALONE WE WILL WIN BECAUSE OF OUR MIGHT AND RIGHTEOUSNESS AND THE ALMIGHTY WILL BE BY OUR SIDE ))))))))))(((((((((( SHAME OF ANTI-ISRAEL PROPAGANDA by David Basch 3.12.10 "In this atmosphere, one must get angry at misleading news lines in what are generally fair-minded Wall Street Journal news accounts of clashes in Israel...." "Another example ... is the article in WSJ by Michael Steinhardt, who ... gave his high minded thoughts on how to deal with the problem of "Arab refugees...." Caroline Glick in her Jerusalem Post article this week rightly deplores the propaganda campaign against Israel that turns savage aggressors into freedom fighters and the victim, Israel, into the degraded malefactor. As a recent example, she mentions how the Arabs vehemently protested against the announcement of the approval of Jerusalem administrators for 1600 apartments in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood, a project on land owned by Jews. But I note the article in the Wall Street Journal this morning (3.12.10) that demonstrates that even this was turned into a victory of sorts as Netanyahu pledged not to allow such "incidents" to recur. The picture that again and again emerges from such incidents is that of "righteous Arab resistance against Jewish oppressors." What is more, as Glick goes on to observe, the Arab side gets plenty of support in its efforts from the supposed just and enlightened Leftists, Europeans, and Americans. I would observe that these are the very sons of the abetters and killers of 6 million European Jews 60 years ago, trying no doubt for a rerun of history. In this atmosphere, one must get angry at misleading news lines in the generally fair-minded Wall Street Journal accounts of clashes in Israel. Thus, this morning, a WSJ article reporting on the proposed 1600 apartments in Jerusalem notes that it is on "land claimed by the Palestinians," as though that claim is supposed to carry some weight. If it does so, it only does so because it leaves off mention of the counter facts: that the land in question is more strongly and rightfully claimed by the Palestinian Jews to whom it truly belongs. The Palestinian Jews are the residents of the lands of the Mandate of Palestine (which residence within the Mandate lands is the only valid meaning of the term "Palestinian"). Moreover, the Jewish Palestinians differ from the Arab Palestinians in that it was on behalf of the historic claims of the Jews that these lands were set aside for a Jewish homeland by the Mandate of Palestine. Had these omitted facts been included in the WSJ news account, this would have revealed that in this incident we have another illustration of a naked attempt by the Arabs to further impose a new nationality upon lands that belong to the Jewish nation of Israel. That the WSJ reporters are Jews who are either ignorant or dismissive of these facts is indicative of how successful is Arab propaganda and how lacking is Jewish defence of the justice of the Jewish side. While Glick rightly points out how egregious are the salacious and slanderous assaults on Israel that reverse the truth of Arab savagery against Israel, she omits to bell the cat of the delinquency of Israeli governments that, over decades, have been supporters of the Arab propaganda, which they have swallowed hook, line, and sinker. No doubt, those Leftists thought at the height of Israeli power that the Arabs pose no conceivable threat. But the real fact is that these supposedly "no threat" Arabs are not a weak minority but the vanguard of a 100 million strong Arab world that is determined to reverse the existence of Israel as a demonstration of a triumphant Islam. Another example of Israel's degraded situation is the article in WSJ by Michael Steinhardt, who is identified as a "co-founder of the "Birthright Israel program." He gave his high minded thoughts on how to deal with the problem of "Arab refugees." Among his amazing suggestions is for Israel to issue a broad-based apology, taking its share of responsibility for these people's displacement and hardship. And it would back up that apology by offering direct compensation to individuals for homes and lands that have been lost. This suggestion alone indicates the "bubble" within which Steinhardt lives since he appears totally ignorant of the fact that the reason there were such refugees resulted from the Arabs' own illegal aggression against the emergence of Israel and that, ever since, the "hardship" of this massive population was exacerbated by the deliberate cultivation of their numbers by the Arab world for no other reason than to replace the Jews of Israel. Another suggestion by Steinhardt is for a massive aid program to bring these Arab "refugees" into the Jewish territories that are to be given to the Arabs in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem, and Gaza -- lands that can not conceivably accommodate them since they would devour the limited water resources of the region. Were his recommendations carried out, it would further along the Arab step by step plan to destroy Israel. For the Arab side would be altogether strengthened in the capacity to wipe out Israel, which is their clear goal, evident to every unbiased observer but totally invisible to Leftist Jews. Steinhardt, a modern Pangloss, expects that the Arabs, who would then be in the position of squashing a beleagurered Israel like a bug, would accept a non Muslim state Israel within the Middle East that the Arabs regard as an abomination to Islam. Steinhardt notes that it is the "Right" that has a dismal view of the potential of the Arabs for peace and that it is the "Left" that is more hopeful, albeit "depending on the right Israeli concessions." Being situated on the heights of the clouds at Mount Olympus, Steinhardt, the visionary peacemaker, argues that a test should be made "of which side is right." In effect, his way is for Israel to put its head into the Arab jackal's mouth with all of those concessions that strengthen the Arab side so as to learn if the Arabs really mean peace. Nuts to him! Steinhardt evidently cannot read the message in the many decades of signs given by an Arab side that teaches its children to be suicide bombers and will not even meet face to face with Israeli peace negotiators as they brazenly call on Israel to demonstrate its trustworthiness. He shows his incompetence, or worse, since he may very well be one of the parade of clandestine agents of the CIA, NSA, or other agencies at work to create the false atmosphere that encourages Israeli appeasements and surrender. Glick concludes her article by urging that the Left be held accountable for abetting the reversal of reality and morality that has been denigrating Israel. But this holding accountable will not be done by the 77% of Obama supporting American Jews or by the pro-savage media or leaders of European nations, but only by an Israeli that gets serious about broadcasting the truth of the implacable Arab menace. In the end, Israel will need to decisively confront this enemy if Israel is to preserve its pride, its support among friends, and its very existence. Only Israel can fight its way out of the trap that decades of its Leftist governments have constructed around itself that, step by step, has leading to Israel's weakening on the way to disappearance. |
Friday, 12 March 2010
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Britannia Radio