FREEMAN CENTER BROADCAST- March 17, 2010 For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest." Isaiah 62. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FREEMAN CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES P.O. Box 35661 * Houston, Texas 77235-5661 Phone or Fax: 713-723-6016 * E-mail: OUR WEB SITE (URL): THE MACCABEAN ONLINE: URL: Freeman Center Blog ============= ==================== They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth. - Plato "The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see." -- Ayn Rand ########## Ignorance Is Weakness - Know The Truth Self-Inflicted Ignorance Is Suicide The Freeman Center Is A Defense Against Ignorance =============== To Make a tax deductible contribution to the Freeman Center's important educational work, mail check to address above or go to our website to pay by credit card or paypal. We need your help to continue our Zionist work. ========= THERE IS NO MAGIC CURE FOR CONFLICT ISRAELIS MUST BE PREPARED FOR A CONTINUOUS BATTLE FOR SURVIVAL WE CAN NOT RESIGN FROM THIS STRUGGLE WE CAN NOT DEPEND ON ANY OTHER NATION THIS IS OUR BATTLE - AND WE MUST FIGHT IT ALONE WE WILL WIN BECAUSE OF OUR MIGHT AND RIGHTEOUSNESS AND THE ALMIGHTY WILL BE BY OUR SIDE Grovel, Jew...Grovel! by Gerald A. Honigman Lower, Jew...lower! |
If anyone thinks that the current fight between Israel's Netanyahu and the various Obama Administration mouthpieces is about apartments, please watch out for bridge salesmen...
Let's get something straight...
Honesty is the best policy--although you wouldn't know this where most politicians are involved...including the guy now in the White House. I mean no disrespect here, but the truth is the truth is the truth.
The apartments Israel has planned in Jerusalem, a place where Jews have had a continuous presence--despite outsiders' attempts to prevent this--since the days of King David over three thousand years ago, are not the issue here...not at all.
G_d bless Prime Minister Netanyahu and his Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman.
Despite their flaws--I mean, how could anyone stand up to the messiah and Hillary ( the Hadassah ladies' princess)--their current actions and timing are precisely what is needed right now, contrary to those (ghetto-minded, Jews included) who claim otherwise.
Again, it's called honesty...
Well before President Obama was elected, he repeatedly stated that Israel would be crazy if it did not accept the alleged Saudi Peace (of the grave) Plan which calls for, among other things, a complete return to the '49 U.N.-imposed armistice lines (not borders) which made Israel a mere 9-15 miles wide in its strategic waist--where most of its population, industry, major airport, the Knesset, and so forth are located.Those lines were simply where Arab invading armies were stopped by the Jews in the '48 fighting. The United Nations did nothing to stop that aggression (shocking not). It acted only after the Jews turned the tide, to save Arabs' derrieres, and to prevent Israel from extending its control further into non-apportioned--not "purely Arab"--territory within the boundaries of the original 1920 Mandate of Palestine. Recall that Jordan now sits on almost 80% of that land, given it as a gift in 1922.
As some of us have repeatedly written (including recently in my Hey Joe, What D'Ya Know...?, after yet another Arab attempt to exterminate both Jews and their sole, miniscule nation in 1967, Israel was promised, by the final draft of now famous UNSC Resolution 242, that it would never have to live that extremely vulnerable way again. It was to finally get secure, defensible, and real political borders in the context of any withdrawal from some --not all--of the territories. While some say 242 is ambiguous about this, this is not so. The comments of all of the architects of 242 (Lord Caradon, Under Secretary of State Rostow, etc.)are available for all to read. See the documentation in my Hey Joe, Resolution To Kill The Resolution, and elsewhere as well.
When nations are repeatedly attacked by hostile neighbors, there is frequently a price to be paid in the aftermath by the aggressors.
America itself has acquired and/or come to control many such territories far and wide over the years for far less reasons than Israel has. When you dig in Samoan (or Texan, for that matter), soil, you don't discover age-old American history. The lands in question and in dispute in Jerusalem and in Judea have been a living part of Jewish history for millennia.
By the way, Judea was not also called the "West Bank" until the early 20th century as a result of British imperialism and the break-up of the Ottoman Turkish Empire (which controlled much of the entire region for some five centuries before World War I.
Isn't it nauseatingly funny that those who oppose Western imperialism for all other reasons openly endorse it here?
The Obama team insists that Israel renounce this history, prostrate itself to all that Arabs demand, etc. and so forth...That's what the current dispute between Bibi and the Gang of Three is really all about.
Netanyahu simply has the backbone to tell the messiah that his tiny nation will not ignore what previous American Presidents and Secretaries of State promised it--including America's last leader, George W. Bush (whom most Jews don't like)...
Israel will not be expected to sacrifice itself on the petroleum-greased altar of international hypocrisy so that the Arabs' 22nd state--and second, not first, one in "Palestine" can be born.
Arabs have been constantly sent a clear message by the messiah himself that in "negotiations," all that they will be expected to do is take while Jews will be squeezed to do all of the giving.
Would a three thousand mile-wide America with two vast oceans separating it from most of its enemies accept such a "peace" forced upon it by others?
If not, then why place the Jew of the Nations into a pressure cooker because it says it deserves the buffer in its very backyard that it was promised in places like Judea and Samaria (aka "the West Bank"), the Golan Heights, and so forth?
The fight the messiah and his attack squad have orchestrated over the Jerusalem apartments is indeed of their own, deliberate making--not Netanyahu's.
Bibi, to his credit, has chosen to deal with the real issue here--Israel's getting the fair territorial compromise it was promised and deserves--head on at a time when the Obama team expects that Israel will simply be intimidated to accept its hostile, unbalanced demands...Yes massa, Obama...
I hope all who are watching this shameful story unfold will remember this come November 2012 and in earlier midterm elections as well--especially those Hebrews who pumped gadzillions of dollars and votes repeatedly into Obama and both Clintons' campaigns. Hopefully some will finally remove their heads from the sand.
Arabs have far more to offer such folks once they're out of office than Jews do.
Just ask former Presidents like Clinton, Carter, the Bush family, Secretary of State James Baker III, etc. and so forth. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice already had an oil tanker, shipping Arab black gold, named after years ago. Arab petro-despots and their buddies have good memories about such things.
My new book, The Quest For Justice In The Middle East--The Arab-Israeli Conflict In Greater Perspective, exposes all of this and much, much more in far greater detail...