Friday, March 05, 2010
China Says it Aims to Restart N. Korea Nuke Talks
So what? The Stalinist/Kimist regime in North Korea will never give up its nuclear weapons.Western Wooing of Syria Fails
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Is China's Real Estate Bubble Ready to Burst?
Prices are soaring, thanks to crony capitalism and Communist corruption.Dateline USA: Two Pentagon Police Officers Shot
An inconvenient question: what if five or six gunmen had shown up, armed with shotguns and automatic weapons? Who would have stopped them? At what cost?China Increasing Investments in US
Both political parties have essentially sold out the American people--ordinary workers and citizens--in the name of free trade and globalization. Actually, only handfuls of Americans--the political and economic elites--benefitted from the hollowing out and outsourcing of their nation's economy, especially, its manufacturing sector.
Free trade with first world democracies made a lot of sense; free trade with developing despotisms, no sense.Islam in Action: Child Rape and Terrorism
Impoverished Yemen is no different than oil-rich Saudi Arabia when it comes to abusing women, raping children, and promoting and exporting terrorism. Clickhere for a watered-down but still powerful piece on the horrific child bride phenomenon and one incredibly courageous girl's amazing odyssey.
What the columnist fails to notice is that the Islamist-appeasing Obama administration has actually emboldened the barbarians by making an odious outreach to "the Muslim world"--an inherently Islamist idea--the foundation of his failed foreign policy.
Whatever Happened to the Arab World?
Time was, an American president would address the Arab world--Arabic speaking nations united by language and culture--which includes secular Muslims, Christians and other minorities. No longer. The present President has basically endorsed the menacing notion that the world's Muslims are united by "the Holy Koran" and barbaric Islamic law to a degree that transcends all other legal systems and national and ethnic differences.
Instead of opposing the very idea of a Muslim supranational entity, Barack Obama has given it enormous credence, elevating the Ummah to the level of a superpower. Instead of trying to slow down or stop the Islamizing trend that has made non-Arab, Islamist-ruled Iran--a former friend of Israel and former U.S. ally under the Shah--the fountainhead of fascistic political Islam, Obama has spurred on the Islamist onslaught with his nauseating apologies to adversaries, disgraceful bow to the king of Saudi Arabia, a country with no human or civil rights, and unceasing pressure on Jerusalem to withdraw to indefensible borders and agree to the creation of yet another neighboring Islamist terror state.Regarding Deterrence
It is commonly believed in certain circles that Israel has both the weapons and the political will to automatically obliterate--accent on automatically--its enemies should an atomic device of any kind be detonated on Israeli soil.
That is one hell of a deterrent.
What, exactly, is America's deterrent against an anonymous atomic attack on an American city?
Concerned citizens should demand an answer.Indonesian Islamist Terrorists Targeting Oil Tankers
China, Turkey, Brazil Backing Iran
The Obama administration's engagement (appeasement) policy utterly failed. Iran can't be appeased. There is no diplomatic solution to the problem of Islamist (Islamonazi) Iran. Even if a third round of U.N. sanctions are somehow imposed on Iran, they won't stop the turbaned tyranny's atomic advance.Major Gains for Geert Wilders
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Appeasement of Iran Backfires as Axis of Evil Brings Oil-Rich Middle East Closer to Catastrophic Conflict
Friday, 5 March 2010
China says it wants to restart six-nation, North Korean nuclear negotiations before July, as reported here.
A $45 million duplex in Shanghai is only one example of China's gravity-defying real estate boom, as reported here.
A gunman cooly opened fire at the subway entrance to the Pentagon. He was critically wounded after shooting two police officers. Click here for the breaking news story.
The United States is fast becoming a Third World country. Its assets are being gobbled up at bargain-basement prices by China, as reported here.
Beyond piracy ... Indonesian Islamists are targeting oil tankers passing through the Malacca Strait for terror strikes. Click here for the story.
China won't back new sanctions on Iran. Brazil and Turkey--a former U.S. ally and ex-friend of Israel now in the grip of a crypto-Islamist government--are also lining up with Tehran. Read all about it here.
A great friend of the United States, Israel, the Jewish people and democracy lovers the world over has scored an important victory, as reported here. Wilders is the bravest politician in Europe.
Syria is solidly aligned with Iran and its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah. War seems inevitable, thanks to U.S. and European appeasement of the nuclear-arming, Islamonazi regime, which has repeatedly vowed to destroy Israel. Click here for an exclusive report.
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Britannia Radio