Friday, March 12, 2010
china confidential
Al Qaeda-Linked American Arrested in Yemen Worked in New Jersey Nuclear Power Plants
Liberals Bash Israel, Ignore Saudi Lobby
Friday, 12 March 2010
As reported here, the 26-year-old New Jersey man--a radicalized American Muslim named Sharif Mobley--worked in nuclear power plants before moving to the Middle East. Nuclear power plants.
Even as you read this, Islamist supporters, sympathizers and dupes are surely mobilizing to make certain the detainee's rights are protected.
The Islamist fifth column won't be satisfied until a nuclear terrorist attack takes place on American soil.
At which point, the fifth column and its flunkies in the liberal mainstream media--the fawning Chris Matthews of MSNBC comes to mind--will naturally find ways to blame America ... and Israel.
"While pundits like to speak about the power of the Israeli lobby in Washington, they completely ignore the well-established Saudi lobby," says Dore Gold, a former Israeli UN ambassador and a veteran scholar of the Saudi ruling family. The lobby, Gold notes, finances "former American diplomats and military officers, and uses the most expensive public-relation companies that money can buy to penetrate the American media."
Only a well-oiled PR machine can explain how the Saudis manage to harness such dear liberal values as oppression of women: Even though women there aren't even permitted to vote or drive, the Saudis managed for years to get good grades from the UN Development Program, which marks "improvement" in women's status as progress.
But selling the "improvement" line -- to the United Nations or to gullible New York Times columnists -- isn't enough. They have to add insult to injury by telling the Times' Maureen Dowd that women suffer worse in Israel, thanks to "religious militants."
What? Discrimination against women is part of the Saudi state religion.
And while Saudi watchers tell me that King Abdullah is indeed taking "baby steps" to liberalize the country's society, they're extremely controversial -- obliging the king to harden his anti-Israel rhetoric and boost relations with the region's most extreme regimes, such as Syria's.
In the last decade, Riyadh sold Western peace processors its "Saudi Plan." It wasn't much of a plan, and it surely wasn't as detailed as other blueprints for peace between Arabs and Israelis. Yet Saudi lobbying was good enough to enshrine it in State Department and UN Security Council documents.
Meanwhile, the Saudi PR machine pushes accusations about Israeli apartheid, Jewish desecration of holy Muslim sites and Israeli violations of human rights. All of them are rooted in the same premise: Jewish sovereignty anywhere in the Middle East is illegitimate.
Posted by Britannia Radio at 18:08