Friday, March 26, 2010
china confidential
America's First Third World President
The North is preparing a series of extremely provocative acts, including new nuclear and missile tests and a possible assault on South Korean targets--troops or ships at sea.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Understand, as Barack Obama likes to say, that he is America's first Third World President. This explains his antipathy toward Israel, which he clearly regards as an outpost of Western colonialism; appeasement (engagement) of Islamist Iran and Islamism in general; downgrading of the war on terror in order to avoid antagonizing the so-called Muslim world--to which he has bowed and apologized--and outreach to such despots as Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez and Cuba's Castro brothers.
If Obama is a socialist, as many conservatives suspect, he is a Third World-style socialist, someone who is focused on nationalizing the economy, distributing wealth, creating, vast, controlling bureaucracies, and limiting freedom--in contrast with traditional, Western European democratic socialists, for whom socialism was synonymous with a quest for freedom and genuine humanism.
As a rising political star, Obama came under the influence of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, an advocate of black liberation theology, which blends black nationalism and religious traditions, Marxism, socialism, and Third Worldism with Christian liberation theology--and hatred of the U.S. political and economic system, which is viewed as being inherently imperialist, racist, and oppressive. As President, Obama is seemingly sympathetic to a melding of Marxist/socialist and Islamist ideals, while seeking a diminishing of U.S. military power around the world--viewing it as a root cause of anti-Americanism and terrorism--and a distancing of the United States from Israel in the context of a realignment of Washington with the Third World. U.S. support for Israel is perhaps the primary root cause of anti-Americanism in the Middle East and throughout "the Muslim world," according to Obama and his most senior foreign policy advisors.
The whole concept of the West--the fact that Israel's current prime minister is the author of a book titled Terrorism: How the West Can Win--offends Obama, whose thinking on the subject was influenced by the late, controversial Columbia University professor, proponent of postcolonial theory, and PLO/terrorism apologist, Edward Said, with whom Obama dined on at least one occasion. (See picture below.) No snubbing of Said! On the contrary; he may have been another Obama mentor.
Also offensive to Obama: any emphasis on America's Judeo-Christian heritage. Hence, his Big Lie about Islam shaping the country since its inception and wildly inaccurate estimates of the U.S. Muslim population, which he has inflated for political purposes.
Obama is the first US president who was raised without cultural or emotional or intellectual ties to either Britain or Europe. The British and the Europeans have been so enchanted with 'America's first black president' that they haven't been able to see what he really is: America's first Third World president.
If you doubt it, remember the kick in the teeth he gave Britain over the Falklands just a few weeks ago. Obama had his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, fly to Buenos Aires to give American support to President Kirchner's call for international negotiations over the Falklands. Amazing. What was more amazing is that all we've heard out of Number 10 and the Foreign Office since then is that it doesn't mean anything.
Oh, yes it does, and Washington insiders know it does.
I've just been in touch with Dr James Lucier, a former US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Staff Director, about all this. He tells me: 'Culturally, Obama detests Great Britain. He sent the bust of Churchill back without a fig leaf of an excuse. He insulted the Queen and the Prime Minister, giving them ridiculous gifts.' At one point, 'he refused to meet the prime minister.'
Here is what is happening, though the British Government seems oblivious of it. The Obama administration is ready to dump the Old World in pursuit of the One World.
Britain is being dumped. The special relationship, whatever is left of it, is over. Britain losing control of the Falklands to Argentina would just be collateral damage.
But France is being dumped, too. Obama's ostentatious refusal to have dinner with President Sarkozy during his visit to France last year was no accident. Rather than meet the French president, Obama went off to a restaurant with his wife Michelle.
Germany is being dumped. Obama has been little more than dismissive of Chancellor Merkel. Russia in turn will be waved aside.
Most spectacularly of all, the European Union has now been comprehensively dumped. The American president has refused to attend what is supposed to be a US-EU Madrid summit in May.
What we have shaping up, but what the British Government doesn't yet grasp, is that Obama has a conscious policy of down-grading America's relationship with, first, Britain and then with the rest of Europe.
He believes that the US -- yes, his own country -- and Britain, and the leading European countries, too, for that matter, are imperial powers who ruthlessly exploited the Third World for their own profit.
And Obama is America's first Third World president.
Forget Obama's Chicago black cadence. It is a fake. He copied from the kind of black preachers that were unknown to him until he was a grown man and inventing his political image.
What the Obama administration has near-wiped from the president's personal history is that his only childhood links with America were as a schoolboy in a fashionable private school in Asia-dominated Hawaii, where he was raised by his white, bank executive grandmother.
Chicago is not Obama's homeland. It never was his formative influence. The president's world view is more aligned with that of Indonesia.
UPDATE: North Korean link played down. Click here for the story. China Confidential analysts in Asia still believe the North was responsible. The Obama administration may be pressuring South Korea to suppress the truth in order to avoid escalating tensions with the North--and China.
Today's developments follow a threat by North Korea, made earlier this month, to "blow up" the United States. Reporting on that, China Confidential said:
Feeling protected by China's nuclear missile shield, perceiving the U.S. as a paper tiger, nuclear-armed North Korea is an extremely dangerous and unpredictable adversary. It is capable of any and all provocations and aggressive acts, ranging, respectively, from new nuclear and missile tests to actual assaults on U.S. and South Korean forces.
The deranged North Korean leadership is even capable of attempting a deniable nuclear strike against the U.S. homeland, using seemingly civilian cargo ships flying flags of convenience to launch nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles at U.S. coastal cities.
North Korea and Iran have developed and tested concealed, containerized, cargo vessel missile launching systems.
Why is China still supporting North Korea? Why are the two countries still as close as "lips and teeth?" Click here for answers.
China Confidential is the only media outlet that correctly predicted both North Korean nuclear tests, including predicting the exact test dates. Using open source intelligence and an international network of volunteer stringers and analysts, China Confidential has consistently out-reported the mainstream media on the twin threats to world peace--nuclear-armed North Korea and nuclear-arming Iran.
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Britannia Radio