Monday, 29 March 2010


We must keep up the fight to stop government run health care.

The Obama/Reid government run health care law uses our tax dollars to pay for abortions, will cause health care premiums to rise by as much as 13% according to the Congressional Budget Office, limit employers' ability to create new jobs, and provides the IRS $10 billion for 16,000 new IRS agents!

That's right. Harry Reid who thinks our economy is experiencing "robust growth" and thinks it's "really good" when "only 36,000 people" lose their jobs in America has just helped create a larger more intrusive IRS!

It's past time for the Democrats to lose their majority and for Harry Reid to lose his job! Follow this link to kick Harry Reid out of office.

On March 31st our campaign to kick Harry Reid out of office faces a critical deadline. The Federal Election Committee's (FEC) first quarter fundraising deadline is this Wednesday and I need your help to show that we have the resources to take on Harry Reid's $25 million dollar war chest and his Washington interest groups.

If elected to office, a top priority will be to repeal Harry Reid's taxpayer funding of abortion and his government take over of health care.

Please join our campaign to end Harry Reid's reign by making
an immediate contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more.

Make no mistake; Reid and Obama's big government health care bureaucracy is going to use our tax dollars for abortions. The charade of President Obama signing an executive order behind closed doors will not stop the largest expansion of abortion in America in decades.
If elected to the U.S. Senate, I will help lead the fight against using our tax dollars to pay for abortions.

Harry Reid's health care bill is already making it more difficult for employers to create new jobs. An American manufacturer has already announced that big government health care is going to cost them an additional $100 million in the first year.

The Democrats in Congress ignored the American people when we said we don't want their big government health care and they are ignoring us when we say that creating jobs and getting our economy going again should be the top priority.

As a state Senator and businesswoman, I have balanced budgets, made the tough decisions, and helped create thousands of jobs. Out-of-touch, Harry Reid has never worked in the private sector and he's never created a private sector job.

Our campaign to kick Harry Reid out of office is making strong gains. If the election were held today, I would defeat Harry Reid by 13 points, 52% to 39%! But Election Day is months away and there is still plenty of time for Reid and his Washington allies to make good on their promise to "vaporize" me.

Fight back against Harry Reid and his Washington special interests with an immediate contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more now.

With the critical FEC fundraising deadline on March 31st, we need your support urgently to show we have the resources to stand against his money machine. Harry Reid has spent his career doing favors for the Washington lobbyists, and now that he needs them to repay those favors, they are filling his campaign account with mountains of money.

Obama has already made two trips to Nevada to try and rescue the career of the man most responsible for forcing government run health care on us and he needs Harry Reid to continue implementing his far-left agenda.

I know that together we will stand and fight against their continuing efforts for a larger more intrusive government.

Thank you for your patriotism and continued support of the cause of freedom.


Sue Lowden

P.S. Harry Reid's campaign team, the media, and the National Democrat Party will go through our 1st Quarter FEC report with a fine-toothed comb, looking for any signs of weakness they can use against us. This report is due on Wednesday, so I'm asking you for immediate action.
Can I count on you to rush one urgent gift of $50, $100, $250 to my campaign? I would not ask if this report wasn't so critically important to defeating Harry Reid this November. Please let me hear from you soon! Thanks again for everything. -- Sue

Sue Lowden for US Senate