U.S.-born al-Qaida spokesman caught. Gadahn, 31, reportedly held in Pakistan; $1 million reward on his head
American-Born Islamic Centcom (arabic translation-Al Qaeda) Spokesman Adam Gadahn Arrested in Pakistan, AP Reports Don't count your halal chickens: Over at Jihadwatch: There are widespread reports that American al-Qaeda traitor and self-described revolting geek of mass proportions Adam Gadahn has been captured in Pakistan. However, Fox has this: "Close Associate of Usama bin Laden Arrested in Pakistan," March 7 (thanks to PRCS): Azam is believed to be Egyptian-American. Since Gadahn is known among his murderous jihadi buddies as "Azzam the American," possibly these two are being mixed up. I'll be watching for clarification. UPDATE: Breaking: Adam Gadahn (the American Jihadist) Arrested In Pakistan Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, March 07, 2010 at 03:13 PM in Global Jihad 2010 | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis How is the US hunting? By hiring Muslim Brotherhood chaplains in the police department? LOS ANGELES - The top U.S. diplomat in Pakistan said Friday that the Obama administration does not know how many Americans might have disappeared overseas to train with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, but the number is not thought to be large. Speaking to the Pacific Council on International Policy in Los Angeles, Ambassador to Pakistan Anne Patterson outlined a "nightmare scenario" in which people holding U.S. passports receive terrorist training then return legally to the U.S. to commit violent acts. "They can easily infiltrate back into the United States and, frankly, we don't know what to do about them," Patterson said. "We think there are more out there than we know about." "We just have to keep working at it," she said. Patterson said the U.S. is gathering information with Pakistan and other governments to identify and locate such people. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, March 07, 2010 at 04:42 AM | Permalink | Comments (4) ShareThis
Obama's Muslim entrepreneurs. The thing is this is happening everyday everywhere -- it's not "isolated" or "al qaeda" aka Islamic centcom -- it is exactly what it says it is. **GRAPHIC** Jihad and terrorist attacks in: *It also features at least 5 different terrorist organizations. It's not just Al Qaeda [translation HQ, central command -- centcom]. Some of the Islamic terrorist organizations featured in the above video are Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami (operatives), Al-Shabaab, Hamas, Jemaah Islamiya (operatives), AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb), and other smaller terrorist organizations with mainly local capabilities. The group names interchange, but the ideology and the "inspiration" is the same. It is Islamic ideology behind this war on the world. The fringe are the few Muslims who dare speak against Islam. Those are the radicals. WARNING: Graphic video, but good because it gives a glimpse of Islamic violence worldwide and it won't remain on youtube for long...... Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, March 07, 2010 at 02:19 AM | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis The Illinois State Police Department, in an extraordinary act of incompetence, hired an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land trial as the first Muslim chaplain for the Illinois police department. That a law enforcement agency doesn't do a cursory investigation of an imam or any Islamicreligious figure in today's day and age is practically homicidal. What is particularly galling is that the TV report has Muslim Brotherhood in America and un-indicted co-conspirator CAIR's Ahmed Rehab on, and as with all mainstream news outlets, provides no context of who CAIR actually is. They never identify hate sponsor CAIR as an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy land trial and Hamas supporter as well. These are criminals and Islamic thugs. Worse, they let CAIR spew smears and invective at counter terrorism expert Steve Emerson. CAIR has the audacity to insist that if the Muslim community deems a someone a figure of authority, the infidels are not allowed to "second guess" the ummah. Got that? "The accepted leaders of this community are are not to be second guessed" The media deserves as ass kicking on this report. How dare they be so irresponsible as to first call Emerson "self styled." Emerson produces proof, documents, court records, evidence. He is an expert. But the network runs the subversive gang CAIR's ugly invective unchallenged: "It is very important to us that the relationship between law enforcement and the Muslim community be based on mutual trust where the accepted leaders of this community do not have to be second guessed as a result of some notorious, dubious individual on the Internet," said Rehab. Talking down to us about mutual trust. What contempt they have for the kafir. It makes my skin crawl.
Pillar of Islam at State Police WLS hat tip Rut March 3, 2010 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- The Illinois State Police Department currently has 37 chaplains or volunteer clergy who provide spiritual support for troopers, other employees and their families. Most are Christian; some are Jewish; and until last December, none was Muslim. That is when a Chicago Islamic leader named Kifah Mustapha went through the training and became the department's first Muslim chaplain, its 'pillar of the state police.' Police work can be stressful and sometimes traumatic. Chaplains are there to take the edge off. "If there is any crisis, we do crisis intervention, very often we're involved in critical incident debriefing," said Father Johnpaul Cafiero,Illinois State Police chaplain. Watch an extended interview with Fr. Cafiero Last December at Illinois State Police headquarters, Sheikh Kifah Mustapha became the department's first and only Muslim chaplain. Mustapha was one of seven ministers who went through chaplain orientation training. At the end of the training that Mustapha paid for himself, he was among those who received their Illinois State Police ID cards, and bulletproof vests they are required to wear on ride-alongs and at crime scenes. "He was admitted to the post. He went through the training and the vetting and the selection process. Everything was hunky dory," said Ahmed Rehab, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). At the Mosque Foundation of Chicago, where Mustapha is the top religious leader known as an 'imam' and one of the best known Islamicleaders in America, his appointment as a state police chaplain was heralded as good news to more than 500,000 metro Chicago Muslims. "He is a man of great integrity...He's looking to truly serve his country and his community. Muslims who serve every day in the Illinois State Police deserve a chaplain of their own faith," said Rehab. But not everyone welcomed Mustapha's new position with the state police. "First I thought there was another Kifah Mustapha. I could not believe that it could have been the same Kifah Mustapha who was associated with a terrorist organization and who was listed a year just a year and a half ago and was an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorist case that the government won," said Steve Emerson, Investigative Project on Terrorism. Early this year, Steve Emerson's terrorism research project Web site began posting videos and documents critical of Mustapha and questioning his appointment as an Illinois State Police chaplain. "His appointment in Illinois is one of the most shocking developments and demonstrations of government ineptitude that I have ever seen," said Emerson. When that criticism of Mustapha trickled back to Illinois State Police, things changed. According to apolice statement, "in early January, the ISP became aware that Mr. Mustapha was potentially identified as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee. An immediate review of our background process began." "Our concern is that the Illinois State Police is kowtowing to articles online published by notorious anti-Muslims who have been in thebusiness of smearing Muslim activists leaders and Imams for the longest time," said Rehab. Emerson, an oft quoted, self-styled national security expert who has testified before Congress, posted public Justice Departmentdocuments on his Web site that cite Mustapha as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee, an organization that federal prosecutors say raises money for Hamas and is "committed to the globalization of Islam and violent jihad." Such membership resulted in Mustapha being named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the holy land foundation case, the "largest terrorism financing prosecution in American history." "The unindicted co-conspirator list-which by the way is not usually made public by the Dept. of Justice and in this case for some inexplicable reason was. It is not a conviction," said Christina Abraham, CAIR civil rights director. During the deposition in a 2001 civil terrorism suit, Mustapha admitted being the "registered agent for Holy Land Foundation in Illinois...soliciting money" for Holy Land programs until the group was frozen by U.S. Authorities. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, March 07, 2010 at 02:11 AM in CAIR: JIHAD IN AMERICA 2008, 2009, Infiltration | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis When you weren't looking .............. Last month I ran now the disturbing story of Obama's Organizing for America recruitment in the classroom. I am not sure if Atlas readers saw this before the election, but it is very disturbing and consistent with Obama's manipulation and inculcation of the young. hat tip TL At minute 2:10 you'll notice the young man tells them how win over their parents and grandparents to support Obama with lots of phone calls and if they didn't work to threaten your parents/grandparents. [2:18] that you won't help them with technology, text messaging and TIVO. The next kid suggests screaming at your parents. It is very creepy stuff. If not, you may be the only person who can convince them. If you haven’t already, it’s time for you to have “The Talk” with your parents and other family members. And tell all your friends to do the same! Barack believes we cannot improve our government without involving young Americans in the political process. He supports measures that would make it easier for young people to vote, such as Election-Day registration and no-excuse absentee balloting. Barack has been a leader in the fight to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimize the effects of climate change on our planet. He strongly supports a market-based, cap-and-trade approach that will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, March 06, 2010 at 11:58 PM | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis If Islam can deny the Armenian Genocide, what's 3,000 American infidel lives? Right? If Islam can deny the holocaust and the six million dead, they can deny the number of dead on September 11th. Sanctioning these inhumane lies will breed more inhumane lies. It's a horror. Has Obama apologized yet? TEHRAN, Iran – Iran's hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Saturday called the official version of the Sept. 11 attacks a "big lie" used by the U.S. as an excuse for the war on terror, state media reported. Ahmadinejad's comments, made during an address to Intelligence Ministry staff, come amid escalating tensions between the West and Tehran over its disputed nuclear program. They show that Iran has no intention of toning itself down even with tighter sanctions looming because of its refusal to halt uranium enrichment. "September 11 was a big lie and a pretext for the war on terror and a prelude to invading Afghanistan," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by state TV. He called the attacks a "complicated intelligence scenario and act." The Iranian president has questioned the official U.S. version of the Sept. 11 attacks before, but this is the first time he ventured to label it a "big lie." In 2007, New York officials rejected Ahmadinejad's request to visit the World Trade Center site while he was in the city for a U.N. meeting. The president also sparked an uproar when he said during a lecture in New York that the causes and conditions that led to the attacks, as well as who orchestrated them, still need to be examined. At the time, he also told Iranian state TV the attacks were "a result of mismanaging and inhumane managing of the world by the U.S," and that Washington was using Sept. 11 as an excuse to attack others. On the 2007 anniversary of the attacks, the names of 2,750 victims killed in New York were read aloud at a memorial ceremony. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, March 06, 2010 at 11:30 PM in The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis There's something happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear. Just for knowing: Major Muslim Hassan [Fort hood jihad] used an FNH 5.7x28 pistol. This is not a very well known weapon. It fires a 5.7 mm, 40 gr bullet at a very high velocity, 2034 fps, giving a muzzle kinetic energy of 367 ft-lbs. (about the same as a 9mm ). This bullet has a polymer expanding tip, and due to the expansion of the tip and the high velocity, it leads to a tumbling expansile bullet which has a very destructive course. This is not a weapon that an unknowlegeable person would even know. Someone who was a weapons expert told him what to buy. This involves more than Hassan. This is not the Islamic terrorism of just one man. The same weapon had to be used in the Seattle shooting of four police officers at the cafe. These officers had their Kevlar vests. It is inconceivable that these were all head shots. There is an armor piercing version of this bullet that is restricted from civilians. Someone supplied this version to the muslim assassin. This is more than just one man. Thanks to Atlas reader Val for the weapons lesson. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, March 06, 2010 at 11:19 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (4) ShareThis Excerpt from the NY Times, September 19, 1952:
Thanks to a skillful combination of some sensational African hunting scenes, a musical score of rich suggestion and a vivid performance by Gregory Peck, Twentieth Century-Fox and Darryl F. Zanuck have concocted a handsome and generally absorbing film in "The Snows of Kilimanjaro," which opened at the Rivoli yesterday Whether it approximates the story Ernest Hemingway wrote (and upon which it is based) is another matter, but it comes out a taut, eye-filling film. Here is the complication: Mr. Hemingway's brief and caustic tale is of a man whose rambling resentments against life and himself are never resolved. Slowly and painfully dying in a camp on the African veld, where he has been accidentally wounded while on a hunting expedition with his wife, he lashes himself, his wife and his memories for what he thinks is a wasted career as a luxury-loving writer before he turns up his toes and dies. Mr. Zanuck's picture begins in the same locale and picks up its ever-present hero in the same sad condition and mood. But it hasn't progressed any further than a brilliant, exciting account of how he got his injury before it is taking off for other parts. It is taking off, first, for America to remember how the hero, as a boy, almost got hooked by a chippy in the bud of his writing career. And then it is taking off for Paris, where the hero, now a man, falls in with a flirtatious charmer with whom he has an affair. From here it moves to Africa (for a hunting expedition) and then to Spain, where the charmer, depressed because the hero likes to hunt and kill things, gives him the air. Back to the sick bed in Africa, then off to the Riviera it goes for a lurid little glimpse of the hero's brief affair with a dame named Countess Liz. And so it spasmodically progresses until it is back in Africa again for an emergency operation on the dying hero by his wife so he may live. [....] However, they have made a picture that constantly fascinates the eye and stimulates the emotions in small, isolated ways. For the overall production in wonderful color is full of brilliant detail and surprise and the mood of nostalgia and wistful sadness that is built up in the story has its spell. The shots of wild animals in Africa — elephants, lions, rhinoceroses, giraffes and all manner of lesser creatures—are as magnificent and exciting as any yet, and the atmosphere and beauty of a safari under the snowy peak of Kilimanjaro are superb. Especially one sequence in close-up of a swimming herd of hippopotamuses goes down in this reviewer's notebook as the best one of game we've ever seen. [...] And the music of Bernard Herrmann must not be overlooked in reaching for the elements that make for the intrigue of this film. For it is Mr. Herrmann's music, singing sadly and hauntingly, that helps one sense the pathos of dead romances and a wasted career. A saxophone and a piano in a Paris studio, an accordion in an old Left Bank bar and an arrogant guitar in a Spanish cafe—these are also actors in this film. Perhaps they come closer than any to stating what Hemingway had to say. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, March 06, 2010 at 07:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis With our economy in the toilet and job loss at a stunning low, why not summit and pow wow with American entrepreneurs? What is this act of submission and dhimmitude going to cost us in jiyza? Uh, the ummah has attacked us, repeatedly -- culminating on September 11, 2001 with the most heinous, destructive attack on this nation in our history. Can we please stop apologizing and kissing their ass? Can they please apologize to us and start making reparations? Do you understand how insane this all is? Obama's submission to Islam in Cairo, his tacit support of jihad nukes, the crushing of freedom seeking people in Islamic Iran, the antisemitic foreign policy on Israel, his sanction of Islamic anti-semitism, the billions in jiyza, the support of jihad in Gaza...........stop already. You have to be free to be an entrepreneur. Political freedom, economic freedom, religious freedom, does not exist under sharia law. Why not meet with American entrepreneurs? He uses any excuse to bow before the Islamic world. The White House on Friday announced a "summit on entrepreneurship" to build economic ties with the Islamic world, part of President Barack Obama's outreach to Muslims. The White House said it has invited participants from more than 40 countries over five continents for the April 26-27 conference in Washington. "The summit will highlight the role entrepreneurship can play in addressing common challenges while building partnerships that will lead to greater opportunity abroad and at home," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said. Obama first spoke of the entrepreneurship conference in his signature June 4 speech in Cairo to the Islamic world. Obama promised at the time that he would convene a "presidential summit on entrepreneurship" by the end of 2009. He said that the meeting would "identify how we can deepen ties between business leaders, foundations and social entrepreneurs in the United States and Muslim communities around the world." UPDATE: Jihad Watch writer Hugh Fitzgerald made this comment about BHO's entrepreneural outreach to the Moslem world:
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, March 06, 2010 at 07:08 PM in President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis The left tries to extinguish anyone fighting the leftist Islamic machine. It takes guts. Here in the States the usual suspects are pimping for the leftist/Islamic axis, and look nothing short of ridiculous. Atlas readers were there (Jewish, gay, et al) and were widely welcomed. The EDL posted its account here: The scene was set, beautiful sunshine and landmarks all around. The meet point for the march was at the Tate Britain, police lined cordons and access points from there all the way up to the houses of parliament. By 1 pm members are starting to arrive these include Portsmouth and Sunderland divisions with more on route. EDL members were in good voice and looking forward to our landmark demo. At half past 1 East Midlands and Yorkshire Divisions arrive safe in London, EDL Angels are in high spirits and good voice as usual. As more and more EDL divisions arrive the congregation increases, EDL members can be heard far and wide, they are making sure their message is loud and proud. Shortly after 2 o’clock Gurjamit Singh and Alan Lake made speeches just outside of the beautiful Tate building calling for solidarity with Geert Wilders cause and highlighting the need to understand the threat posed by Islamists and their supporters/sympathisers. By around half past 2 the march started off in earnest, everyone is looking forward to arriving at the houses of parliament, the focus for our message and a call for real freedom of speech. On our way we were confronted by UAF antagonists who were shouting the usual obscenities to provoke EDL members, EDL stewards did a fine job of keeping members focused on our mission and not to rise to their baiting. UAF chants of “Nazi scum off our streets” were met with mockery and satire. As we got closer to the houses of parliament we passed a large contingent of UAF who were very aggressive and threatening. As we arrived at the houses of parliament another contingent of anarchists waving communist flags were situated on the opposite side of the road. Again the baiting continued however EDL members conducted themselves with restraint and drowned out the rubbish coming from that side of the fence. At one point a UAF member broke through their lines and got round to the EDL. This was a deliberate provocation that was met with jeers of “traitor” as would be expected from any patriotic loving citizen. One EDL member did respond in kind and managed to do the same, he unfolded a George Cross right in the middle of the Communists that was met with rapture and applause from EDL members. It would seem the UAF don’t like a taste of their own medicine! More chants of “Nazi scum off our streets” were met with ridicule as our mixed race and black members got to the front lines asking the anarchists if they thought they were Nazis too! That was another own goal from the UAF contingent. In an act of desperation a Muslim man wearing Islamic garb sporting a large beard walked up to the EDL lines hoping to get a rise from EDL members. This did not happen, consequently it did not feed into the UAF propaganda mission and left their members frustrated and angry. So angry in fact that out of 50 arrests made on that day only 2 were actually EDL members for “breach of the peace” the rest were from the Unite Against Fascism anarchistic, communist movement. The heartening aspect of the March was the visible mix of people from all walks of life, race and sexuality present on our side of the fence, all of whom will face the wrath of Sharia if it is implemented further in this country. We had Sikhs, Jews, Christians, Homosexuals, people from various racial backgrounds and more, all united for the same cause. The defence of England against the wave of Islamo-Fascists sweeping the country un-touched by the Government. Well, we demand that the Government take note: We are far more organised than ever, and we are going nowhere until you deal with these barbaric laws and traditions embedded deep within Islam. They are not welcome here. They are not compatible with our way of life. We will never stop pushing these issues wherever and whenever we see fit. UPDATE: Right Side News is blogging it as well. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, March 06, 2010 at 02:26 PM in COUNTER JIHAD 2009 | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis This clueless judge should be removed from the bench for lacking the most basic brain function. It's his job to know, to research, to judge. How many Muslim woman have to die, or live in abject fear and terror, before the West puts its foot down and says, No, we revere our women? We exalt our women. We respect our women. The devout in Islam kill them. How many bodies have to pile up before we speak the truth about these murdered girls? This is a war about control. This is a war about women. Control of the ultimate booty. Will our men stand up? I know the feckless impostor feminazis won't. This judge is pathetic. Religion not a factor in wife beheading, judge rules NY Post hat tip Pamela H BUFFALO, N.Y. — The founder of an Islam-oriented television station who is accused of beheading his wife is due in a Buffalo courtroom for proceedings in advance of his murder trial. Muzzammil “Mo” Hassan is tentatively scheduled to stand trial later this month for the death of his wife, Aasiyah Hassan, last year. Pretrial motions are scheduled for Friday. Hassan’s attorney plans a defense that includes claims that Hassan was abused by his wife and emotionally out of control. But prosecutors are fighting the use of a psychiatric defense. The Pakistan-born Hassans started Bridges TV in 2004, in part to dispel negative Muslim stereotypes. Moderate Muslim Beheading in New York: "Honor Killing" - Atlas Shrugs Islam, the Insanity Defense: Beheading Honor Killer Mo Hassan to ... Losing Our Heads ................ - Atlas Shrugs Honor Killing: Islam's Gruesome Gallery - Atlas Shrugs EVERYONE IN THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY KNEW THE HONOR KILLING BEHEADING ... Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, March 06, 2010 at 02:22 PM | Permalink | Comments (15) ShareThis The truly and deliberately evil men are a very small minority; it is the appeaser who unleashes them on mankind; it is the appeaser’s intellectual abdication that invites them to take over. When a culture’s dominant trend is geared to irrationality, the thugs win over the appeasers. When intellectual leaders fail to foster the best in the mixed, unformed, vacillating character of people at large, the thugs are sure to bring out the worst. When the ablest men turn into cowards, the average men turn into brutes. Ayn Rand. The effete leftist elites who are so tough and brave behind a keyboard, where they can spin the most outrageous smears and libels, are tiny, spineless, gutless wonders in real life. Did you see Max Blumenthal's piece coming to the defense of his girlfriend Father Death, aka Ben White (a vile anti-semite), and against the EDL? Has Max Blumenthal ever done a righteous thing in his whole ugly, wretched life? Ever? He is a destroyer, with no concern for facts, ideas, work. Blumenthal is evil. Ayn Rand said, "Evil, not value, is an absence and a negation, evil is impotent and has no power but that which we let it extort from us. I saw that evil was impotent—that evil was the irrational, the blind, the anti-real—and that the only weapon of its triumph was the willingness of the good to serve it." Andrew Breitbart has his number and ripped him a new one in the below video at CPAC. Frankly, he went too easy on him.
Check out mad max here: So Who Are The Nazis? Meet Atlas’s Thugs Apparently Blumenthal's nose went out of joint when I outed his bitch, Ben. They whined like little girls when I called out White on his vile incitement to genocide and Jew-hatred. Man, they shovel it out in big steaming piles, but they cannot take being called on it. If it was just about me, I wouldn't bother. The left is obsessed with me, since I am the "influential online fanatic." I am flattered. But the campaigning against the EDL is relentless. The EDL is not the BNP. This is how the left means to destroy this new group of English patriots. They love their country and want to keep it free. What's wrong with that? I have seen Paul Ray's wild accusations against the EDL, but I trust nothing he says. He lies. I had a falling out with Ray in 2007 when he tried to strong-arm me into promoting the BNP, and I would have none of it. He insisted that the BNP had cleaned up their act, but I wasn't buying, as I had seen nothing of the kind. He got very ugly, shouting, pejorative with me. He pressed me to have Nick Griffin on my radio show and I refused and he went off on me. Very nasty. I would take anything Ray says with a grain of salt, if that. He continues to lie about me: Paul Ray adds that he will have nothing to do with neo-Nazis (although he does not accuse Renton of being one) because “I have Jewish friends, and friends with a different skin colour to my own.” The link to his “Jewish friends” takes us to an audio interview he had in 2007 with none other than Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs; Geller has continued to support Ray............... Lie. I am so not his, uh, "Jewish friend." I haven't spoken to him or uttered a word to him in well over 3 years. What a BNP move. But back to the boorish butthead Blumenthal.
Blumenthal's disgusting smears begin here (this ran on his site -- not where he usually writes, Al Jazeera): In the days leading up to Israeli Apartheid Week’s opening event at Columbia University, leading anti-Muslim blogger Pam Geller posted an image of an SS officer with the name of one of the event’s speakers, Ben White, emblazoned on his uniform. (The image recalled placards held by far-right settlers depicting Yitzhak Rabin in an SS uniform just days before he was assassinated.) So Blumenthal is doing what here -- implying that I am provoking ..... an assassination attempt?
"Far right settlers" uh, maxie boy, they are Jews in the Jewish homeland. And White is a nazi. And he loves him for it. Imagine these two -- 2gethuh. I think I am going to hurl.
Geller was among the crowd at the Columbia event, making sure to catch White’s eye as he walked to the podium to speak. "Making sure to catch White's eye?" Talk about paranoia. These two bitches are crazy. I sat in my chair a few rows back minding my own business......and he calls me deranged. He told me that she mouthed to him, “You’re a Nazi.” Jew-hater. I said Jew-hater. The day after the event, Geller posted another characteristically juvenile screed describing White as “Nazi boy.” Perhaps nazi girl is better.
There is little reason to engage a figure like Geller on the merits of her deranged characterizations. Hmmmm. If there is little reason to engage, why are you writing a piece about me, assclown? Who is the deranged one here? And it would be unfair to ascribe crude views like hers to the established pro-Israel groups working to discredit Israeli Apartheid Week. Their tactics are slightly more sophisticated, even if they have also demonstrated a reluctance to engage White and other participants on the facts about Israel’s systematic dispossession of the Palestinians. (Canadian pro-Israel students have united around a vaguely pornographic counter-campaign called “Size Doesn’t Matter” that invokes insecurities about penis length and equates traveling to Israel with the pleasure of oral sex.) There goes the self-loathing Jew again, fantasizing in print. Geller’s attacks on White are worth discussing only in light of their irony. She is, after all, a fervent supporter of a British fascist group comprised of soccer hooligans and skinhead thugs who have delivered sig heil salutes en masse at their rallies while also displaying Israeli flags — a most bizarre melange. Geller’s endorsement of the shadowy fascist group, called the English Defense League, highlights the reorganization of the British far-right around an anti-Muslim, pro-Zionist platform designed to cultivate alliances with influential online fanatics like her. Now we get to the crux of the piece. Blumenthal is out to destroy a fledgling counter-jihad group, the EDL. The EDL is, what, a year old? They must scare the crap out of the lowlife left, or they wouldn't be tearing into them like hyenas. Anyone who fights the encroaching islamisation of the West is viciously attacked. The irony is that a silly bitch like Blumenthal would be hors d'oeuvres to the enemy. "Hooligans!" "Thugs!" "Shadowy!" Sieg heil salutes with Israel flags, got that? On the same day Geller posted her smear of White, she promoted a rally in defense of the Dutch anti-Muslim extremist Geert Wilders by the English Defense League (EDL) (Wilders has called for a “head rag tax” on Muslim women who wear hijab). “How I wish I could be there to stand with the English Defense League,” Geller pined. I do. Effete pansies like Blumenthal look their fey noses down at the working class when, in fact, he isn't fit to wipe their cleats. So what happens at a typical EDL rally? According to a report by Wales Online, at an October 2009 rally in Swansea by the EDL’s Wales-based affiliate, the Welsh Defense League, “onlookers were confronted with scenes of jeering men giving Nazi salutes.” At another rally in Stoke on Trent in January, intoxicated EDL activists in black masks attempted to break through police lines to assault anti-racist protesters around the block, injuring several police officers in the process. More lies and obfuscations. It's not a nazi salute -- it's a sports gesture and he knows it. They are, after all, footballers. Who belongs to the EDL? The group’s muscle is provided by thugs affiliated with the right-wing football hooligan club, Casuals United. Blumenthal is an internet thug. So? The Casuals are led by an infamous thug who goes by the name “Tommy Robinson” and who will only appear in public in a balaclava. The Casuals are themselves a front for the another violent football hooligan gang called Soul Crew. Soul Crew’s former leader, Jeff Marsh, is now the head of the Welsh Defense League and a recruiter for the Casuals. So he covers his face. The jihadis always cover their face with the kefiyeh -- how come you never hear JINOs like Blumenthal whine about that? According to the Daily Mail, neo-Nazis from Combat 18 and the British Freedom Front have insinuated themselves into the ranks of the EDL along with activists from the incipient neo-fascist British National Party (BNP), which is led by former white supremacist organizer Nick Griffin. The EDL has nothing to do with the BNP and has publicly repudiated them. Repeatedly. Any member found to be BNP is asked to resign. Though the BNP has distanced itself from the EDL, the two groups enjoy clear membership cross-pollination. For example, BNP activist Chris Renton helped set up the EDL’s website. While the EDL remains amorphous, its leadership appears to be following the organizational techniques employed by neo-Nazi groups like the British Peoples Party, which attempted to translate its acts of street terror into political power; and the BNP, which declared a “race war” on Muslims at a 2001 meeting. (Go here for a comprehensive look at ties between the EDL and BNP.) Renton left the BNP, but for the mad max, facts are irrelevant. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the EDL is its identification with Israel. EDL activists routinely wave Israeli flags at rallies and carry placards declaring the groups support for Israel’s “right to exist” (go to :50 of this excellent BBC video report). The group’s support for Israel reflects a gradual reorientation of Britain’s far-right in favor of the policies of the Jewish state and against the rights of Muslim immigrants. While their motives for the strategic shift are largely cynical, they are also rooted in a genuine fascination with the image of Israel as a state fighting for ethnic purity against armies of Muslim marauders. So here you have the self-loathing Jew naked in public. It's ugly, isn't it? This for Blumenthal is the worst crime of all, standing for Israel. What a miserable kapo he makes. The BNP’s Griffin, who has openly denied the Holocaust and accused Jews of controlling the media, urged his allies to transmute their anti-Semitism into Islamophobia to broaden the party’s political appeal. He wrote in 2007, “It stands to reason that adopting an ‘Islamophobic’ position that appeals to large numbers of ordinary people – including un-nudged journalists – is going to produce on average much better media coverage than siding with Iran and banging on about ‘Jewish power’, which is guaranteed to raise hackles of virtually every single journalist in the western world.” The EDL has nothing to do with the BNP. Once again this is how the left does it. When they have nothing, and factless max has nothing, he lies and implies an association between EDL and BNP, when there is none. Ruth Smeed of the Board of Deputies of British Jews observed with astonishment, ”The BNP website is now one of the most Zionist on the web – it goes further than any of the mainstream parties in its support of Israel and at the same time demonises Islam and the Muslim world.” Yes, the BNP is a horror and I have said so all along, but what's that got to do with the EDL? When Israel attacked the Gaza Strip in 2008 and ‘09, leading BNP figures celebrated. ”This sort of ‘disinfecting’ process whereby Israel is required to sterilise areas of radical Islamist support … is what all nations have to do in order to eradicate Islamist cells who have managed to take over territory either within or on the edges of their borders,” BNP head of legal affairs Lee Barnes proclaimed on his blog on January 4. He continued, “Get used to the casualties – for without them any nation so infected with Islamism will surrender, rot away into liberal apathy and then dies as it is taken over.” This is all BNP bile. Not EDL. Blumenthal smears. Period. Does this human stain think that his ass-kissing is going to save him if the enemy triumphs? They will despise this cancerous swine. Griffin echoed Barnes’ comments in an essay called “Israel’s Gaza affair:” “The Israelis will NEVER get unbiased reporting on the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation, despite being the only civilised country in the region & fighting for their very existance [sic],” Griffin proclaimed. “It is NOT our place to get involved but you aren’t the only one to be 100% behind them, they are an example to us all because the only thing the Islamic Terrorists understand is FORCE.” Again BNP, not EDL. You see what this tool is doing. He made it all about BNP, which has nothing to do with EDL, but he is making the association, assuming it and then laying the crimes of BNP on the EDL. The reorientation of the BNP around a pro-Zionist, Islamophobic platform led directly to the rise of the EDL. Now Pam Geller has volunteered as perhaps the group’s most prominent online promoter. So who is the Nazi? If that were true, why even have an EDL? Why not just a BNP? Why a separate group if they are the same? Here is a look at today's EDL rally in support of Geert Wilders: Around 250 members of the English Defence League gathered outside the Tate Britain to march to the Houses of Parliament in support of the Dutch MP Geert Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom, who is visiting the UK. London, United Kingdom. 05/03/2010. The group were held longer than expected outside the Tate as anti EDL protesters sat in the road and blocked it off by the Houses of Parliament. After speaking to Abbie Maxwell Jones, the sister of the organiser, she explained the beliefs the group hold, including being against racism, against the British National Party and accepting towards a wide spectrum of people within society. She wanted to solidify the fact that the EDL were there to have a peaceful protest in support of Geert Wilders who is visiting the UK to screen his new anti Islam film, Fitna. Atlas reader Shoshana, Jewish Brit, wrote in the comment section here: I was there. The AP article is a complete LIE! there were about 300 people not 100 and there were NO scuffles and NO bundling into buses. I will do a full post here tomorrow with photos if I can upload them. It was an excellent march and considering it is a young organisation, progressing well. There are a few laughs too! UPDATE: More from UK Atlas reader, Shoshana: Brilliant photos, mine are not so good, but I have 2 photos of someone holding up a pink triangle. This was the symbol the nazis forced gay men to use to denote they were homosexual. Now used as a symbol of pride! So EDL has proved it is all encompassing. If my avatar is clicked here, the photos will be available on that blog. I joined EDL last month after researching their website and videos. I was impressed by the young people of all faiths and colours. They were also holding a banner which said they support Israel. That is what clinched it for me. I joined and was welcomed. I went on the discussion sites and left some messages. I said I was Jewish and I also contacted the leaders. Having seen videos of the deranged islamonazis on the rampage on marches, I admit I was fearful - specially as the police did not act against them as they shouted anti-semitic abuse. I was going alone and wanted to get joined up with similar people. No doubt they were to busy but I received no reply. I went anyway and arrived at Tate Britain. There were about 50 EDL members completely corralled by police at the front. There were more police than demonstrators. The EDL members stood there quietly and good humouredly for about 2 hours.Facing them on the steps of the museum, were a crowd of belligerent young people as well as at least 20 photographers: it resembled a colisseum. I went inside the museum to get a drink and saw a yong man sitting there looking abit disconsolate. I smiled and sat next to him asked why there were so many police. He said there are ALWAYS so many. I did not say I had come to the demo. Actually I was scared. I did not know how they would receive me. So I walked slowly along the route they were to travel, just a short distance up to Parliament Square. I wanted to see if there was a counter demo. The Prime Minister was giving evidence across the square. There were police on horseback and police dogs. As I approached Parliament I could see a small group of the counter-demo. There were about 30 people most as EDL said, unwashed students, on the Parliament side, about 4 groups of youthful commies and old hippies with teeth missing, trying to climb onto the barricades. Actually the police were good, as far as I could see. They engaged with the scum before EDL came in sight, stopping them getting near them. As your report said, the ONLY ones to get arrested were the mini-fascists, screaming abuse. EDL were completely surrounded by police but also their own people. They were dignified and calm. As soon as EDL came into sight, the fascists started screaming "Nazis go home". I immediatly went to the nearest policewoman and said that I am making a complaint; that they were allowing the other demo to shout racist language, that the EDL are against islamic racism. She said they are filming them all and will press charges later.I have written a letter to the Chief Constable about this. This is crucial. The police squeezed the fascists into a small area, behind their vans, so that they couldnt even see the EDL demo. I know there were at least 300 EDL because they took more than 10 minutes to pass, quite slowly. I took my camera out and began to take photos, of people who were shouting abuse at EDL, as well as EDL banners. I was thrilled when I saw someone waving the pink triangle. But the police would not let me join the march at this stage. One guy on the march was angry at me and I told him I was on his side. I was surrounded by the fascists. They were mainly white and only a couple of muslims, the girl shouting at police next to the traffic light and someone dressed as an "imam". The EDL were "siphoned" off to one side on some grass. The little fascists then kicked off and I think that was when they were arrested. I could not see through the dence police presence. As for Geert Wilders, he had already made his inspirational speech by then. I hope he was aware of the EDL and their banners with his face on. UPDATE: And another Atlas reader was there -- the man man with the pink triangle, he wriote: Shoshana, that was me with the pink triangle. I was alternately holding up that or an EDL poster. I wanted to make my presence felt as a gay man opposed to islam, but I also thought the poster about the wrongful imprisonment of the EDL leadership was important. As a 50-year old man with a lot of physical problems, I was wary of going on the march, given the way these things have been reported in the UK. I went to the Sept 2009 demo in Harrow to see what the EDL was about, and was appalled to see the preparedness for violence in the 1500 muslim thugs and the UAF jackals egging them on. I needn't have worried about the EDL. The men on the demo were polite and friendly. There were a couple of men on crutches, and people were very careful to make sure no-one banged into them. At one point we were being herded into a narrowing in the road, and I lost my footing. I felt an arm behind me supporting me for a minute or so until I had regained stability. There was a sense of community and cameraderie that I've never felt on any political demo I'd been on in the past. As for the question: where were the women? Remember, at the Harrow demo 1500 muslim thugs went on the rampage. Most women are not going to get involved if there is the risk of that. However, yesterday I spoke to genteel women waiting to go into the Tate, who asked what was going on. When I told them, they were universally supportive. There were a couple of students from the nearby art college, who joined the demo when they found out what it was about. There was a nice female librarian on the demo - I talked to her outside parliament for ages and she really enjoyed joining in with the chanting and singing. There was a woman in her 70s along the way who had a hand-written poster supporting us -- she got a huge cheer. And there were some redoubtable Amazonian working class women on the march. If it came to fisticuffs between Anjem Choudary and one of those women -- well, he would be flattened. I can guarantee there will be more gay people at future demonstrations -- there were actually a few other gay men on the march. My asian husband and another gay friend who wanted to go were both busy, but will be on some future marches. I hope to see more jewish people, black people and indian people join the EDL to shut up those UAF simpletons. When the UAF shouted "Nazi scum off our streets", the EDL just shouted the same thing back! After the EDL retorted with that 3 or 4 times, the UAF stopped using it :-D The irony was that the supposedly anti-fascist group were wielding a huge soviet communist flag (because Soviet Russia was a beacon of tolerance and diversity). Some of the UAF morons were holding up posters from an organization called Class War (a violent anarchist group that I haven't heard of for 20 years). The UAF oafs were making it clear to anyone that they support violence and hatred and totalitarianism. Yet journalists call them anti-fascist, whilst classifying an anti-racist group as "far-right". I didn't think my contempt for journalists could get any worse. I heard some of the older people on the march saying they'd voted for the Labour Party ("socialist" party) all their lives. When the march passed the Labour Party's headquarters the shout went up from everyone: "Labour -- Traitors, Labour -- Traitors". I was also interested to overhear how well-versed people were about islam - clearly they'd read the Koran, which is more than most muslims have done. I'd say there were 300-400 EDL people on the march, and only about 50-100 UAF oafs outside parliament (there may have been more UAF oafs earlier in the day). There is no way those oafs are going to be able to match the number of anti-islam, anti-racist British people. The tide has turned and it will only gather momentum. Friday 5th March 2010 will go down in my memory as one of the best days of my life. Finally we have an anti-racist UK group that is going to push back against the encroachment of this 7th century barbarism in the modern world. UPDATE: Tundra Tabloids chill post UPDATE: Da Pufff Ho
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Are you sure if your parents are for Obama?
Engage America’s Youth in Politics
Global Warming
Iran's Ahmadinejad: Sept. 11 attacks a 'big lie' Yahoo news
Nearly a dozen Muslim states have received, just since 1973 alone, more than a baker's dozen -- that is thirteen -- trillion dollars, all without lifting a finger, or exhibiting any "entrepreneurship" whatsoever.
Friday, March 05, 2010
Sunday, 7 March 2010
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Britannia Radio