Government by Deception
By Jan Lamprecht
Government by Deception - Psychopolitics in southern Africa - Why South Africa could become another Zimbabwe
This is the book that nobody believed could be true. It has since had the most successful track record of predictions of any political book ever written in South Africa. Readers comment that even in 2007, it is as if it were written yesterday!
The book touches on many aspects of life in South Africa, but with a psychological warfare emphasis. It describes guilt as a racial weapon. It predicted many things which have since come to pass. It was probably the first book to discuss crime in S.Africa as a clandestine war against Whites. Its predictions about Zimbabwe have been borne out, including the chapter, The Marxist Brotherhood. In that chapter it was predicted that Mugabe's evil would spread and that other African countries would support him. In 2007, the world was stunned when the 14 SADC countries supported Mugabe in his "war against the Western world!"
Included in the book are chapters on propaganda, Semantic warfare and The Whites' Last Stand - the final battle for South Africa!
This book examines the many frightening parallels between the ANC (African National Congress) which rules South Africa and ZANU(PF) which rule Zimbabwe. Their background, ideology, etc are explored in depth.
It includes interviews with ex-ANC operatives as well as former white military and intelligence people. It contains much information you will never see anywhere else.
Click here to read book reviews and comments about this book.
Reader reviews in 2007:-
Reader: Your Weird Book Government by Deception still valid in 2007
S.Africa: Reader: I read Government by Deception TWICE!
Reader: I read Government by Deception...
This book is 316 pages long.
NB: The Rand Price includes shipping costs inside South Africa.
NB: The US Dollar Price includes shipping costs to America & Canada
NB: For South African orders: If 3 or more copies are ordered, you get them for only R50 each (including shipping).R95.00 Government by Deception (eBook)
By Jan Lamprecht
Government by Deception - Psychopolitics in southern Africa - Why South Africa could become another Zimbabwe
This is the book that nobody believed could be true. It has since had the most successful track record of predictions of any political book ever written in South Africa. Readers comment that even in 2007, it is as if it were written yesterday!
The book touches on many aspects of life in South Africa, but with a psychological warfare emphasis. It describes guilt as a racial weapon. It predicted many things which have since come to pass. It was probably the first book to discuss crime in S.Africa as a clandestine war against Whites. Its predictions about Zimbabwe have been borne out, including the chapter, The Marxist Brotherhood. In that chapter it was predicted that Mugabe's evil would spread and that other African countries would support him. In 2007, the world was stunned when the 14 SADC countries supported Mugabe in his "war against the Western world!"
Included in the book are chapters on propaganda, Semantic warfare and The Whites' Last Stand - the final battle for South Africa!
This book examines the many frightening parallels between the ANC (African National Congress) which rules South Africa and ZANU(PF) which rule Zimbabwe. Their background, ideology, etc are explored in depth.
It includes interviews with ex-ANC operatives as well as former white military and intelligence people. It contains much information you will never see anywhere else.
Click here to read book reviews and comments about this book.
Reader reviews in 2007:-
Reader: Your Weird Book Government by Deception still valid in 2007
S.Africa: Reader: I read Government by Deception TWICE!
Reader: I read Government by Deception...
This book is 316 pages long. R50.00 How South Africa built Six Atom bombs
(And Then Abandoned its Nuclear Weapons Program)
Author: Al J. Venter
85 illustrations, sketches, diagrams, photos, cutaways, etc
How South Africa Built Six Atom Bombs is the definitive account of how a maverick government was able to secretly develop and test atom bombs. South Africa – then still dominated by Pretoria ’ s apartheid-orientated regime.
That objective was achieved within six years – or roughly half the time it took Pakistan to test its first nuclear weapon. More salient, it did so with only a fraction of the number of scientists, technicians and specialists involved in other nuclear programs, such as those of India, Pakistan and North Korea: there were never more than a half-dozen nuclear physicists involved in the actual weaponization of the South African bombs.
The same analogy holds for the medium range intercontinental missile program that South Africa launched with strong Israeli help. Before it was abruptly terminated by Washington, Pretoria managed to launch at least one of its RSA-3 missiles into the South Indian Ocean: it landed within a few hundred metres of its designated target. With Israeli involvement – this cooperation that dated back to the early 1970s - there was a plan in the works for a satellite launch (illustration page 118).
Al Venter argues that if a small country like South Africa could achieve so much – while using only the limited human resources drawn from its five or six million whites - then it is axiomatic that other countries – or radical political groups - will ultimately be able to do the same. Al-Qaeda has already signalled its intention in a series of web-based nuclear weapons lectures, with examples of this trend (pages 12 and 13).
It is also significant that Dr Mohammed AlBaradei, head of Vienna ’ s International Atomic Energy Agency, said in 2007 that it was of grave concern that there were currently more than 30 countries involved in nuclear matters, quite a few of them clandestinely.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dr Helen Purkitt, Professor of Political Science at the United States Naval Academy and a Research Associate for the Center for Technology and International Security at the National Defense University, Washington D.C. comments on How South Africa Built Six Atom Bombs:
‘ This analysis provides valuable insights about how a government can secretly develop, test and store an array of sophisticated nuclear strategic and tactical weapons underground, The alternative history of South Africa ’ s former weapons program also provides invaluable clues and indicators of whom, among the three dozen plus nation-states in the world today capable of developing nuclear weapons and long-range delivery systems are pursuing covert programs [and] offers interesting insights about possible weapons and delivery systems that terrorist networks [like al-Qaeda] are likely to attempt to obtain in the future. ’
C O N T E N T S:
(And then Abandoned its Nuclear Weapons program)
Chapter 1: South Africa ’ s Atom Bomb Program: Historical Perspective
Chapter 2: Background to the Bomb Program
Chapter 3: Lead Up to the Bomb
Chapter 4: The Nuclear Program Gets Underway
Chapter 5: What the South African Atom Bomb Program was all About
Chapter 6: The Early Approach
Chapter 7: What the Bomb Meant to South Africa
Chapter 8: Missiles: Stoking the Forge of Fire
Chapter 9: The Vela Satellite Conundrum
Chapter 10: The Search for a Tactical Nuclear Weapon
Epilogue: Putting the Genie Back into the Bottle
Appendix A Glossary of Nuclear and Related Terms and Phrases
Appendix B How Saddam Hussein Almost Built his Bomb
Appendix C Seminal Documents in the Development of the Atom Bomb
Appendix D The American View: South Africa ’ s Secret Nuclear Weapons
NB: The Price includes shipping costs inside South Africa.
Sunday, 21 March 2010
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Britannia Radio