Saturday, 27 March 2010

The Island Of Idiots


'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.'  Albert Einstein

Tom and Dusty once sang of an Island of Dreams. Today, it looks like we're living on a island of idiots.  The latest poll to emerge shows the greatest proportion of respondents now favour Labour over any other party as best placed to manage the economy.  Yes, you weren't dreaming, ladies and gentlemen.  The party that unleashed a credit flow of unprecedented proportions, sold off our gold at flea market prices, presided over the biggest increase in economically inactive people in our history, that couldn't be honest in its Budget presentation has now moved ahead of all competitors on the question of economic sound management. 

My anger here is not the position of Labour relative to the Conservatives.  The latter clearly have some presentational issues to sort out (although they'll get my vote irrespective).  It's the position of Labour relative to everybody.  When their narrative of 'Labour investment versus Tory cuts' hit the public consciousness, the Conservatives' ratings began to fall.  However, Labour have now promised to make deeper cuts than the first Thatcher government and suddenly - according to this poll - they are the professional economic custodians.  Spot the contradiction, anyone?  Are the people of this country drugged on the narcotic of Left-wing rule?  Are they determined to plunge this country down the international tables until it reaches the status of a former Warsaw Pact member?  Are they that bloody stupid they're prepared to see this fat, horrible, personality-bypassed slug and his coterie of Unite sponsored MPs destroy what Britishness is left in our land?  The answer to all these questions must be 'yes'.  Edmund Blackadder once told Baldrick that idiots weren't entitled to vote.  Wouldn't it be better, on the face of this poll finding, if we could go back to that system?