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EU accessibility law won't cover design of goods, says Presidency
European Commission consults on little-used new corporate structure
Government plans libel shield for online news archives
Google AdWords cleared by European Court but advertisers warned over trade mark abuse
'Perpetual' software licence doesn't last forever, rules court
Equality Bill makes Britain's web accessibility law harder to access
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Friday, 26 March 2010
The Spanish Presidency of the European Union has attempted to clarify that the planned Equal Treatment Directive does not force manufacturers to only make goods that are accessible to people with disabilities.
The European Commission has asked businesses to tell it why they have not used a company structure established five years ago to help cross-border trade.
The Government has outlined its plans for a reform of libel law, but said that it will not be possible to pass the proposed new law before this year's general election.
Google's AdWords system does not break trade mark law but companies can still stop their trade marks being used in the system in some circumstances, the European Union's top court has said.
A software licence that was modified to become 'perpetual' did not necessarily last forever and could be terminated, the High Court has ruled.
OPINION: The UK's law on web accessibility is being re-written in an apparent attempt to make it impenetrable. But even though algebra has replaced plain English, the duty to make information accessible to disabled people survives, thanks to a blind peer.
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Britannia Radio