Tuesday, 2 March 2010

- An Important Mesage Regarding the 2nd Great Depression -
> From our Metals Advisor Alex Panameno <
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Hi Harold,

A few pressing questions for you today...
Could the U.S. Dollar-- a FIAT Currency Fail?

The Writing is on the wall!

Japan and China our Visa & MasterCard, have now cut our credit limits and are Secretly disposing of our debt/U.S. T-Bonds. Behind the scenes, things are getting worse....yet, mainstream media is saying "The Recession is over....Stocks and Housing are now Good Buys"

Would Main-Stream media Lie?

Many prominent figures like:
Ron Paul, Jim Rogers, Gerald Celente and Peter Schiff are forecasting the end of the Recession... The beginning of the 2nd Great Depression!

Here are the reasons why...

    *  We're about to see the Largest Bulk, of the "option arm-risky Loans" written by banks, Re-adjust from a Fixed-- "Teaser-rate" to a Variable rate. Home owners will go from a 4.25-4.5% interest rate, to 8-10% (Libor rates). People will No longer be able to afford their mortgage payments! Foreclosures Will Skyrocket!.. Banks will Not have equity (payments) coming in...They're going to Fail!
Could what happened to Argentina, Zimbabwe, Weimar Republic, Banana Republic, and Germany happen here today? How Fast and how Bad Can it get? Why is the current administration Taxing and spending our future away? Are we Deliberately being pushed into a Socialist state?

    * The Banking system is Under water; according to the FDIC, the number of "at risk" banks, have grown to Record Highs!... Every week 2-7 Banks Fail! .... Banking Holiday??

    * Unemployment is rising; many prominent economist believe Real unemployment is closer to 16%...CAP & Trade and NAFTA are....Killing our Economy along with Any possible recovery.

    * Housing is being artificially kept from crashing by Banks, whom are holding onto foreclosed properties. Banks are Only releasing a small amount of inventory.. They don't want to Flood the regional market with excess inventory.. Hence; Crashing Prices even further! Nevertheless, foreclosures are rising ...They will have to release inventory at one point!

    * The FEDS continue to bailout banks by Buying "Toxic" Mortgage Backed Security, for both residential & commercial loans...The next shoe to drop.

The writing is on the wall...

It's about to get Really Bad, Really Quick!

Everything you Own is denominated in U.S. Dollars...When the Dollar Crashes...Will All you have worked for Survive?...Or...Will Inflation wipe You out?

Tangible Gold & Silver are the Only alternative to Paper money.

Now is the Last time, you'll be able to acquire Gold for under $1200 per oz. in the spot market. The Stock Market, Economy, Unemployment and the U.S. Dollar are Going to get Worse before they get any better.

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Your friend in liberty,

Alex Panameno
Restore the Republic!
Metals Adviser
Goldworth Financial
RTR User name: AlexP

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