Sadly, the Jewish people have been used as scapegoat for many centuries by a variety of non-Jews. Regrettably, Muslims for their part and have adopted scapegoating as an article of faith... The Islamists, for their part, are still playing the Jewish blame card as best as they can. The State of Israel, by its very existence, has provided the inept and habitually devious Islamists a palpable target to blame and attack. ...Iranians are saddened and ashamed both by the appearance of Ahmadinejad on the international scene and his declared intent to wipe out the Jewish homeland from the face of the earth... Ahmadinejad is an Islamofascist whose aim is to have a practice run, first on the Iranian Baha’is before embarking on destroying the Jews and other ‘undesirables,’ following in the footsteps of the German Fuehrer. It is a tribute to the indomitable spirit of the Jewish people that they persisted in their valiant struggle to re-gather again in the land of their birth. They should also be applauded for affording millions of Israeli Arabs opportunities denied to them in many other lands. Many of us Iranians co-suffer with this tragic state of affairs that harms you. We, free Iranians, express our deepest sympathy to the Jewish people for what they have suffered and have been used as scapegoat throughout history. We also condemn, in the strongest terms, the new coalition of fascists that is brewing under the disgusting and dangerous banner of Islamofascism. The tragedy of Iran is inextricably bound up with the fate of Israel. Amil Imani can see all too clearly that the regime which has enslaved his country intends to bring about a second Holocaust of the Jews. It is a sickening fact that the leaders of the so-called free world, America, Britain and Europe, who have simply ignored the desperate plight of the Iranian people under the tyranny of this terrible regime, are now turning upon the regime’s principal target, Israel, while giving the strongest signals that they will not in the end stop Iran from obtaining its genocide bomb. In the face of such obscene moral degradation, the strong, brave and honest stand of Amil Imani is a light in the gathering darkness. A light in the gathering darkness
Friday, 26 March 2010
At this time of grievous trial and peril for the Jewish people, when the leaders of the western world appear to have tossed both reason and conscience overboard, it is left to an Iranian, the ever prescient Amil Imani, to raise his voice for decency and justice. Writing about the fact that the Jews have been the scapegoats of the world since time immemorial, he observes:
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