Sadly, the Jewish people have been used as scapegoat for many centuries by a variety of non-Jews. Regrettably, Muslims for their part and have adopted scapegoating as an article of faith... The Islamists, for their part, are still playing the Jewish blame card as best as they can. The State of Israel, by its very existence, has provided the inept and habitually devious Islamists a palpable target to blame and attack. ...Iranians are saddened and ashamed both by the appearance of Ahmadinejad on the international scene and his declared intent to wipe out the Jewish homeland from the face of the earth... Ahmadinejad is an Islamofascist whose aim is to have a practice run, first on the Iranian Baha’is before embarking on destroying the Jews and other ‘undesirables,’ following in the footsteps of the German Fuehrer. It is a tribute to the indomitable spirit of the Jewish people that they persisted in their valiant struggle to re-gather again in the land of their birth. They should also be applauded for affording millions of Israeli Arabs opportunities denied to them in many other lands. Many of us Iranians co-suffer with this tragic state of affairs that harms you. We, free Iranians, express our deepest sympathy to the Jewish people for what they have suffered and have been used as scapegoat throughout history. We also condemn, in the strongest terms, the new coalition of fascists that is brewing under the disgusting and dangerous banner of Islamofascism. The tragedy of Iran is inextricably bound up with the fate of Israel. Amil Imani can see all too clearly that the regime which has enslaved his country intends to bring about a second Holocaust of the Jews. It is a sickening fact that the leaders of the so-called free world, America, Britain and Europe, who have simply ignored the desperate plight of the Iranian people under the tyranny of this terrible regime, are now turning upon the regime’s principal target, Israel, while giving the strongest signals that they will not in the end stop Iran from obtaining its genocide bomb. In the face of such obscene moral degradation, the strong, brave and honest stand of Amil Imani is a light in the gathering darkness. A light in the gathering darkness
Friday, 26 March 2010
At this time of grievous trial and peril for the Jewish people, when the leaders of the western world appear to have tossed both reason and conscience overboard, it is left to an Iranian, the ever prescient Amil Imani, to raise his voice for decency and justice. Writing about the fact that the Jews have been the scapegoats of the world since time immemorial, he observes:
Posted by
Britannia Radio
>At this time of grievous trial and peril for the Jewish people, when the leaders of the western world appear to have tossed both reason and conscience overboard
How true! Sadly this seems to be indeed the case...
The demonstrations and uprisings
in Iran since last summer should have shed new light on the nuclear dispute, because defusing 'the bomb' is now an essential link to the ultitmate victory of the democracy movement. Massive sanctions, both from America and the EU, are what is required, not soothing words. Everyone knows that last year's elections were totally fixed, so public condemnation and isolation of such an illegitimate regime should be voiced repeatedly. The democratic uprising is not against an Islamic state, but it is directed towards a religious neutral state, which if successful would reduce considerably the danger of a nuclear threat.
The descendants of Cyrus the Great live on...
"may God protect him from some of his fellow Iranians."
And may God protect us for these are indeed the 1930s all over again.
Israel's very success as an lamp of Western Civilization shedding light on one the world's dark places (_pace_ Conrad) is what neither its neighbors nor the leftist intelligentsia of that same Western Civilization can forgive. And, yes, that includes the Obama regime.
Those who bemoan the naïveté or clumsiness of Mr. O's Israel policies are getting it exactly backwards: This Administration finds Israel intolerable because its Western dynamism highlights the "inept[ness]," to borrow Mr. Imani's descriptor, of the surrounding Muslim societies (and, by extension, of non-Western societies in general). That has become the great, unforgivable sin for our left-wing intelligentsia. In fact, much about Mr. O's economic, social, and foreign policies that seems inexplicable becomes quite comprehensible when one analyzes it in terms of its _deliberately_ adverse impact on the pillars of modern Western Civilization. Mr. O's policies are undermining Israel's security because they are intended to do so.
The Israelis, unfortunately for them, are the most exposed salient of Western Civ at present; but their sacrifice to the gods of anti-Western animus will but presage the decline and fall of the core.
God, I hope I'm wrong!
Yes. None of that means the settlements aren't wrong, or that Israel shouldn't be told of that.
Yep - it's all shaping up nicely for a disaster of biblical proportions. You won't hear voices like this in the MSM.......NONE.
I hope we in the UK get a Labour government returned at the GE. It would bring a lot of chickens home to roost, so many, that even the most cynical lying spin machine England has ever had in governance - would be destroyed, and the scales might fall away from people's eyes.
G-d bless Amil Imani.
Hugely moving words indeed Miss Phillips, and all of Israel's must now stand up and be counted.
He has said it all about the Islamofascists like Ahmadinejad, and commenters like JSC have said it all about such descendants of Cyrus. I (protestant) should like to hear more from the likes of Amil Imani. We've heard more than enough from his Islamofascist opponents and from the sort of Western journalist who seriously thinks that Ahmadinejad and co. give a damn about settlements legal or not, passports, casualties real or supposed in Gaza, or whatever drama has been confected for this week.
David settlements are the most peaceful means ever divised to deal with genocidal enemies whose only goal is the anihilation of their Jewish neighbours and their state.
The only other alternatives is that the Jews in Israel sit tight and voluntarily submit to genocide for the west's political and economic convenience, or withdraw behind the 1967 lines and thenn begin an all out fight with its neighbours for survival ending up with mass casualties on each side and organised and systematic genocide if Israel ultimately loses.
Now tell me all knowing David why are settlemnts so morally wrong. The settlements mean that a psychotic enemy is gradually pushed back with out mass casualties on either side. The mad pittbull dog may not like having to wear a muzzle but if we take it off then he may wrip our throats out and we may well be forced to shoot him.
No, David; what is wrong is saying that "the settlements" are wrong.
This is just as wrong as saying that the earth is flat, an error which almost the entire world believed for millennia.
a little OT, but Alan Dershowitz in a Wall Street Journal piece compared Obama to Chamberlain with his appeasement on Iran. Credit to the D for putting his loyalty to Israel ahead of Obama who he has always defended in the past.
Is he prepared now to apologise to Melanie for his incoherent irrational defence of Obama on Israel and his tiff with her in this regard? Don't count on it.
Hope all you fellow Gentiles were watching BBC4 last night which showed you how to bake the perfect challah. A charming wife of a Rabbi was the instructor. The BBC slipped up there. They'll be getting some stick from their anti-semitic friends from the Left.
The settlements and wall are wrong according to international law and numerous UN resolutions.
Should the law and the UN be ignored?
I wish David Milliband had exhibited a little of the decency shown by Amil Imani when coming to his conclusion to expel the Israeli diplomat .
Am I wrong ? but have we seen any action from him against Palestinians for their part in the Gilad Shalit affair ? or even the terrorist master who was assassinated .Does he even remember that his father and grandfather were saved from the worst terrorist of all time and that 6M of his fellow Jews were massacred because nothing was done to stop Hitler.--Does he really think Israel should sit back without an attempt to counter those that seek to annihilate them .?
Of course Israel should not have stolen passports (if in fact they did) ,but could Mr M assure us that the UK has never done the same or disposed of enemies of our state for the protection of our citizens -I do seem to remember that we had an office for deception during the second world war and did we not steal the enigma machine ? a necessity for the well being of our citizens , just as Israel has done -.the hypocrisy is of biblical proportions ,but nevertheless a wonderful way to curry favour in the Arab world ,something that his office has always been famous for .
I can see no logical reason why the West should turn its back on Israel. Indeed, in many ways the West is doing more than just turning its back. It has become actively hostile. Why? Israel is a small country surrounded by those who hate it and call for its destruction. Why? It is also the only country in the Region which has a modern Democratic form of government. It is not perfect - but are we perfect? I stand with Israel.
don't count on the Obamaites for help.
Robert Mitchum
March 26th, 2010 9:34am
You seem to imply that the BBC is habitually anti-semitic. What is your evidence for this extraordinary claim?
The problem is, if Iran does try to attack Israel and gets struck back, it will be Israel that is blamed for nuclear war, nobody else. There really is no prospect of an end to this.
rippon, hasn't it dawned on you yet that the UN is morally bankrupt?
Haven't you ever read that international law, in 1922, acknowledged the Jewish People's right to a nation-state in the Land of Israel up to the Jordan River (at least)?
Don't you know that in international relations, when a state or states don't agree with something, they call it "illegal", whether it is or it isn't?
I presume that you are an adult. Where have you been all your life?
Robert Mitchum, I thought you were very good in "Night of The Hunter". What do you think of De Niro's remake?
Ripon, Hamas apologist on these threads, asks "Should the law and the UN be ignored?"
Answer: Yes:
"...jihad, which makes Islamdom’s borders (and the further reaches of todays jihadists) bloody, to paraphrase Samuel Huntington, across the globe. And unlike Christianity, which has issued formal mea culpas for its past imperial warfare, authoritative Islam has never renounced the living, genocidal legacy of jihad. Thus today, jihad war remains the central pillar of Hamas’ foundational ideology, as featured in its 1988 Covenant, which highlights unequivocal statements fomenting the annihilation of Israel’s Jews via jihad.
Despite repeated public appeals to the UN Human Rights Commission since 1989, this charter of jihad genocide has never been condemned by the 57 member nation Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)—which represents the entire global Muslim community. On the contrary, the OIC held a special meeting during 2004 to commemorate Sheikh Yassin, founder and spiritual leader of Hamas, who co-drafted this document sanctioning jihad genocide."
PS International Law is nothing but a political football.
"Don't count on the Obamaites for help."
I'm not counting on anyone to help. The world abandoned the Jews of Europe during the Holocaust and it looks like we are in for a repeat performance.
How about sending the link to CommentisFree at the Guardian, and timing them to see how long it takes before it is deleted?
March 26th, 2010 10:48am
The settlements and wall are wrong according to international law and numerous UN resolutions.
Should the law and the UN be ignored?
The answer is no -but first find the right law,and the right resolution -like the one that voted that Israel should exist 1947-the rest are Arab resolutions .There can be no doubt that there are more of you rippon but that does not make you right ,so when our time comes to face our maker ,we will find out, and if I were you I would not be too confident of my fate .