Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Linda Stone is an average woman who has experienced an extraordinary life.
In her book The Family Tree-- a true account of multi-generational satanism in America today, Linda tells her story, and the elevation of multi-generational satanism, which had been occurring through her marriage, to her children and herself. The time of this revelation occurred in the decade of the mid 80's.
Linda not only battled the social service system. but became an avid networker and researcher to educate herself. She has since spent over 24 years researching multi-generational satanism. And educating others.
On today's show, Linda, a survivor and expert on MG Satanism will give an overview of history of satanism, an brief overview of historic beliefs, and the infilration through centuries into all facets of societies world wide for the historical goal of a NWO.
Linda writes in the book The Family Tree:
Both David and I believed at the time that the New Age Movement was nothing short of a worldwide movement to create a false peace and to usher in the One World Leader known as Antichrist, prophesied in the last book of the Bible: the Apocalypse, the Book of Revelation.
We believed that New Age leaders, based upon our documentation of their belief systems, would overcome the world through a transformation in the spiritual, political, economic, and environmental consciousness of humanity. Those individuals who could not evolve into the New Man or Homo Noeticus—for example: Christians, religious Jews, fundamentalists of all religions, and independent thinkers—would be taken out, executed, and sent into another plane of consciousness in order that they not interfere with the next phase in the evolution of humankind. A brief glance at Barbara Marx Hubbard’s The Revelation: Book of Co-Creation series should convince any skeptic that this belief system is taken quite seriously. According to Marx Hubbard, the text of the book was given to her by a disembodied spirit whom she claims to have channeled. Simply, it calls for a cleansing of the world by the elimination of two billion people. Of course, Ms. Marx Hubbard conveniently abdicates any responsibility for the planned deaths of roughly two-thirds of the world’s population because she had merely acted as a channel through which the book was given.
These individuals, because their silver cords had been severed, would not be permitted to enter into the New Age. Their negative vibrations would be seen as an obstacle standing in the way of an evolutionary quantum leap of humankind toward world enlightenment. Therefore, they would have to be recycled, killed, in order to work out their bad karma through the continuing chain of reincarnation.
Millions of visionaries all over “spaceship earth” who shared in this vision did in fact begin to take part in worldwide meditations in order to save Gaia, the earth goddess. The sacred ritual sites around the globe were rededicated, just as New Age pioneer Alice Bailey had predicted some fifty years before, and “Visualize World Peace” began to appear on bumper stickers.
At the same time that Alice A. Bailey was predicting a United World Utopia, her compatriot, Adolph Hitler, was preparing to reunify Germany, create a Pan-Germanic Europe, and relocate and recycle millions of blood-tainted Jews who stood in the way of the New World Order, the new-Aryan order of Homo Noeticus, the Third Reich, and its millennial reign.
Indeed, in the context of current world events we could clearly see this transformation developing. The communist block of nations had crumbled, the mortal wound of the Fatherland had been miraculously healed by the destruction of the Berlin Wall, and the world economy was becoming increasingly codependent.
At the same time, new technology in electronic banking, printed circuitry, microchips, supercomputers, and holographic images, paved the way for a New World Currency, while the World Banking System stood on the threshold of imminent collapse. As a result, the dreaded “Mark of the Beast” loomed ever closer to becoming a reality.
New Age leaders began to take credit for these dramatic reversals of events that had taken place in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union. No doubt they dated these reversals concurrent with the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, an occult ritual at the sacred sites of antiquity that relied on a critical mass of enlightened souls, the so-called “hundredth monkey” phenomena, visualizing world peace simultaneously.
This was in spite of actual world events that clearly demonstrated that the world was growing increasingly more perilous and ever closer to chaos. One need only look at recent world events—the Persian Gulf War, civil war in South America and Yugoslavia, unrest in Zaire and Haiti, ethic tensions in Armenia and the Eastern Block Nations, and just about everywhere else— to verify this. Jerusalem was just as surely becoming a “cup of trembling” to anyone who burdened with her, as George Bush and James Baker can surely testify.
And yet, we were soon to learn that the New Age Movement was not the power, but only one facet of many that were all leaning in the same direction. Far from being the grassroots movement that it was portrayed to be, we were beginning to discover that the same force that propelled the New Age Movement had also been at work in more established institutions. This force had an all pervasive hold on the world, and had for some time, and world events far from being accidental were actually being controlled and manipulated by a well-organized, well-orchestrated, secret group of individuals who had been operating patiently behind the scenes for centuries. Their dialectic methods were actually controlling world events by crisis management in order to prepare man for this period in world history, the time of One World Government, One World Currency, and One World Religion. The time of Antichrist.
David and I saw an unmistakable link that tied it all together. Our intuition and our spiritual discernment, indeed our research into the illuminati, the Masonic Order, the American and French Revolutions, the Order of Skull and Bones, the Knights Templar, the Trilateralists, the Club of Rome, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve, and many other groups told us that each bore the same set of fingerprints. These fingerprints were all over the world events of our time. They were there from Tiananmen Square to the Columbian Drug Cartel. They were there in the secret meetings of the world’s power brokers and on the cornerstones of our national monuments. They were there in the emerging democracy of the disintegrating Soviet Union and on the crumbling wall of Berlin.
They were there in the banks and institutions that had created the third-world debt, the U.S. budget deficit, the S & L crisis, and the BCCI fiasco. They were there in the G-7 and in the creation of the three geographic trading zones: the European Community, North American Union, and the Pacific Rim. The Euro and the Amero and Asian currencies were all combining to form the one world currency that would require a final and devastating fulfillment of a computer chip being forced onto every human who wanted to buy or sell. The mark of the beast, the final test given to mankind to see what sort they were. Satan’s deception allowed by God to separate the sheep from the goats. They were the fingerprints from the hands that were building the invisible temple, the hands that after two centuries of planning set in place the capstone of the great temple of Washington D.C., and the hands that will finally set in place the capstone of the great pyramid of initiation. They were the hands that built the Tower of Babel, the hands of man climbing upward by his own efforts, toward heaven. They were the hands of man joined in unity but not in Godliness, and the hands of mankind signing his own name upon God’s workmanship.
They were the hands that glorified self instead of God. And they were the hands that worshipped Satan in place of the Almighty.
Written in 1987 by Linda and David Stone
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Britannia Radio