Sunday March 28,2010 THE Tories last night launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister’s “sheer dishonesty” after he was caught lying over Labour’s record on immigration and policing. Just two weeks after being forced to “correct” his evidence to the Chilcot Inquiry on Iraq, Mr Brown has been hauled over the coals for misleading the public. The Advertising Standards Author ity plunged Labour’s election campaign strategy on law and order into turmoil, saying claims that community police spent 80 per cent of their time on the beat were “misleading”. Mr Brown was also accused of fiddling figures to claim that net immigration fell by 16,000 last year. In its strongest attack to date, senior Conservatives accused Mr Brown of giving empty pledges to the public and treating voters like fools. Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: “What we have is a pattern of sheer dishonesty by the Prime Minister. He gave false evidence to the Chilcot Inquiry on Iraq, misled the public over policing and misrepresen ted the Government’s position on immigration. This is unacceptable and underlines why Britain desperately needs change.” During a speech in Milton Keynes yesterday, Tory leader David Cameron said the Prime Minister was taking voters “for fools”. “This is a Government that in the way it treats us simply does not des erve to be re-elected,” he said. “It’s the biggest display of brass neck in British history and this party has to make sure we put a stop to it.” Mr Brown delivered Labour’s five election pledges during a keynote speech in Nottingham but failed to name a date for the election. “We have big plans for this country and we intend to see them through,” he said. “Let the message go out – we may be the underdog but we are the people’s party and we never give up.” Labour’s pledges, to secure the recovery, raise family living standards, build a high tech economy, protect frontline services and strengthen fairness in communities, were branded meaningless by Shadow Schools Secretary Michael Gove. “After an empty Budget we have five empty pledges,” he said. “Gordon Brown claimed he had ended the economic cycle then gave us the biggest boom followed by the biggest bust. He can’t be trusted to secure recovery.” Mr Brown’s promise to safeguard frontline services from cuts was undermined by revelations yesterday that health chiefs have already drawn up emergency plans to slash £20billion from the National Health Service. The proposed cuts include shedding 10 per cent of NHS staff, the loss of thousands of hospital beds and a reduction in ambulance call-outs. Doubts were also cast on Mr Brown’s claim that net immigration fell last year after it emerged he was using two incompatible sets of statistics. Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migrationwatch UK, called the figures “misleading” and said the Prime Minister’s claim was “seriously wrong”. Labour claims made in a tele vision advert that community police spent 80 per cent of their time on the beat were branded “misleading” as well when the Advertising Standards Authority ruled they did not make clear that this included time spent in meetings.HOLD on chaps which one of these opportunists is the bigges ******* liar
is there ANY difference?
its amazing how gullible those desperate for "CHANGE" will become.LYING PM IS TAKING THE VOTERS FOR FOOLS'
By Kirsty Buchanan
Sunday, 28 March 2010
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