Wednesday, 10 March 2010

March 10, 2010

John McCain's Bill S-3002 is an Overkill on Dietary Supplements
Only a few short weeks after introducing his so-called “Dietary Supplement Safety Act,” Republican Senator John McCain was already feeling the heat – so much so that, like Custer at the Little Big Horn, he felt compelled to dismount his high horse and defend his hugely mistaken foray into hostile Native territory. Short of ammunition and evidently just as shy on literacy, Johnny McCain issued a Senate Floor Statement that.........
by Attorney Scott Tips

Washington’s Response to a Snow Storm
If you need any proof that government planning fails look at how our nation’s Capitol copes with snow. When snow tops two inches, panic sets in. The news stations announce that “all non-essential government employees” are on “liberal leave” and may bolt from the bureaucracy to their suburban homes. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Why are taxpayers footing the bill for “non-essential employees?” Why not let them stay at home and save the taxpayer the expense of their.......
by Attorney Jonathan Emord

Technocracy and the Global Elite
Having studied and written about the global elite for 33 years, and in particular the Trilateral Commission, I still may have been misled by an elaborate system of smoke and mirrors. 1n 1973, when the Trilateral Commission was founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller, they claimed as their goal to create a "New International Economic Order.".....
by Patrick Wood

Blueprint for Survival: Castle Defense Put to the Test
The diabolical national governmental cabal that has legislated the surrender of our freedoms, relative prosperity, and the sense of personal peace and safety that has been so much a part of our society for so many decades, has kidnapped our “comfort” and our destiny. That liberty is now imprisoned by our own government, is threatened daily by Congress and ruthless security agencies within government aimed directly at each......
by Former Kansas State Trooper, Greg Evensen, Ret.