Monday, 22 March 2010

March 22, 2010

Dear NWV readers
The new year has come in roaring like a lion. No, not just challenging weather conditions, but a resurgence of Americans who care deeply for our republic and are willing to get involved and push for real solutions.

NWVs has some of the best writers in the country exposing the corruption in Washington, DC. Our writers expose the world players who are in control of too many of our politicians which affects decision making. "In their pockets" means just that.

This knowledge equals power for we the people in turning back the dangerous agenda being pursued by the power elite structure and enforced through unelected officials in far too many government agencies.

Events are fast and fluid and we all know, the truth won't be coming from the major alphabet news agencies and most cable networks. It's the Internet and independent media like NWVs that is driving the truth to homes across the country 24.7.

Here at NWVs, we are truly grateful for the support of our readers, especially in such trying financial times. However, we still have to meet our expenses, keep our servers up and running and carefully selected advertising.

Once again, we're asking for your donation so that we can continue bringing the best in commentary and news. Please see below on how to make your donation today. It is greatly needed and appreciated.

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