Monday, 22 March 2010
March 22, 2010
Pirates of the Good Ship Tea Party
First, let’s deal with a definitional issue. ‘Control’ and ‘Power’ are two words that are quite different and are frequently used incorrectly. Since these words are important to this article, let me offer my definitional differences. Control happens behind your own nose – in your own body. It is internal. You control what you think and eat, when you sleep, what clothes to wear, how often you brush your teeth, what city and state you live in, who and when you marry, and a lot of other things. You still have the right to.........
The Sellout of America: Stupak Caves
Ronald Reagan warned: "One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It's very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. Most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can't afford it.".......
The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan: Part 11
Could the manipulation of public opinion, problems with industrial production, and election results today be the outcome of the secret Nazi plan? And that plan is a subpart of the PE’s plan for a World Socialist Government ruled by themselves, an elite whom they consider a “master race.” Remember that David Rockefeller once told Congressman William Dannemayer that “some men are born to rule, but most men are born to be ruled.” It’s like Robert Mitchum said in the 1981 movie.....
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Why Liberal Democrats Should Favor a Free Market
If you are a liberal Democrat, you presumably favor redistribution of income from those who have to those who have not; government intervention into the market to correct “market failures;” and use of government influence and power around the world to advance the cause of human rights. If you believe in all of those things, then you should presently favor a free market. Your somewhat more extreme kindred, the leaders of the.....
Slavery of Blacks in 1860 To Slavery of Mexicans in 2010
The march on Washington DC this past Sunday by illegal aliens and their advocates promoted illegality to legality, criminal activity to lawful manifestation and the U.S. Constitution to the trash heap of history. The march bet that crime does pay and that criminals deserve citizenship and that lawful American citizens must pay for everything to accept criminal illegal aliens in America. What will be that cost? The Heritage Foundation projected a cost of between $3 billion to $5 billion depending on.....
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Britannia Radio