The White House visitors list was updated yesterday indicating, yet again, the influence of malevolent corrupting forces as displayed here: WHITE HOUSE EXPOSED: Farrakhan, Ayers, Wright, Sharpton, Jackson are in the house. In the March update, notorious Jew-hater George Soros and J Street jewicidals, and pro-jihad arabist James Zogby were frequent visitors in December -- a veritible anti-semites' orgy. (Big thanks to Mark) The J-Street leaders vastly outnumber the AIPAC visits (half of which are from the downsized, downgraded Hanukkah party). Another poisonous Jew-hater and would-be Israel annihilationist, James Zogby, founder and president of the Arab American Institute, brother of the pollster who runs Zogby International and member of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee, appears to have decked the White House halls in December quite a bit. Perhaps Zogby was plotting with the White House how to spin the fierce support (near record high) for Israel across America. Zogby inverted that support and ran a typical pro-jihad spin piece at anti-semite central, The Huffington Post -- the puff ho. This anti-semite runs regular Jew-hating screeds at the Puff Ho: James Zogby: How Israel's Propaganda Machine Works New Poll on American Attitudes Toward the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict A new poll out this week shows that while Israelis retain strong US public support, Americans are deeply concerned that the continuing Israeli-Palestinian conflict puts US interests at risk across the Middle East and the public, therefore, supports President Obama's stand against Israel's settlement plans. These are but a few of the top line findings of a Zogby International poll of 2,471 Americans conducted between March 17-19, 2010. The poll, commissioned by the Arab American Institute, had a margin of error of 2.0%. Upon closer examination of the poll's findings, observations can be made pointing to lessons that should be learned. Israeli ratings are high, but dropping; so are the Palestinians. In 2009 71% of Americans had a favorable view of Israelis with only 21% rating them unfavorably. In 2010 the favorable/unfavorable ratings have shifted to 65%--29%. This is largely due to a significant drop among Democrats who now hold a 42% favorable, 49% unfavorable view of Israelis. The Israeli Prime Minister's rating among Democrats is an even worse 20% to 63%. Now here comes the new leftraitor spin. Israel is putting our troops in harm's way -- as if the jihad weren't gunning for us for the past 234 years, from the Barbary coast to the Mufti's axis with Hitler: Americans are deeply concerned that the continuing conflict puts the US at risk across the Middle East. With American troops still in Iraq and after witnessing the destabilizing consequences of repeated flare ups in the Arab-Israeli conflict, Americans are worried. They still do not fully understand the region's history and have little awareness of the Palestinian's story, but like the famous line in a once popular Bob Dylan song "they know something is wrong, but they don't know what it is." Muslim operatives spinning the war -- blaming the Jews. Americans ain't buying, but if they do to Israel what they did to Bush on Iraq .................. In this context the warning recently issued by the US Commander of CENTCOM, General David Petraeus becomes important to consider. By observing the degree to which the Israeli-Palestinian conflict puts the US at risk in the region, Petraeus created the opening for a public discussion on the importance of resolution of the conflict. But the outcome of this discussion is not guaranteed unless Arabs take advantage of this opportunity to engage the public, tell their story and provide acceptable solutions they find acceptable. Pluralities know settlements are wrong, should be stopped, and support President Obama's efforts; but a significant number of Americans still do not understand the issue. This is the new genocidal Jew-hatred meme. It's old anti-semitism -- America is doing Israel's bidding, but this time they are implying that America is expending blood for the Joos. Zogby goes off in typical anti-semite fashion here. Race baiter and hater Jeremiah Wright and blackmailer Jesse "hymietown" Jackson were back in March as well. Anti-semites abound, particularly in the extensive list of Muslim names. For example: Salam al-Marayati, head of MPAC, very sleazy character Worse yet, he is apparently working with or for the State Department now. He blamed Israel for 9/11: But such extreme rhetoric is nothing new for MPAC either. Most notoriously, on the afternoon of September 11, 2001, MPAC’s Salam al-Maryati added fuel to the wildest, most paranoid conspiracy theories on a Los Angeles radio show: “If we’re going to look at suspects we should look to the groups that benefit the most from these kinds of incidents, and I think we should put the state of Israel on the suspect list because I think this diverts attention from what’s happening in the Palestinian territories so that they can go on with their aggression and occupation and apartheid policies.” More here. And then there's Omar Shakir -- lovely, isn't he? This is the White House. Shocking. If you crib my work, credit my work. Thank you. *** Copyright © 2005-2010 Pamela Geller | All Rights Reserved *** (credit and link back to Atlas) Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, March 28, 2010 at 12:21 AM | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! The Muslim Brotherhood is expanding into Poland -- home of the Jewish death camps. How fitting. Protests were staged this Saturday against a mosque and centre of Muslim culture, mainly financed by Saudi Arabia. This is how the devout Muslim ideology cradled and wet-nursed by the Sauds spreads its poison. One of the protesters, a Muslim, wrote me this: "I was the only muslim person against the construction of mosque. Indeed it was a big shock to them, as well as the supporters of mosque construction have described me as racist and fascist. Some described USA in terrorist country. There were two Arab women and an idiot Arab where they attacked me through bad words and despised me, and even that idiot Arab guy insulted me and has spat on me "Arab and muslim culture"; asked me who sent you?! But police was around him. I was trying to be as much as possible quiet and polite, A journalist from USA did interview with me and some Polish as well. boards that I carried them did not showed by Polish media, because, maybe they described as very racist despite I was attacked by cameras a moment I showed them in the demonstration. Of course it were in attention by attendees. I asked the regulator to go together next week to meet the president of Warsaw and the Mayor in order to prevent the construction of the mosque or at least, minaret. Ditto I asked them to support Mr Wilders through writing the Dutch embassies where I will send them all address of Dutch Embassies I received from Mr Wilders. or someday we will do an demonstration near Dutch embassy in Warsaw. Officially it is claimed to be Muslim Cultural Center, but unofficially by opponents and supporters it is referred to as mosque because the plan includes a praying hall and even a minaret. But it is not the building itself that worries the citizens of Warsaw, but preaching that could be spread inside. The investor of the mosque is Liga Muzulmañska w RP (Muslim League in Republic of Poland), a member of Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE), which is known as umbrella organization for Muslim Brotherhood organizations across the Europe. LM does not hide its affiliation and on its pages often quotes not only FIOE official statements but also fatwas and teachings of Jusuf Al Qaradawi, widely known Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader. Although LM tries to keep PR of moderate Muslim faction some of its leaders already exposed their views. Ali Abi Issa, head of imam council, translated and disseminated hadiths where the killing of apostates and adulterers is justified in Muslim state. Samir Ismail the head of LM wrote article about FGM where he presents Muslim jurists' opinions justifying or allowing FGM to be in decision of parents. A Polish group calling itself "Europe for the Future" is using the Swiss poster against minarets to demand a halt in the construction of another new mosque in the capital of mainly Catholic Poland. More on the protest against the enormous mosque: Dozens of people rallied Saturday in Warsaw to protest plans by the country's Muslim community to build a second mosque in the city. Poland's Muslim population, though growing, is still tiny and such protests are unusual. The event offered evidence that anxieties gripping the rest of Europe are now also taking root in this former communist country, as well. The emotional rally drew a small group of counter-protesters. Police forming a barrier between the two sides, which had gathered at the mosque's construction site in an outlying Warsaw neighborhood. The anti-mosque protesters said they feared that radical Muslims would use the mosque to gain a foothold in Polish society. They were particularly disturbed by rumors that Saudi money is funding it _ a claim that could not be immediately confirmed. "We oppose a mosque built with Saudi money when it's illegal to have a Bible or cross in Saudi Arabia," said Rafal Zak, a 31-year-old real estate agent. The protesters chanted "Radical Islam, no thanks" and held up banners saying "Stop the Radicals" and "Political Islam is threat to Europe." Here is on the scene reporting of the protest from Jos (a former Muslim) -- the English may be a bit awkward, but you'll get the point: Dozens of people are protesting plans by the country's Muslim community to build a second mosque in Warsaw Ochota near the Blue City. Raised the slogan: "Tolerance is not naive," Blind Tolerance kills common sense." Protest at the roundabout Siberian exiles organized by the Association of the Future of Europe “Polish group has refashioned a Swiss poster against minarets to demand a halt in the construction of a new mosque in the capital of mainly Catholic Poland” . Its chairman John Wojcik said that the organizers are demanding the signing of the Charter of the Muslim community in which he renounces it, inter alia, violence and the use of force in the name because of the sense of injustice. they do not believe in the peaceful intentions of the Muslim community. inter alia, the "common fight against terrorism," including to "observe and monitor the sermons in the mosque and other programs We are afraid of radical Islam and we have such a right - said Wojcik, the organizer. He added that the mosque will be funded from Saudi Arabia. He stressed that to build the mosque Muslim League. The protesters chanted "Radical Islam, no thanks" and held up banners saying "Stop the Radicals" and "Political Islam is threat to Europe". A tiny group of counter-protesters turned out carrying banners reading: "Warsaw is for everybody" and "Stop Islamophobia." During the demonstration, on the other side of the roundabout have set up a group of members including Employee Democracy. Chanted: stop racism, stop intolerance. Between the two group has set a row of policemen. We respect the right to freedom of speech, of expression. Themselves practice the constitutional right to freedom of conscience and religion "- said the president of Muslim League Samir Ismail. - We are citizens of Poland, as evidenced by our actions - he added. He stressed that there appeared on the demonstrations and appealed to the Muslims that did not organize a counter demonstration. "They have a right to protest, we have the right to freedom of religion" - he added. On its website Muslim League called for "the Polish Muslims, and (...) the Polish community to maintain the highest level of calm and reason and to avoid any kind of provocation". Informed that "the project of building a Center for Islamic Culture in Poland, passed all the legal procedures in force in the relevant state institutions' Ninety percent of Poles say they are Catholic while the country's Muslim population numbers between 15,000 and 30,000 people, about 10,000 of whom are in the capital. They include immigrants from Arab countries, Chechens and Tatars who have been based in Poland since the 17th century. The new mosque is expected to be able to accommodate about 10,000 worshippers. At 12 metres (40 feet) high, it will be topped by a minaret of 18 metres. most of them are Tatars - settled in Poland for over 600 years. Built a mosque in the capital will be the fifth Islamic temple in Poland. Muslims pray in the three mosques: The Bohonikach (eighteenth century), Kruszyniany (probably from the second half of the eighteenth century) and in Gdansk, houses of prayer: In Bialystok, Suchowoli, Lodz, Katowice and Poznan, as well as Islamic centers in Bialystok, Lublin , Wroclaw, Warsaw, Poznan and Katowice. The case is quite simple. While the was settled with the city, this mosque is likely to arise - said a spokesman of the Muslim Religious Union Musa Czachorowski. - Under the Constitution everyone has the right to profess their religion, beliefs - he stressed. - If we recognize that the mosque violates human rights, then tomorrow could say that the construction of the church or synagogue in breach of those rights - he said. In his opinion "there is no reason to worry about the supply of radical Islam." The Islamic Culture Center in Ochota, in addition to the prayer hall, has also arise, inter alia, a library and art gallery. Center will be open not only for Muslims according to his claim. Protesters accused of intolerance, racism and even fascism. - It was this supposedly "civilized world" violates human rights, as evidenced by even the war in Afghanistan, which are also participating Poles - say representatives of the Socialist Workers' Democracy grouping. - Down with the racist policies, stop fascism, Warsaw, for all - opponents chanted demonstration, claiming that the fight against intolerance. - Have you in such a case, you to love your woman and read a little about how they are treated in Muslim countries - the construction of a mosque opponents responded. But the fight against intolerance, opponents also said the construction of the mosque. - We want an agreement with Muslims. At the same time, we can not agree on the violation of women's rights, as well as representatives of sexual minorities, who are in Muslim countries are sentenced to death - said the organizer. Interestingly, both demonstrations some passers-by seemed too radical. - Supporters of Islam are wrong, because what kind of racism, fascism and even more so in the views of opponents of the construction? The mosque and the centre of Muslim culture are financed by Saudi Arabia, a country which violates human rights and where the mere possession of a Bible constitutes a crime," the association said. In a petition address to the mayor of Warsaw, the group called for "an immediate halt to the work." Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, March 28, 2010 at 02:12 AM | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! CBS Poll: Most Want GOP to Keep Fighting on Health Bill CBS News poll released Wednesday finds that nearly two in three Americans want Republicans in Congress to continue to challenge parts of the health care reform bill. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, March 28, 2010 at 12:28 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Our two concluding lines, comparing the treatment of Jewish and Arab Palestinian refugees could have been completed within about 10 seconds (i.e. up to 2min. 25 sec.): They received no international aid, whereas a Palestinian ‘refugee’ and his descendants still do, via UNRWA, if the “normal place of residence was Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948 or June 1967” – or that of their grandparents or great grandparents.” This is unique in the world. If you missed David Littman's latest remarks to the United Nations Human Rights Council (see below). Littman is an international treasure. He knows were all the bodies are buried, figuratively and literally. WORLD UNION FOR PROGRESSIVE JUDAISM UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL – 13th session (1 – 26 March 2010) Statement by Representative David G. LITTMAN – Monday (12:50) 22 March 2010 “Human rights situation in Palestine…. (Gaza-Goldstone Report: follow-up) [The words in square brackets were not pronounced in the two minutes time limitation] [Thank you, Mr. President. Five months ago at the 12th special session, the Council adopted a follow-up resolution on the Goldstone-Gaza Report sponsored by the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference), the NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) & the African & Arab Groups – with the usual automatic majority] which stresses: “that the right to life constitutes the most fundamental of all human rights.” A/HRC/S-12/L – 14 October 2010] Sir, we wish to stress again that the “right to life” is contradicted by a blatant omission in the 452 page Goldstone Report [A/HRC/12/48], which is the root cause of the Gaza tragedy. I am referring once again to the Hamas Charter which simply calls for Jews to be killed and Israel to be eliminated; a text which, like Mein Kampf, refers at length to a crude forgery [The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion]; a text that inspires a Jihadist-terrorist regime – with links to Hezbollah and Iran – to teach systematically a culture of hate and death to children and adults in schools, the media and on TV. We recommend last week’s Report by MEMRI,1 which provides scores of links to Hamas-controlled Al-Aqsa TV clips that show how Gaza children are taught to become ‘Jihad martyrs’, while killing Jews and anyone near them. These bloodthirsty TV ‘shows’ are there for all those with eyes to see and ears to hear. [The titles are clear: “Dispatch those sons of apes and pigs to the hellfire on the wings of Qassem rockets” / “The Jihad against the Jews will continue until their annihilation / A Palestinian who kills one Jew will be rewarded as if he killed 30 million / Killing all Jews will not be satisfactory compensation for the ‘Real Holocaust’ in Gaza. On this visual irrefutable evidence, the U.S Treasury Department last week imposed sanctions on Al-Aqsa TV. Officials from the UK, France, Germany, Italy… have been briefed on all this. (MEMRI, also PMW; and Intelligence & Terrorism Information Center: ‘Response to the Goldstone Report: ‘Hamas & the Terrorist Threat from the Gaza Strip.2 ] Sir, millions of Germans (not just Nazis) read Hitler’s Mein Kampf – his Aryan ‘struggle’ mainly against Jews that led to the monstrous ‘final solution’– but very few others persons worldwide felt concerned by such incitements. Today, there is also little interest shown in this genocidal Hamas Charter, a Jihad / ‘struggle’ to kill Jews and wipe Israel off the map (with help from all and sundry), which we have been denouncing here since 1989 in vain. Few have bothered to read how Jews, Judaism and Israel are targeted: “Israel, Judaism and Jews challenge Islam and the Muslim people. ‘Let the cowards never sleep.’” (Article 28), or that Article 7 quotes a ‘saying’ (hadith) still widely preached in talks and sermons worldwide that call on Muslims to fight & kill all Jews; 3 and that article 8, the Hamas ‘slogan’, is taken from the Muslim Brotherhood Charter, inspiring ‘Jihadist Martyrdom Bombers’ worldwide, and including U.S. convert ‘Jihad Jane’; 4 and that the preface quotes its founder Hassan al–Banna’s politicidal call: “Israel will exist & continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” Cf. written statements. 5] [1st time quoted by David G. Littman at the 45th session, Commission on Human Rights, 31st January 1989] Mr. President, we would ask: how can Judge Goldstone, his colleagues, the Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN officials, UNESCO, UNICEF, the OIC and this Council, and the ‘international community’ willingly ignore such blatant calls for children to kill [a “direct and public incitement to commit genocide” that are punishable under articles 3 and 4 of the 1948 Genocide Convention] and shrill defamations of religion: Judaism – all in the name of Allah and of Islam, while the Council prepares to adopt another resolution on “Combating Defamation of Religions” [first initiated in 1999 by the OIC]? Sir, future historians will ask: why this weird silence; this eerie faculty for forgetfulness of past and planned horrors via direct and public incitement to both politicide and genocide? Next week Christians will celebrate Easter and Jews Passover – the Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land of Israel [Cf. Koran, The Table, Surah V: 23-26], followed by the official Shoah / Holocaust Remembrance Day on 11 April. Now is the time, sir, for this Council to denounce all this and the Hamas Charter and not keep silent – while seeking true peace rather than one more ‘resolution’. A last word from Shakespeare’s Othello: “Silence that dreadful bell.” [II. iii. 175] Thank you, Mr President. 1. MEMRI: Hamas. Special Announcements N° 107 (18 March 2010) 2. 3. “HAMAS aspires to implement Allah's promise, whatever time it may take. The Prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: ‘The Hour [Day of Judgment] will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews and kill them; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim O Abdallah [slave of Allah], there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. This will not apply to the Gharqad tree which is a Jewish tree.’” 4. “Allah is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Koran its Constitution; Jihad is its path, and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.” (Article 8).This ‘saying’ – from the 1928 Charter of the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Hamas is a wing, according to its 1988 Charter, article 2 – is recorded from al-Bukhari and Muslim, both considered by serious Islamic scholars as highly reliable sources for the hadith or ‘sayings’ of the Prophet Muhammad.] 5. See detailed written statement E/CN.4/2003/NGO/226: The 1988 Genocidal Charter of HAMAS: an evil legacy for ‘Jihadist- Martyrdom’ bombers. See also: A/HRC/S-1/NGO/4 (2006);A/HRC/S-9/NGO/3 (2009) UPDATE: Jihadwatch has more from Littman here. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 10:18 PM in UN: Arm of Radical Islam | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Tonight's extraordinary film, I Have Never Forgotten You, is a comprehensive look at the life and legacy of Simon Wiesenthal, the famed Nazi hunter and humanitarian. Narrated by Academy-Award®-winner Nicole Kidman, it features interviews with longtime Wiesenthal associates, government leaders from around the world, and friends and family members -- many of whom have never discussed the legendary Nazi hunter and humanitarian on camera. What was the driving force behind his work? What kept him going when for years the odds were against his efforts? What is his legacy today, more than 60 years after the end of World War II? Please watch it. It was an eye-opener for me. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 06:54 PM in Saturday Night Cinema | Permalink | Comments (5) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! You think Obama has been a nightmare? You ain't seen nothing yet. That was just the previews. Have you seen the commercials yet for people who have maxed out their credit cards, have loans over ten thousand that they can't pay back, urging them to apply for stimulus dollars? It's enough to make you puke. For those who played by the rules, worked hard, did the right thing -- you're screwed, the man has you and your wallet and your kids' wallet by the throat. Welcome to the era of the degenerate -- they will be sucking your blood and your children's blood and your children's children's blood for decades to come, or however long America lasts. American business, the motor of the global economy, was dealt a deathblow by the marxist putsch delivered by the Demo-rat party. The numbers are staggering. AT&T, the largest telephone company in the country, will take a one billion dollar hit in the current quarter as a result of this economic attack on America. Verizon Communications, the second biggest U.S. phone company, told employees that tax burdens under the new law would likely filter down to employees. Other companies that announced health care reform related charges include Deere, a maker of farm equipment, which sees a US$150-million charge for its current quarter, and Caterpillar, which warned of a US $100-million charge. Who do you think will pay for this? We will pay. Business is not something in the abstract, or the evil force the leftists and the communists deceptively smear it to be -- business is work, business is people, it is jobs, it is production. When business pays, we pay. Jobs pay. Consumers pay. Notice how Obama bad news always drops on Friday nights. You won't be able to keep the reality and the consequences of Obama rule. Why wasn't this made public before the vote? AT&T Inc. will take a $1 billion non-cash accounting charge in the first quarter because of the health care overhaul and may cut benefits it offers to current and retired workers. The charge is the largest disclosed so far. Earlier this week, AK Steel Corp., Caterpillar Inc., Deere & Co. and Valero Energy announced similar accounting charges, saying the health care law that President Barack Obama signed Tuesday will raise their expenses. On Friday, 3M Co. said it will also take a charge of $85 million to $90 million. All five are smaller than AT&T, and their combined charges are less than half of the $1 billion that AT&T is planning. The $1 billion is a third of AT&T's most recent quarterly earnings. In the fourth quarter of 2009, the company earned $3 billion on revenue of $30.9 billion. AT&T said Friday that the charge reflects changes to how Medicare subsidies are taxed. Companies say the health care overhaul will require them to start paying taxes next year on a subsidy they receive for retiree drug coverage. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Thursday that the tax law closed a loophole. Under the 2003 Medicare prescription drug program, companies that provide prescription drug benefits for retirees have been able to receive subsidies covering 28 percent of eligible costs. But they could deduct the entire amount they spent on these drug benefits - including the subsidies - from their taxable income. The new law allows companies to only deduct the 72 percent they spent. AT&T also said Friday that it is looking into changing the health care benefits it offers because of the new law. Analysts say retirees could lose the prescription drug coverage provided by their former employers as a result of the overhaul. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 26, 2010 at 10:31 PM in Democrats' New Leadership: Slash and Burn, Democrats, Dhimmicrats, Democraps ........aka The Fifth Column, FINANCIAL CRISIS '08: DEMOCRAT POLICY COMES HOME TO ROOST, Universal Healthcare Kills | Permalink | Comments (26) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! I called it over the weekend -- in my piece at Big Journalism and here at Atlas. Tens of thousands took to the great lawn, after a year of similar peaceful actions, to right a government gone off the rails. The peaceful, patriotic millions who marched over the course of the year were virtually ignored by the media and certainly ignored by the President. Big media only deemed fit to cover the people's revolution to libel and sexually smear them ("tea baggers"). This campaign of destruction culminated over the weekend when a specious charge was made that a protester shouted "ni**er" at the CongressionalBlack Caucus and "spat" at another. LIE. I am not sure why Nazi Pelousy and the Black Congressional Caucus deliberately chose to walk through the crowd as they shouted "kill the bill," but it sure sounds like a set-up. These protesters are the salt of the earth. The best of America, our salvation, if it is to be had. The Washington Post: “Members of the Congressional Black Caucus said that racial epithets were hurled at them Saturday by angry protesters who had gathered at the Capitol to protest health-care legislation, and one congressman said he was spit upon. The most high-profile openly gay congressman, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), was heckled with anti-gay chants.” The media were frenzied, like vampires to human blood. And the lefty blogs like the Puff Ho (HQ for Jew-hating incitement to genocide) was epileptic with joy. We've been down this road before with the Puff Ho; they have concocted slander against the tea parties before (watch that Atlas vlog here). What it is, is a degenerate tactic to drive the national dialogue away from what is really important (the rout) to a mendacious discussion about the "racist," "homophobic," "tea baggers." Garofalo laid out this strategy in April 2009 when she said that the tea partiers were "a bunch of teabagging rednecks," adding that "this is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up." Let's go to the videotape: In a news break during the Rush Limbaugh Show, Kansas City’s KMBZ reported that a video that proved Mo Rep Emanuel Cleaver was spat upon ( with the clear implication that it was purposeful) had appeared on You tube, and you could find the link at the KMBZ website. Well, here it is, and what it shows is a guy cupping his hands around his mouth to form a makeshift megaphone, hollering ” kill the bill!” as the black caucus entourage walked by. The spittle that sprayed on Cleaver was clearly unintentional: As you could see, the guy was yelling the entire time, and there were Capital police officers accompanying the entourage the whole time. If there had been any criminality whatsoever, they would have acted. Of course, Cleaver didn’t press charges.MARCH UPDATE: J [JIHAD] STREETERS, SOROS, ZOGBY FREQUENT WHITE HOUSE VISTORS, AIPAC NOT
This was the one area where there was broad national consensus. With over 80% of all Americans agreeing that the continuing Israeli-Palestinian conflict is important and the same number expressing the view that the continuing conflict puts US interests at risk.Sunday, March 28, 2010
Muslim Brotherhood to construct new mosque in Warsaw by Jan Wójcik
Saturday, March 27, 2010
1922 UK Partition of Palestine & 1947 UN General Assembly Partition Plan Facts and figures on Arab & Jewish Refugees after 1948 Arab League Jihad
Comments by David G. Littman, NGO Representative to the UN in Geneva for the Association for World Education (AWE) and the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) SATURDAY NIGHT CINEMA
I HAVE NEVER FORGOTTEN YOUFriday, March 26, 2010
AT&T will take $1B non-cash charge for health care Forbes
Video Of The Spitting Incident Appears On Youtube March, 25, 2010 — nicedebhat tip MJ
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio