Delingpole is out in force today, picking up on the meanie greenies, commenting on research that shows greenies or more likely to lie, steal and cheat – and sell their grandmothers into slavery. Somehow, the French version: Un gradualisme insidieux et malhonnête sounds so much more sinister than the original. And it's all there.
However, it could be the other way around. People who are disposed towards lying, stealing and cheating – and selling their grandmothers into slavery – could be the types who tend to gravitate towards greenery ... or politics, or both.
Anyhow, it is a fascinating thesis, and one that seems to stack up. The more you peel back the façade of greenery, the more you find the money agenda behind it – seriously big money.
And that is what I'll be doing today. The research project I've started is developing a life of its own, and time pressure is crowding in. Blogging, perforce, is going to be light, but it should be worth it, jacking up the campaign into a whole new dimension.
CLIMATE CHANGE – END GAME"Two more bricks fall out of the IPCC wall of deceit – rainforests and polar bears," writes Gerald Warner.
The IPCC and the whole scam it promotes is now irreversibly on the slide. If you have no devastated rainforests and those pesky polar bears keep on doing what polar bears do on cold Arctic nights, you have lost the schoolchildren – and they were almost the last supporters of man-made global warming.
But, as we saw yesterday, it makes not a blind bit of difference to our "policy makers", as in the EU and national governments. They press on regardless, heedless of the controversy raging around them.
We are dealing with something very odd here – the almost complete detachment of the political classes. Something has to give, but there is no evidence yet that we have achieved any significant – or indeed any – change. You could say we are winning the battles and losing the war.
But then, when the Berlin wall finally went, it was very sudden, and predicted by very few. With Gerald's bricks knocked out, this one must be teetering. Please let it fall.
CLIMATE CHANGE – END GAMEThis is The Washington Times in full flow, telling us that the greatest scandal connected to global warming is not exaggeration, fraud or destruction of data to conceal the weakness of the argument. It is those who are personally profiting from promoting this fantasy at the expense of the rest of us.
Al Gore is the most visible beneficiary, it tells us, rehearsing familiar but nonetheless telling points, not least the fact that this "multimillionaire climate dilettante" has been given a free pass by reporters, who have refused to ask him hard questions about the degree to which he was profiting from the panic he was causing. The paper picks up on Pachauri as well, and his personal cash machine, The Energy and Resources Institute.
However, the greatest potential profits are in the ill-defined "carbon trading" industry, currently valued at $126 billion. Gore, of course, is heavily involved with his Generation Investment Management LLP, which he chairs. Pachauri, through the Chicago and now the Indian climate exchange also has his fingers in the till. Thus, says the paper, given the clear conflicts of interest of those who both promote and profit from climate-change alarmism, the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize should be rescinded.
This, though, is only the half of it. Coming up fast are the NGOs, which have discovered for themselves the huge money-making potential of these schemes, and are now working to cut themselves into the deal. This is not entirely unrelated to the hype on the Amazon rainforest, where there are billions to be made. I am working up a story on this and hope to be able to roll it out this weekend, alongside Booker. Watch this space.