Saturday, 20 March 2010
Middle East-Biased U.K.discussion ( IN OUR VIEW) and Balancing the Bias.
The Middle East and how to discuss the issues un-biased.
We have added an extra 7 minutes to give some balance.
from a far better news broadcaster.(in our view)
(what was not brought out by the initial Talk Show-
"Israel found itself in a hotspot last week, when it approved construction of more homes in Jerusalem. But while the media excoriated Israel as insulting Vice President Joe Biden, they ignored the annual celebration of terrorism in the Palestinian territories".)
This recording is to show how a major London Talk show station
discusses the middle east. Now I know you'll say I am biased but please
And this is by an ex cabinet minister on drive time on thursday.
I'll say no more other than in 60 minutes -just 30 minutes is meant to
discuss this situation-unbiasedly!
Posted by
Britannia Radio