Monday, March 15, 2010
China is Iran's Main Economic Partner
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Muslim Gangs Run British Prisons
Wall Street Journal: Obama Turning Against Israel
Obama Hammering Israel to Prevent Attack on Iran
The Obama administration failed to arrest Iran's race for a nuclear weapon in months of diplomacy and was unable to persuade Russia or China to join stiff sanctions. Yet the US president is flat against any military action against Iran's nuclear installations, and will stop at nothing to stop Israel taking matters in its own hands. It is hammering Jerusalem with the bluntest instruments in its diplomatic armory to a degree unheard of against a friendly government.
China Accuses US of Protectionism
Obama Moves From Engaging to Containing Iran
Monday, 15 March 2010
Read all about it here.
China will never support strict sanctions on Iran.
There is no diplomatic solution....
Europe is doomed.
British prisons are in the grip of radicalized Muslim gangs. Click here for the story.
Obama is openly turning against Israel, according to the Wall Street Journal, in keeping with a pattern of squeezing allies. Read all about it here.
DEBKAfile reports:
Click here for the whole story.
The Obama administration's relationship with rising China is going from bad to worse. Click here for the story.
Beijing is becoming more assertive and hostile toward the United States, at a time when the U.S. needs China's cooperation concerning nuclear-arming Iran.
U.S. foreign policy is a complete mess. Amateurishness (regarding China and Russia), appeasement (of Islamist Iran and Islamism in general), apologies (to adversaries), arrogance (toward allies) ... a disastrous mix.
Having allowed Iran to move closer than ever to having nuclear weapons, the Islamist-appeasing Obama administration appears to be quietly preparing to "live with but never accept" a nuclear-armed mullahocracy--the notorious Brzezinski formula. Containment has reportedly replaced engagement as the new administration buzzword. Click here for the story.
The notion that the United States can contain Iran is just as stupid and suicidal as the idea that it can be appeased (engaged). Like Nazi Germany, Islamonazi Iran can neither be appeased nor contained. It must be defeated; the threat must be ended before it ends the U.S. and Israel, before Iran can achieve its long-term aim of bringing about "a world without America and Zionism."
There can be no deterrent against an anonymous nuclear attack by Iran, except, arguably, assured destruction of Iran--automatic obliteration without hesitation or investigation of the origin of the blast. The best defense is an offense--take out the clerical fascist regime before it takes us out. End the threat now by any and all necessary means.
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Britannia Radio