Monday, March 15, 2010
Israelis Worried About Anti-Missile Shield
Hamas Leader Embraces Nazi Rhetoric
Barack Hussein Obama vs Israel
"While it condemns Israel, the administration continues to ignore a host of Palestinian provocations that undermine prospects for peace in the region. Where is the outrage when top Fatah officials call for riots on the Temple Mount? Why does the Palestinian Authority get a pass when it holds a ceremony glorifying the woman responsible for one of the deadliest terror attack in Israel's history?"
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
In 2006, Hezbollah possessed an estimated 12,000 rockets of various calibers, most of them of limited range and destructive power. Last weekend, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned that Hezbollah now has some 45,000 rockets and missiles, thousands more than previously estimated and enough to sustain daily fire for months.
According to military analysts, some of those weapons are capable of hitting Tel Aviv, Israel's largest metropolis, the industrial heartland in the center of the country and as far south as the Dimona nuclear reactor in the Negev Desert.
Israel's nightmare is that if hostilities do break out -- most likely if it launches pre-emptive strikes against Iran -- its cities would come under an unprecedented bombardment.
Two observations:
1. Israelis seem to have learned some valuable lessons from the Lebanese war. But, have they forgotten the lessons of 1973? That may be the more important question. More than 36 years ago, Israel was almost destroyed--overrun--by a coordinated, Egyptian-Syrian surprise attack. Google Yom Kippur War. In the run-up to the costly conflict (in which this reporter lost two friends), Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Gold Meir, ignored or misinterpreted intelligence indicating an assault was in the works. When an attack seemed imminent, they chose to wait, instead of striking preemptively, as they did so successfully in the Six-Day War of 1967, so as not to anger and alienate the U.S. government. Such a nightmare could happen again; and, whereas the Nixon administration, when the chips were down, airlifted badly needed arms to Israel--and, after Israel allegedly signaled a readiness to go nuclear, warned the Soviets not to dare make good on their threat to intervene in the Sinai on Egypt's side--the Obama administration cannot be relied upon to come to Israel's aid. Barack Obama is the most pro-Palestinian, pro-Arab, and pro-Islamist President in history. The first Third World-American President, Obama clearly sees himself as the leader of the developing--not the free--world. Probably dreaming of someday becoming the first American Secretary-General of the United Nations, he has no interest in backing Israel, which his Third World and left-wing U.S. and European supporters regard as, at best, a mistake, and, at worst, a sin--an imperialist/colonialist client state--destined for dismantlement and eradication.
2. Missile defense is not the answer. The best deterrent is assured destruction of the enemy through nuclear fire (i.e. making clear that Israel will automatically use its presumed nuclear weapons if its cities come under criminal missile bombardment); and the best defense is preemptive attack--with any and all necessary weapons to guarantee the enemy's swift and utter defeat.
The Gaza-based Hamas leader called for Israel's "disappearance" and the "liberation of all of Palestine."
True to his Islamonazi ideology, he also accused Jews of "loan sharking," "destruction," "murdering prophets," and dealing with the devil.
To which, Islamist appeasers and liberal media pundits (a moron like MSNBC's Chris Matthews comes to mind) will no doubt respond: Give that man a state!
Daniel Greenfield's essay is a must-read. Greenfield, a New York-based freelance writer, is one of the brightest, most effective advocates for Israel. He writes:
The manifold organs of the ObamaMedia are abuzz with outrage over what they are calling Israel's "insult" to the United States. But what was the nature of this awful and outrageous insult? Did Israeli officials pull off V.P. Biden's rug to show off his bald head underneath. Did they ask him why the suit of his pants is so shiny. Did they make him sit at the kiddie table?
More to the point did Israeli TV air calls for a Jihad against America, as Palestinian Arab TV did? Did Israel name a square after the murderer of an American photographer, as the Palestinian Authority did? Did an Israeli Anchorman do a skit in blackface during Obama's visit, as a Turkish anchorman did during Obama's visit to Turkey? Are Israeli religious institutions issuing Fatwahs against America, as Al Azhar University, which Obama visited and spoke at, has done? Are Israeli leaders funding terrorism against America, as the Saudi King, before whom Obama bowed, does?
No, none of those incidents were described as insults. Nothing that Muslim countries did to mock, humiliate and murder Americans were even noticed at all. None of them produced furious condemnations from the White House or two hours of Hillary Clinton screeching on the phone at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. So what did Israel do that was so awful, so horrible and terrible? It built houses. Yes, civilian houses. Not army bases or nuclear missiles or walls. Houses.
Israel approved a construction project to build housing for its own people, in its own capitol city, Jerusalem. Some of the housing will be built in the Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood, situated around the grave of Shimon the Righteous, a Jewish religious figure famed for rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. A neighborhood where Jews have lived for over a century. As well as Ramat Shlomo, a thriving neighborhood with thousands of Jewish families living in it.
The Obama Administration's objections to Jews living in Jerusalem are purely racial and religious. If Israel were approving a construction project to build housing for Arab Muslim citizens of Israel, Biden, Hillary and their media troupe wouldn't be screeching about it to the high heavens. It is only because Jews are to live there, that they have a problem with it. Their objections therefore are purely based on race and religion-- and completely racist.
But this is hardly the first time that Muslims and their Western appeasers have tried to drive the Jews out of Jerusalem, or the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood in particular.
EXTRA! Eric Cantor Says White House 'Irresponsible' on Israel
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