Sunday, 28 March 2010 Banner

Renowned Historian Rabbi Berel Wein - What Should the Jews Learn From History?
TNL 46
(click on image for link)
Watch this week's edition of Tuesday Night Live in Jerusalem, this time hosting historian Rabbi Berel Wein.
When host Jeremy Gimpel's asked him for the main lesson that the Jews of the world should learn from Jewish history, Rabbi Wein replied: "They should be more Jewish. If history has taught us anything it is that those who thought they could escape the Jewish destiny by not being Jewish... it has turned to ashes. Literally ashes."

Founder and director of "The Destiny Foundation", Rabbi Wein has been revolutionizing the presentation and availability of Jewish history through the dramatic and entertaining documentary series "Faith and Fate."

On this episode of TNL, he reveals many of the secrets and pearls of wisdom that have kept the Jewish Nation alive and thriving for the past 4,000 years.

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