Monday, 1 March 2010

Politics List
SANDHURST - Part 3! They are ALL barking mad! No doubt about it!
My thanks to Kate for finding this amazing revelation!
"The Senior Chaplain at Sandhurst, Reverend Jonathan Gough, has decided that Christian services at the academy are far too, well, Christian and has dropped the Church of England Creed from all services so that other religious minorities will not be offended."

Philip Wallington, the Conservative Party Candidate, was elected as Town Councillor on 25th February 2010

MAJ Jeffery T. Burroughs, ILE, SG 24D said: ( He knows )

I think GEN Wall's comments on multinational relationships were very pertinent to the situation currently at hand.  He mentioned building relationships as being vital to the establishment of effective multinational relationships as well as a common purpose.  In some respect, I wondered why he placed so much emphasis on the language regarding common purpose.  His point that the UK and the USA should not continue in partnership merely because "that's the way we've always done it and we have a history" is proper and correct.  I would argue, however, that in the Contemporary Operating Environment, we will have a common purpose, at least for the foreseeable future.  That common purpose would be the battle against global terrorism.  So my question would be, was he reiterating that we do indeed have a common purpose, or was he foreshadowing UK withdrawal from what we see as our common purpose and reinforcing the need to maintain some common purpose in order to maintain the relationship that our two countries currently enjoy?
- MAJ Jeffery T. Burroughs, ILE
General Sir Mike Jackson and Jonathon Hogg
PA Consulting Group,
Military Leadership training -  in a common purpose  !!!!
Financial Times
0 April 2008

Sandhurst Drops Christian Creed For Fear of Offending Islam?

 The Senior Chaplain at Sandhurst, Reverend Jonathan Gough, has decided that Christian services at the academy are far too, well, Christian and has dropped the Church of England Creed from all services so that other religious minorities will not be offended. Such provocative advocacy of Christianity was clearly too much for Rev. Gough.


Politics List
Andrew MacKay (Con) has been the MP since 1997, but is "standing down, due to controversy over his expenses"! HE won't care, will he?
The Town of Sandhurst, website above, gives the names of the newly elected Local Councillors who will be responsible - providing we establish exactly in which ward the Military Establishment is sited. I have looked, but can find no address, which is silly, because there must be one! It comes under Bracknell in the Royal county of Berkshire.
The MP and the Local Councillors need taking to account on this important issue - on principle, if nothing else!
Anybody throw any more light on it, please? Let's give them a run for their money - it's OUR nation they are destroying!
Did you see they are destroying a Grade II listed building to build this mosque? You try that!