UPDATE: There will be April 5th Pretrial UPDATE: 4:03 PM: Atlas operative Mike G: on the scene Rifqa gets to maintain contact with the Lorenzes, and Brian as long as child services agrees Court is sending a message in support of Brian. I love it. Individual counselors - so Rifqa will not be forced to meet with them. UPDATE: 3:01 pm: Motions addressed Rifqa keeps GAL, and legal team UDGE GILL REJECTS PARENTS ATTEMPT TO BREAK AGREEMENT: Ohio judge denies the request of Rifqa Bary's parents to scrap a deal reached in January that includes counseling as part of a reunion effort. Infidels 1, Muslim Brotherhood 0 Scenes from the courtroom - much thanks to Atlas reader Heartland Patriot Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, March 02, 2010 at 04:05 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis The greatest threat to mankind and civilization is the spread of the totalitarian philosophy. Its best ally is not the devotion of its followers but the confusion of its enemies. To fight it, we must understand it.Ayn Rand Today judges at the Court of Appeal overturned the conviction of a female jihadi because, they said they believed the jury had become "confused.""documents in her possession, including the al-Qa'eda Manual, the Terrorist's Handbook, the Mujahideen Poisons Handbook and several militarymanuals." Who is the confused party here, I ask you? I wonder if she's Ben White's crush. A Heathrow shop assistant who dubbed herself the "Lyrical Terrorist" has won her appeal against conviction. Samina Malik, who worked air-side for WH Smith and was the first Muslim woman in Britain found guilty of terrorism offences, posted a series of poems on websites across the internet about killing non-believers, pursuing martyrdom and raising children to be holy fighters. She was described as a "committed Islamic extremist who supports terrorism and terrorists" and had a library of material for that purpose. It was alleged she used her job to assess the security at Heathrow on behalf of Sohail Qureshi, a dental assistant from Forest Gate, East London, who was jailed for four and a half years for planning to travel to Afghanistan on a mission of "revenge" against British troops. Miss Malik, 24, was given a nine-month jail sentence suspended for 18 months at the Old Bailey last December, for possessing information useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism under Section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000. But today judges at the Court of Appeal said they believed the jury had become "confused". British Muslim woman convicted of penning poems about beheadings Daily Mail An airport worker who wrote poems about beheadings is the first woman to be found guilty under new terror laws. Samina Malik, who liked to call herself a "lyrical terrorist", called for attacks on the West and described "poisoned bullets" capable of killing an entire street in her poetry. The 23-year-old Muslim wrote of her desire to become a martyr and listed her favourite videos as the "beheading ones". Scroll down for more... Lyrical terrorist Samina Malik claims she was just a 'fan' of the terrorist music Described as a "committed Islamic extremist", Malik, a shop assistant at Heathrow, hoarded an extensive collection of terrorism manuals, the Old Bailey heard. She was a member of an extremist group linked to Omar Bakri Mohammed, a hate preacher who fled to Lebanon from Britain two years ago. Yesterday a jury found her guilty of possessing documents likely to be used for terrorism under the Terrorism Act 2000, by a majority of ten to one, after deliberating for 19 hours. Malik, who wore a black head scarf, wept as the verdict was read out. Earlier she was cleared of the more serious offence of having articles for a terrorist purpose. Judge Peter Beaumont told Malik that she was an enigma. He granted her bail which amounted to a house arrest. But he warned her a custodial sentence was inevitable. Jonathan Sharp, prosecuting, told the court the defendant liked to be known as the "lyrical terrorist" or "a stranger awaiting martyrdom". "She is a committed Islamic extremist, who supports terrorism and terrorists. "She had a library of material that she had collected for terrorist purposes. "That collection would be extremely useful for someone planning terrorist activity." The court heard how police raided her home in Southall, West London, after an email from her was found on the computer of a terror suspect in October last year. She had a profile on the social networking website Hi-5, where she called for the execution of "depraved" Westerners . The British-born Muslim listed her interests as helping the Mujahideen "in any way I can". She also wrote of how she enjoyed video messages from Osama Bin Laden and "videos that showed massacres of the kuffars", or non-Muslims. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, March 02, 2010 at 02:17 PM in Eurabia: Dhimmitude | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis HEARING UPDATE: SCROLL DOWN FOR WHOLE STORY :JUDGE GILL REJECTS PARENTS ATTEMPT TO BREAK AGREEMENT:Ohio judge denies the request of Rifqa Bary's parents to scrap a deal reached in January that includes counseling as part of a reunion effort. Infidels 1, Muslim Brotherhood 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a hearing today for Rifqa Bary. Check back at Atlas. From the AP: COLUMBUS, Ohio — A judge urged an Ohio couple to stick with counseling toward a reconciliation with their teenage daughter, who ran away to Florida last year claiming she would be harmed for converting from Islam to Christianity. Rifqa Bary's parents have denied their daughter's claim and had asked Franklin County Juvenile Court Judge Elizabeth Gill to scrap a deal reached in January that includes counseling as part of a reunion effort. Mohamed and Aysha Bary said the county child welfare agency, which now has custody of the girl and which developed the reconciliation plan, was allowing Rifqa Bary to talk to a Florida pastor who had sheltered her after she ran away. The couple believes that contact was hurting their chance for reconciliation. Sharia law for apostates. Gill on Tuesday denied the parents' request, saying she recognized their frustrations but believed that the best course was to move ahead with counseling to heal the family. "The only individuals that are going to be able to repair it are the three of you, with professional help," Gill said, addressing the parentsand their daughter. Earlier in the hearing, the parents' attorney, Omar Tarazi, said the mother and father still "want a reasonable, good faith chance for reconciliation," but recognize that time is running out. "If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't," Tarazi said. Rifqa Bary, who turns 18 in August, wants the court to rule that a reunion is impossible and that it is not in her best interest to be returned to her native Sri Lanka. Not in her best interest. They will kill her there. Here is the status of Sri Lanka Christians. Listen to this interview I conducted with an apostate from Sri Lanka. This is the audio. "She wants to practice the Christian religion and believes she would be in danger if she practiced that religion at home,"said the teen's lawyer, Angela Lloyd. Noting that her parents want to back out of the January deal, he said their "actions continue to reinforce that." Police in Florida and Columbus found no evidence that the girl faced harm in Ohio. Both Florida and Ohio admitted they did not look at the "religious threat." Apostasy is the motivation. If you remove that, of course there is no threat. The family alleges that Christian pastors helped her flee to Orlando, Fla., in July. Police in Columbus are investigating whether anyone broke the law helping her leave home. Bonnie Vangeloff, a court-appointed attorney who represents the girl's rights as a child in foster care, told the judge the family is in deep need of counseling but that reconciliation is probably unlikely before the girl turns 18. Just get her to 18. Tuesday's hearing also touched on Bary's immigration status. Her attorneys raised the issue in a recent court filing that noted federal law allows "an undocumented immigrant minor" to receive permanent resident status when placed in long-term foster care by a judge. In court, Lloyd confirmed that the girl is an illegal immigrant. "Unlike her parents, if reconciliation fails, at 18 then she is without legal status," Lloyd said. The immigration status of the parents is unclear. Attorneys have been under a gag order not to comment on the case. Why after close to a year is the "immigration status of the parents is unclear." Why have the parents been allowed to flout the law. They were in contempt of court in Florida when the court repeatedly asked for their immigration papers and repeatedly they refused to produce them. How can their immigration status be unclear? Why does Brian Williams need a lawyer but the parents can do business, own businesses and not be legal. Are they paying taxes. ATLAS EXCLUSIVELY produced their immigration docs here. Why is the court impotent when sharia imposes itself on our judicial system? Back in September, I wrote while liveblogging a Rifqa hearing in Florida: At the last hearing the judge wanted to see the Barys' immigration papers. Shaytan Elahi dismissed this request with a wave of the hand, insisting that he was new to the case, but that he would get them to the judge and Rifqa's attorneys in short order. They are illegal and have been avoiding immigration law. The judge asked where the immigration docs were today, and of course, Shaytan did not have them. Time to file all kinds of nefarious actions against Rifqa, but no time to get documents on the Barys' illegal status? Excerpt: when her devout Muslim father found out she had become a Christian, he said to her, “I will kill you.” And with Islam’s death penalty for apostates, she had to take that seriously. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, March 02, 2010 at 01:51 PM | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis Gaza continues to get humanitarian aid Humanitarian aid loaded into trucks entering the Gaza Strip. Photo: IDF Spokesperson During the week, 976 tons of humanitarian aid were transferred into the Gaza Strip from Israel. 255 medical patients crossed into Israel and Judea and Samaria for treatment Over the last week, a total of 595 truckloads, consisting of 13, 976 tons of humanitarian aid were transferred into the Gaza Strip from Israel via the various crossings. Likewise, ten truckloads of carnations were exported from Gaza to Europe. Additionally, 255 medical patients and accompanying individuals from the Gaza Strip crossed into Israel and the Judea and Samaria region for medical treatment. 222 staff members of international organizations crossed into the Gaza Strip. Essential food and humanitarian aid products, including milk powder, baby food, rice, cooking oil, flour, hygiene products and medicals supplies including a CT scanner were among the goods that crossed into Gaza this past week. Lastly, 1,216,297 liters of diesel fuel and 992 tons of cooking gas also crossed into Gaza. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, March 02, 2010 at 01:48 PM in Antisemitism:Modern Argument to Age Old Hate | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis In my continuing research of the ownership of the original Auschwitz blueprints (one of only two or three) signed by Heinrich Himmler, the Grand Mufti's close confidante ,more evidence emerges of the deep ties and previously unacknowledged partnership between the Nazis and the Muslims. I have much more to report but this documentary transcribed and uploaded by Vlad Tepes is crucial viewing. There is plenty of Muslim propaganda in this film but what it reveals - facts, events over - in some instances - propaganda is explosive. The Turban and the Swatika part 1 of 2 from Vlad Tepes on Vimeo. Part II of the Turban and the Swastika - The Grand Musfti and the Nazis (hat tip Ken) The Turban and the Swastika 2 of 2 from Vlad Tepes on Vimeo. Transcription: see below these photos of Muslims soldiers for the Third Reich: Muslim soldiers for the Third Reich The Ummah fought for the Reich Flag reads (what is legible) Allah is the glorious Armed forces volunteers If anyone can tranlaste the captions, I would be most appreciative. Transcript of the Turban and the Swastika below the fold: Continue reading "The Turban and the Swastika: The Muslims and the Nazis" » Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, March 02, 2010 at 12:47 PM in Auschwitz Blueprints, Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia: Militant Islam, Islamic Jew hatred | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis Tonight! Protest Virulent Jew Hater Ben White at Columbia! Ben White is crossing the pond to spew his vile hate and incitement to kill Jews at Israel Apartheid Week Islamic Hate Week at Columbia Hey Benny boy, this ain't Londonistan. Your Jew hate rhetoric will not fly here, you will be exposed for the Nazi you really are. Stay in the UK, which deserves you, and watch your concentration camp news reels into the wee hours, you miserable wretch. Jew-Hater Ben White Coming to Columbia for Jewish Genocide Week aka Israel Apartheid Week Event: Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide [to Jewish genocide] Date/Time: Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 at 7:30pm Location: 420 West 118th street, NY, NY 10027, Room 417 Altschul Auditorium Ben White is a freelance journalist and author of “Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner’s Guide”. White writes about what he terms “Palestine/Israel” to the point of near obsession. He regularly accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing, attributes the malicious slurs of colonization, racism and apartheid to Israel, acts as an apologist for Islamist violence against the Jewish state, draws parallels between Nazi Germany and Zionism, has a problem with the police arresting those involved in plots to bomb synagogues, and has even gone as far as to flirt with Holocaust revisionism. Ilan Pappe, the most prominent Israeli anti-Zionist academic, called White a “strong and clear voice”, while Ali Abunimah of the virulently anti-Israel Electronic Intifada described “Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner’s Guide” as “essential reading”. Ben White events are nasty affairs. In the UK a woman has been jeered when she said her Jewish-sounding name prior to asking a question. Another Jew present was told “the Nazis should have finished the job”. About “Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner’s Guide” This is White’s first book and has been described by Jonathan Hoffman (co-vice Chair of the Zionist Federation in the UK), in a devastating demolition of the book, in the following terms: “White’s book comes from the same genus as Walt and Mearsheimer’s “The Israel Lobby”. Like that book, everything is meticulously referenced but that enables the reader to see the circularity in the sources. Many are from known Israel bashers: Pappe, Uri Davis, Charles D Smith, Tom Segev, Tanya Reinhart, Jeff Halper, Hussein and McKay, and Maxime Rodinson.” Replete with doctored quotes, twisted facts and based on the false premise that Israel is an apartheid state, Hoffman concludes: “This artless, crude piece of Israel-bashing will no doubt be welcomed in all the usual circles but anyone with a modicum of independent critical faculty will soon see it for the tired piece of intellectually bankrupt propaganda that it is.” Ben White understands why some people are antisemites In an article in Counterpunch entitled “Is It ‘Possible’ to Understand the Rise in ‘Anti-Semitism’?”, White stated that “I do not consider myself an anti-Semite, yet I can also understand why some are”. This after linking the rise of antisemitism with “the widespread bias and subservience to the Israeli cause in the Western media”. As observed by blogger, Seismic Shock, “White here jumps straight into transitional bog-standard antisemitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion language”. Ben White flirts with Holocaust revisionism In an article entitled “History, Myths and All the News That’s Fit to Print”, White wrote a defense of Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust denial denying that Ahmadinejad engaged in Holocaust denial and contextualizing Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust denial. Ben White includes an essay by a Holocaust denier in his ‘select bibliography’ of his book Incredibly Ben White includes a Roger Garaudy essay on Zionism in his ’select bibliography’ (p.162) of his book. Garaudy was convicted of Holocaust denial in France in 1998 under France’s Gaysott Law. When questioned about this by Jonathan Hoffman at a recent meeting in London (9 February) White’s answer was that he only became aware of Garaudy’s conviction after his book was published. Ben White doctors quotes White opened Chapter Two of his book with a purported quote from David Ben-Gurion: “We must expel Arabs and take their places!” Ben Gurion never said this – in fact he said the opposite: “We do not wish and do not need to expel Arabs and take their places.” Having been called out on this by Hoffman, White has subsequently acknowledged that this is a false quote arguing in his defense “out of 399 listed footnote references in my book, Hoffman can only make a case for one quotation being incorrect.” Ben White is a hypocrite who suppresses freedom of speech Recently, Ben White led a Facebook campaign to prevent Israeli historian, Benny Morris, from speaking on campus at Cambridge University on the pretext that Benny Morris has made anti-Muslim racist statements. The reality is that Benny Morris has fallen out of favor with the anti-Israel movement as a result of his shift politically from the far-left to the centre of Israeli politics. Additionally, at a War on Want (a British charity) event celebrating the launch of White’s book, Jonathan Hoffman was banned from attending. Inevitably when he is cornered, White resorts to the allegation that “Zionists censor free speech”. If he does this at Columbia these examples should be thrown back at him. Ben White has no problem with synagogues getting blown up In his blog, Ben White claimed that the arrest of four men in New York threatening to blow up two synagogues in the Bronx was ‘a fully controlled threat to our freedoms. UPDATE: CHECK OUT JIHADIS ON PARADE AT COLUMBIA over at Mellon's Musings. More hate here. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, March 02, 2010 at 11:03 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis Violence over Taslima article in Karnataka, 2 killed IBN LIVE Prohibitory orders was also imposed on the entire city and additional reinforcements of police rushed, Superintendent of Police S Murugan said. Hassan was also tense after 15,000 people held a protest rally and submitted a memorandum to the Deputy Commissioner. Several vehicles were damaged in stone pelting and some shops were torched, police said. Yeddyurappa, who made a suo motu statement in the state assembly on the violence in Shimoga and Hassan, said "the situation is under control now". He said cases have been booked against those involved in violence. Sensing trouble over the article, the police heads in all districts were alerted yesterday itself, he said, adding a strict vigil was being maintained. [...] Shimoga, Karnataka: Two persons died and four others were injured in Shimoga district during violent protests against an article written by controversial Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen in a Kannada newspaper. One person died when police fired at a mob and another other succumbed to injuries sustained in stone pelting, police said. A dusk-to-dawn curfew has been imposed in four places in old Shimoga, the hometown of Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa. A crowd of some 1,500 people on Monday took out a procession in Shimoga to protest against a translated article of Taslima published on Sunday in a leading Kannada newspaper on burqa tradition. The procession turned violent as some persons pelted stones on vehicles. At least 20 vehicles, including eight state transport corporation buses, were damaged. Police officials said they opened fire because they feared the procession was getting out of control. Police said four others injured in stone-pelting have been hospitalised. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, March 01, 2010 at 09:45 PM in India: Fighting the Jihad | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis “The situation now is quite confusing,” said Tariq Parvez, director of the National Counterterrorism Authority in Islamabad, Pakistan’s capital. “We can no longer talk in terms of organizations. Now it’s a question of like-minded militants [jihadis].” “ It's not confusing, schmuck! It's Islam! The New York Times tries to explain jihad without mentioning jihad. Left wing asshattery, always good for a knee slapping, toe tapping, guffaw. NYTimes: Over-achievers in Pakistan Become Terrorists LAHORE, Pakistan — Umar Kundi was his parents’ pride, an ambitious young man from a small town who made it to medical school in the big city. It seemed like a story of working-class success, living proof in this unequal society that a telephone operator’s son could become a doctor [...] But things went wrong along the way. On campus Mr. Kundi fell in with a hard-line Islamic group. His degree did not get him a job, and he drifted in the urban crush of young people looking for work. His early radicalization helped channel his ambitions in a grander, more sinister way. Instead of healing the sick, Mr. Kundi went on to become one of Pakistan’s most accomplished militants. Working under a handler fromAl Qaeda, he was part of a network that carried out some of the boldest attacks against the Pakistani state and its people last year, the police here say. Months of hunting him ended on Feb. 19, when he was killed in a shootout with the police at the age of 29. Mr. Kundi and members of his circle — educated strivers who come from the lower middle class — are part of a new generation that has made militant networks in Pakistan more sophisticated and deadly. Al Qaeda has harnessed their aimless ambition and anger at Pakistan’s alliance with the United States, their generation’s most electrifying enemy. “These are guys who use Google Maps to plan their attacks,” said a senior Punjab Province police official. “Their training is better than our national police academy.” Like Mr. Kundi, many came of age in the 1990s, when jihad was state policy — aimed at challenging Indian control in Kashmir — and jihadi groups recruited openly in universities. Under the influence of Al Qaeda, their energies have been redirected and turned inward, against Pakistan’s own government and people. That shift has fractured long-established militant networks, which were once supported by the state, producing a patchwork of new associations that are fluid and defy easy categorization. “The situation now is quite confusing,” said Tariq Parvez, director of the National Counterterrorism Authority in Islamabad, Pakistan’s capital. “We can no longer talk in terms of organizations. Now it’s a question of like-minded militants.” The result has been deadly. In 2009, militant attacks killed 3,021 Pakistanis, three times as many as in 2006. The issue is urgent. Pakistan is in the midst of a youth bulge, with more than a million people a year pouring into the job market, and the economy — at its current rate — is not growing fast enough to absorb them. Only a tiny fraction choose militancy, but acute joblessness exacerbates the risk. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, March 01, 2010 at 09:30 PM in Global Jihad 2010, Pakistan: One Bullet Away from Jihad Nuke | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis No pretense anymore. No pretending. Their man is in the White House and they are going for the throat. Unindicted co-conspirator, Muslim Brotherhood front CAIR (in Obama's Chicago) is hosting the first US appearance of previously banned jihadist Tariq Ramadan. Evil is circling the wagons. In sanctioning Ramadan, the Obama administration presents itself as a threat to national security. The face of evil Tariq Ramdan now symbolizes the view, as Jacques Jormier, one of the leading Islam experts, puts it: 'that does not modernize Islam but Islamizes modernity.' Lee Smith wrote in The American Prospect, he is a cold-blooded Islamist whose "cry of death to the West is a quieter and gentler jihad, but it's still jihad." CAIR-Chicago is pleased to announce that Professor Tariq Ramadan will be the keynote speaker at its 6th Annual Banquet on April 10, 2010. The appearance of Professor Ramadan will be a milestone for the American Muslim community since he was banned from visiting the United States almost six years ago. Late last month Secretary of State Hilary Clinton signed an order revoking Professor Ramadan’s visa ban. In 2004, Ramadan, a Swiss citizen who is currently a professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University had been offered a tenured teaching position at the University of Notre Dame when the Bush administration revoked his visa citing unsubstantiated ties to terrorism and minor charitable contributions made by Professor Ramadan as reason for the visa revocation. Civil rights activists accused the Bush Administration of using the Patriot Act to silence foreign scholars who were critical of their foreign and domestic policies by refusing their entry into the country to speak or teach. Ramadan said in a published statement regarding Secretary Clinton’s reversal of the visa ban, “The decision brings to an end a dark period in American politics that saw security considerations invoked to block critical debate through a policy of exclusion and baseless allegation.” Yes, what right do infidels have to security considerations? Our future belongs to Islam, according to these killers. Olivier Guitta writes here in the American Thinker that Osama bin Laden studied with Tariq's father in Geneva, suggesting that the future terrorist and the future scholar might have known each other. And Daniel Pipes writes this (and Pipes to generally soft sells this madness) has this: Tariq Ramadan is the grandson of Hassan Al Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Tariq refused to condemn stoning and execution of gays in a European debate. Huber is under constant surveillance, Taqwa is shut down by Bush and Genoud is dead by suicide. From the 911 timeline: UPDATE CiF Watch has this on T. Rex Ramadan Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, March 01, 2010 at 07:24 PM in CAIR: JIHAD IN AMERICA 2008, 2009 | Permalink | Comments (12) ShareThis "The American people voted to restore integrity and honesty in Washington, D.C., and the Democrats intend to lead the most honest, most open and most ethical Congress in history, "Drain the swamp" Pelosi November 8, 2006 What followed is the most corrupt dishonest Congress in US history: ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION: PELOSI BACKS THIEF RANGEL. Slob backs slob. It's not enough to oust a thief, a tax cheat, and racketeer from public office and all committee seats and chairs. Any public official who abuses his offices, breaks the law, and violates the public trust should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Rangel must go to jail. Ripping off the public must be punished as harshly as the law allows, to discourage thieves, pigs, scoundrels, commies from running. Rangel: What the papers are saying: Relieve the chairman of his gavel – New York Times: Charlie the coward – New York Post: “This newspaper has had its share of differences with Rep. Charlie Rangel over the years, but one word we never thought to associate with the Harlem lawmaker is “coward.”Yet what other term is appropriate when a 79-year-old political veteran, the dean of the New York delegation and chairman of one of the most powerful panels on Capitol Hill, ducks responsibility for a pretty obvious personal ethical lapse by throwing his staff under the bus? … Who’ll get blamed for those omissions and errors, Charlie? Accountants? Lawyers? Real-estate agents? Good help is so hard to find. Meanwhile, Speaker Nanc Rapping Rangel – Washington Post: “It's unseemly when members of Congress throw their staffs under the bus when they get into trouble. That Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) is the latest offender is no surprise. … But this admonition might be the calm before the storm. The ethics committee has a roster of allegations against Rangel. There's the use of official stationary to solicit funds for a school of public policy named after him, the rent-controlled apartments and the revised financial disclosure forms that potentially double his net worth. Among other things, those forms revealed not one, but two checking accounts with up to $500,000 in them. I don't know about you, but I'd be very mindful of having that much coin in checking. I can't wait to hear Rangel's explanation. There doesn't seem to be anyone to throw under the bus for that one.” The Rangel Swamp – Chicago Tribune:”… the committee said it couldn't prove Rangel knew about the corporate money, but said his staff sure knew and Rangel should have known. You would have thought the signs and materials from Citigroup, Pfizer, American Airlines, AT&T, Verizon, Macy's and IBM plastered around the 2008 conference in St. Maarten would have provided a clue that corporate money was involved. But apparently Rangel was clueless. … This ethical cloud has hung over Rangel, who runs one of the most powerful committees in Congress, for 18 months. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who promised to preside over the "most honest and open Congress in history," knows an ethics violation when she sees one. He's "ethically unfit to lead", she said. Oh, wait, she didn't say that about Rangel. She said that about former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay when the House ethics committee admonished the Texas Republican in 2004. Thanks to politico.com for reprising her comments, we have this memorable Pelosi quote: "Republicans must answer: Do they want an ethically unfit person to be the majority leader or do they want to remove the ethical cloud that hangs over the Capitol?" Good question that Democrats must answer, Madam Speaker. Her response Friday to the ethical cloud hanging over Rangel? "We'll just have to see what happens next." Really? What ought to happen next is Rangel relinquishes his gavel. Common sense dictates it. High standards: Shady Rangel still heading tax committee – Las Vegas Review-Journal: “All that "change" in Washington apparently doesn't include higher ethics standards. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said Friday he won't step down as chairman of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee, despite being admonished by a House ethics committee for violating rules by letting corporations pay for his Caribbean trips. But don't worry. If you, the average taxpayer, fail to report the odd million dollars in assets and income, surely you can get the same "pass" that his Democratic brethren are granting 40-year-congressman Charles Rangel.” ”House Speaker Nancy Pelosi won’t discuss the future of Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel after the ethics committee found he violated House rules by accepting corporate-sponsored trips to the Caribbean. … [T]axpayers should buy Rangel another ticket to the Caribbean — one-way.” Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, March 01, 2010 at 06:43 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis Rep. Joe Wilson: "Fort Jackson Five" Removed From Active Duty South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson told McClatchy newspapers on Friday that five Muslim soldiers who have been under investigation at Fort Jackson have been removed from active duty. This is yet another interesting development in what has become an increasingly head-scratching case with still unanswered questions. CBN News first broke the news back on February 18th ((updates here, here and here) that an investigation of five Muslim soldiers in the Lima 09 translator program was underway at the South Carolina military post over food poisoning allegations. Here is what Rep. Wilson told McClatchy: A South Carolina congressman said Friday that five Muslim soldiers at Fort Jackson, S.C., had been removed from active duty, and four of them discharged from the Army, in connection with an ongoing probe into alleged threats to poison food at the large South Carolina base. Republican Rep. Joe Wilson, who sits on the House Armed Services Committee, said the soldiers' laptops had been seized and were being analyzed. Congressional officials with knowledge of the case said cell phones and Arabic writings had been confiscated as well. Wilson said the soldiers were discharged because of unrelated incidents of minor theft. In his first public comments on the case, Wilson said FBI forensics experts were working with the Army's Criminal Investigation Division in the probe. "The initial investigation confirmed that (the five soldiers) had not made any effort to poison food and that allegations about their disloyalty were inaccurate," Wilson told McClatchy Newspapers. "There was further investigation. I have not received any word of it being over. I think they would tell me." It's good news, obviously, that the men have apparently been cleared of making threats to poision food at Fort Jackson. But the fact that their laptops were seized and cell phones and Arabic writings confiscated raises eyebrows, to say the least. More here. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, March 01, 2010 at 05:46 PM in Food jihad | Permalink | Comments (4) ShareThis Islam's leading jihadist, Tariq Ramadan, was issued a US Visa last week by the Obama adminstration. He'll be in the US as early as next month, speaking at subversive Islamic apologist John [Hiss] Esposito's Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, a taqiya propaganda wing at Georgetown. Too bad the millions of dead and persecuted Christians living in dhimmitude in Islamic countries won't be able to take tea in the new Reichstag wing. I guess that 20 million dollar gift from the Saudis (yes, the infamous Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, FOX owner and Obama benefactor back at Occidental) to Georgetown really paid off. Bush had banned him. Would we have had Himmler come to the US and speak at universities and colleges? This should be appealed all the way to the United States Supreme Court before Obama stacks it with subversives. The American people are being betrayed by our elected officials. They took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. This is subversion, and it is legally actionable. Tariq Ramadan is the most evil Islamic fascist. Even the French Foreign minister Bernard Kouchner called him a "crapule intellectuelle". US court reverses ruling banning Tariq Ramadan. Ramadan defines stealth jihadist. Back in 2004, the Bush administration revoked his visa, and denied him a visa in 2006. Bush was right. Tariq Ramadan is an enemy of the state. Will Obama stand against this dangerous Islamist? I fear he will welcome him. Daniel Pipes wrote at the time of his banning in 2004: Here are some of the nonclassified reasons why Mr. Ramadan might have been kept out: And here are other reasons, dug up by Jean-Charles Brisard, a former French intelligence officer doing work for some of the 9/11 families, asreported in Le Parisien: Then there is the intriguing possibility, reported by Olivier Guitta, that Osama bin Laden studied with Tariq's father in Geneva, suggesting that the futureterrorist and the future scholar might have known each other. Tariq Ramadan is the grandson of Hassan Al Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Ramadan is the head of that snake now in Geneva, where Hamas was received and where some of the money is funding Jihad. The part that comes from Jews who were killed, robbed and mutilated for their money, gold (even from their teeth) and diamonds during the holocaust, and which Genoud washed and cashed to fund Munich, Vienna, Milan and many other mass murders. Will Obama allow a head of a terror dynasty of 80 years to come to the US after all that we know about this silver tongued jihadist? Obama's money man, George Soros, has long established ties to anti-semites and Nazis. I received intel from David W on the connection and association of George Soros and Nazi Third Reich’s treasure keeper, Francois Genoud. More here. Genoud was part of the Nazi party. He met with and funded the Grand Mufti under orders from Hitler. He managed the hidden Nazi treasury after the war, and funded the defense of many of the Nazis’ and terrorists up until his suicide. He admitted to being the creator of the 1972 hijacking of a commercial plane by Palestinians. He was creator and owner of Arab Commercial Bank of Switzerland that many muslim countries and terrorist organizations use, and he used the banks money to fund the operations of terrorism, and the defense of many of his allies, he may have even started his bank with the Nazi treasury that was stolen goods and gold from the Jews. He is on record saying that Adolph Hitler wanted the Nazi National Socialist Movement to proceed in the Third World countries of the world. He has been printed saying the Hitler wanted the movement to move from Naziism, to Islamism and to carry on the National Socialism movement to gain control of the world and to exterminate Jews. Hitler, Genoud, and the Grand Mufti agreed that the only war for this to happen was to inflame the Middle East countries. Genoud then funded the organizations that would do this. Genoud funded David Irving in 1982 a writer but with no training in history to discredit Ann Franks Diaries, stated that the extermination of Jews never occurred, Hitler knew nothing of the prisoner camps, and that only 1 million Jews died. Genoud is also quoted as saying that Hitler and he agreed that for the National Socialist movement to wil and control the world another war would never have to be faught. And that the Third World countries could win. There are any mumber of allegations that Soros and Genoud had been working together up until Genoud’s suicide. Soros and Genoud were ONE WORLDERS. This would also be the reason why we see the agendas and causes that Soros is behind and funds. There is a lot of further information regarding Soros’s and Genoud’s banking and currency backgrounds that are quite interesting regarding world currency manipulation. Soros has sinister ties to anti-semites and Nazis. I received intel from David W on the connection and association of George Soros and Nazi Third Reich’s treasure keeper Francois Genoud.RIFQA BARY VICTORY: DEPENDANCY UPHELD!
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
'Lyrical Terrorist' Samina Malik cleared on appeal Telegraph hat tip Felix
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-492460/British-Muslim-woman-convicted-penning-poems-beheadings.html#ixzz0h2lm5NRiPAMELA GELLER NEWSMAX: RIFQA BARY UPDATED TODAY'S HEARING:
But her father is not in danger of being prosecuted. Brian Williams is.
Law enforcement, in a perverse twist of reality, continues persecuting the Christians in Ohio who helped a teenage apostate escape the death threat (in line with Shariah) made by her family.
They are investigating any “criminal wrongdoing with anyone involved in getting her from one location to another.” How many other runaway cases are pursued in the way? How many other teenage girls in America have this attention paid to them by law enforcement? How many teenage girls who sell their bodies for sex and drugs for an adult pimp are pursued this way? And their pimps?WHAT BLOCKADE?
The Islamic crescent and the swastika
Ben White, Author and Freelance Journalist
Anjali Kamat, Democracy Now!Monday, March 01, 2010
WRITTEN IN CONTROVERSY: Taslima Nasreen's article in a Kannada newspaper sparks violence.IT'S THE IDEOLOGY, STUPID
First U.S. Appearance–Tariq Ramadan to Speak at
6th Annual CAIR-Chicago Banquet
He is among the most evil Islamic fascists around.
French Foreign minister Bernard Kouchner called him a "crapule intellectuelle". (I suppose you can understand what that means lol)
Bush had him banned while he tried to enter the USA on a few occasions. This court allows him in. This needs to be appealed all the way to the USSC.
This administration needs to be exposed as facilitators of Islamic conquest in both Europe and the USA."His brother, Hani Ramadan, is also a Muslim activist and resides in Geneva, where he is the director of the Islamic Centre of Geneva."
For more on Ramadan's visa revocation, see the excellent articles on him by Fouad Ajami, Stephen Schwartz, and Daniel Johnson.
The center is Saudi funded and has been linked to the Ahmed Huber- Francois Genoud Al Taqwa. (George Soros was also an associate of the late Francois Genoud, who met with the Grand Mufti on direct instructions of Hitler and who was the keeper of the Nazi fortune after World War II).LEFT-WING PRESS DEMANDS RANCID RACKETEERING RANGEL RESIGN
ATLAS DEMANDS JAILy Pelosi — who promised the “most ethical Congress in history” four years ago — backed up her Ways and Means chairman, refusing to ask him to step down pending the remaining ethics probes. These are people with the fate of a profoundly troubled nation in their hands. It is to weep.”
Tariq refused to condemn stoning and execution of gays in a European debate.
He is among the most evil Islamic fascists around.
French Foreign minister Bernard Kouchner called him a "crapule intellectuelle". (I suppose you can understand what that means lol)
Bush had him banned while he tried to enter the USA on a few occasions. This court allows him in. This needs to be appealed all the way to the USSC.
This administration needs to be exposed as facilitators of Islamic conquest in both Europe and the USA.
The center is Saudi funded and has been linked to the Ahmed Huber- Francois Genoud Al Taqwa. (George Soros was also an associate of the late Francois Genoud, who met with the Grand Mufti on direct instructions of Hitler and who was the keeper of the Nazi fortune after World War II).
Huber is under constant surveillance, Taqwa is shut down by Bush and Genoud is dead by suicide. From the 911 timeline:
In November 2001, Swiss investigators will search the home of Youssef Nada, the leader of Al Taqwa Bank, a Swiss bank that had just been shut down by the US and the UN for alleged ties to al-Qaeda, Hamas, and other radical militant groups (see November 7, 2001). Nada and other Al Taqwa directors are prominent members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The center was used as a front 3 years ago when they attempted to take down an EL AL plane in Switzerland and Prague. Read about ithere and here and here.