A selection of recent media reports
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
WESTMINSTER politicians from all main parties have failed to convince voters that they can control immigration,
an exclusive opinion poll for the Daily Express reveals...
Daily Express (09-Mar-2010)
AS we inch closer to the general election the political parties are ever more vocal with policies, pledges and
Promises as they clamour for...
Daily Express (09-Mar-2010)
A FAMILY of Romany gypsies are facing allegations of fraud following accusations they cheated the benefits
system. The four Dumitru brothers, who all live in council houses in Tottenham, are accused of benefitting
from a scam designed to sidestep immigration laws in order to receive National...
Haringey Independent (08-Mar-2010)
Immigration officers from the UK Border Agency found seven illegal workers during a raid of two Chinese restaurants in the Great Yarmouth area
Evening news 24 (08-Mar-2010)
The ITN newsreader will chair the first live TV debate between the party...
Guardian Unlimited - Media (08-Mar-2010)
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Britannia Radio