Saturday, March 06, 2010
Ahmadinejad Calls 9/11 'Big Lie'
Click here for the story.
Iran's Islamonazi maniac-in-chief is escalating his war of words with Washington, setting the stage for a major confrontation with the United States and Israel.
Allowing Ahmadinejad's regime to acquire atomic arms is suicidal; assuming sanctions will stop Iran's atomic advance, stupid; believing in the possibility of peaceful coexistence with a nuclear-armed, Islamonazi nation, idiotic.
Not for nothing does Ahmadinejad deny the Holocaust, accuse the U.S. of attacking itself in order to create a pretext for invading Iraq, and muse openly about a "world without America and Zionism." Not for nothing has Iran partnered with North Korea in nuclear and missile crimes--and test-fired missiles from cargo ships. [UPDATE: IRAN SAYS IT HAS STARTED PRODUCTION OF HIGHLY ACCURATE CRUISE MISSILES, AS REPORTED HERE.]
Iran's intentions are terrifyingly clear.Mad Mullahs Laughing Their Turbans Off: US Rewarded Foreign Firms Doing Business in Iran
Over $100 billion in U.S. contracts for foreign firms and multinationals doing business in Iran. Click here for the sickening story.
The West's political and economic elites know no boundaries when it comes to appeasement, greed, and stupidity.
In the United States, Republicans and Democrats alike are apparently happy to sell the rope to the Islamonazi hangman. The only difference, it seems, is that Democrats will also wax the rope for their executioner.
Monday, 8 March 2010
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Britannia Radio