Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Road to Peace Runs Through Tehran
Saturday, 27 March 2010
china confidential
U.S. President Barack Obama is right to link the Iranian and Israeli-Palestinian/Arab problems. But he has drawn the wrong conclusions. Iran must be dealt with--militarily--ahead of and in order to make possible an Israeli-Palestinian/Arab peace pact, not after or parallel to an all-out push for an agreement.
In other words, the road to peace in the Middle East does not run through Jerusalem, Israel's capital city--and the capital of the Jewish people for millennia. The road to Middle East peace runs through the fountainhead of fascistic political Islam--Tehran. But the road is blocked. Remove the blockage--the monstrous Iranian regime and its menacing nuclear program--and Israel's most radical and dangerous foes are suddenly exposed and vulnerable. They either collapse without Iranian backing or come to their senses and change their policies.
Understand, as Obama likes to say (typically, when talking down to or lecturing his listeners), that the emergence of non-Arab, Islamist Iran--a former friend of Israel and staunch American ally prior to the Carter administration-assisted overthrow of the Shah--as an existential threat to the Jewish State has utterly transformed the Israeli-Palestinian/Arab conflict, formerly known as the Arab-Israeli conflict and, in recent years, as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (in spite of the festering dispute with neighboring Syria over the final disposition of the Golan Heights, which Israel captured during its defensive Six-Day War of June 1967). An emotionally charged conflict over land, a relatively small piece of real estate--about the size of New Jersey--has been Islamized, thanks in large measure to Shiite Iran's support for two Arab terrorist groups, Sunni Islamist, Palestinian Hamas and Shiite Islamist, Lebanese Hezbollah. The latter Foreign Terrorist Organization (U.S. State Department designation) is bristling with Iranian-supplied missiles--about 45,000, according to Israeli officials--including many weapons capable of striking Tel Aviv and, perhaps, even, Israel's nuclear reactor in the Negev desert. The former FTO also has rockets capable of hitting Israel's main population center, and commercial, industrial, and cultural capital, as well as legions of jihadist suicide bombers and armed fighters.
Put differently, in an impressive bridging of ethnic and theological divides, Iran has mobilized Muslims to wage holy war against "the Jews" (usually referred to as "Zionists") and their Christian allies and friends--also known as "Crusaders." And America's first Muslim-born President (he was born a Muslim according to Islamic law), who has elevated the stature of and made outreach to and "respect" for "the Muslim world"--an inherently Islamist idea--the foundation of his failed foreign policy, complete with repeated references to "the Holy Koran," has effectively helped Iran in its Islamizing endeavor by relentlessly pressuring Israel to withdraw to indefensible borders--"the Auschwitz lines," as the late Israeli foreign minister, Abba Eban called the pre-'67 boundaries--in order to make way for the rise of an irredentist/Islamist Palestinian Arab state in Israel's midst, with eastern Jerusalem as the new state's capital.
The Iranian/Islamist achievement cannot be overstated. Israel's founders would not recognize the issue that defined and consumed their lives. Not only did they underestimate an enemy, the secular nationalist PLO, and the power of Palestinian nationalism, in general; heroic giants like Begin, Ben-Gurion, and Golda Meir never imagined Islam as the dominant organizing principle for forces seeking Israel's destruction. They could not predict, for example, that a Marxist/nationalist, Christian Palestinian terrorist leader such as the late George Habash, who pioneered passenger airline hijackings and bombings as an instrument of political warfare, would finally feel compelled to align his Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine with an FTO called the Palestinian Islamist Jihad.
Back to the future. The road to peace runs through Tehran. The mad mullahs--and their atomic ayatollah and Holocaust-denying maniac-in-chief--must go.
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Britannia Radio