Wednesday, 31 March 2010

A selection of recent media reports

Tory plans for an annual cap on non-EU migrants will be unworkable and bad for business, the Prime Minister will say in a pre-election speech on immigration...
Yahoo Uk And Ireland News (31-Mar-2010)

A rapist refugee sparked anger yesterday when plans to deport him were axed - so he can wed. MPs were outraged after a judge blamed a Home Office bungle for forcing him to spare Alphonse Semo, 53, two hours before he was due on a plane for his native Democratic Republic of... (31-Mar-2010)

A re-elected Labour government will deliver a "controlled and fair" immigration system flexible enough to meet the needs of British business, Prime Minister Gordon Brown will promise...
The Independent (31-Mar-2010)

A ROMANIAN refugee secretly lived in a woman s shed, had picnics in the garden and chatted with neighbours. Tilly Newman was unaware of her lodger until she went to spring-clean the shed and found the man sleeping on the garden...
Daily Star (31-Mar-2010)

YESTERDAY the Labour Party finally turned to its secret weapon to boost its...
Daily Express (31-Mar-2010)

UK migrant workers being exploited 16 Mar 2010 meat An Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) inquiry in Britain found widespread evidence of the mistreatment and exploitation of migrant and agency workers in the meat and poultry-processing...
Daily Express (31-Mar-2010)

As Gordon Brown focuses on immigration in a speech today, political journalist Gaby Hinsliff looks at why it won't be made a central election issue - along with Europe and party...
Channel 4 News (31-Mar-2010)

WESTMINSTER parties are failing to address voters fury over mass immigration, two senior MPs warned...
Daily Express (31-Mar-2010)

GORDON Brown s first significant promise as Prime Minister, made in July 2007, was that he would ensure foreign criminals were removed from...
Daily Express (31-Mar-2010)

Officers forgot to take weightlifter's aid to the airport for the flight to...
The Independent (31-Mar-2010)

Garden sheds can attract unwelcome visitors - spiders and beetles, the odd Romanian immigrant...
Metro (30-Mar-2010)

The Tories and Liberal Democrats have called for an urgent explanation from the Government over how a convicted rapist facing deportation was allowed to stay in Britain to get...
Daily Express (30-Mar-2010)

TWO people were arrested when immigration officers visited an Exmouth restaurant. UK Border Agency officers recently visited China Garden, at Imperial Road, where they arrested two people believed to have been working...
Exmouth Journal (30-Mar-2010)

The Prime Minister will deliver a speech on the morning of Wednesday 31 March setting out the Governments new immigration measures. During the speech we will have a live online discussion with Home Office Minister for Borders and Immigration, Phil Woolas, where you can get answers to your...
Number (30-Mar-2010)

A convicted rapist facing deportation has won a High Court battle to be allowed to stay in Britain so he can get married. Alphonse Semo, a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, threw his victim on a rubbish tip when he 'had finished with her'.
Daily Mail (30-Mar-2010)