A selection of recent media reports
Afghan child migrant numbers on rise
Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Advertisement United Nations aid agencies have voiced concern at the number of children migrating across Europe...
BBC News Hampshire (01-Mar-2010)
Extremist Muslims have 'wormed their way into Labour Party' minister warns
A fundamentalist group that wants to turn Britain into an Islamic republic has successfully infiltrated the Labour Party, a minister said yesterday. Jim Fitzpatrick named the Islamic Forum of Europe as a group trying to win power by secretly taking control of local Labour...
The Mail On Sunday (01-Mar-2010)
THE nightmare is fast becoming a reality. After all the damage his party has inflicted on Britain, Gordon Brown could be on course to win the forthcoming general...
Daily Express (01-Mar-2010)
Cameron begins to strike the right note
If David Cameron was daunted by the need to find inspiration yesterday for a truly vital address to the Tory faithful as his poll rating slumped to its worst level for two years, it didn't...
Daily Mail (01-Mar-2010)
Bruce Anderson: Cameron is at his best when the threat is greatest
The Conservatives' leader has an electricity which his rivals cannot...
The Independent (01-Mar-2010)
David Cameron: Lets tear the PM apart to kick him out of No10
DAVID Cameron yesterday vowed to tear Gordon Brown's "dark"record apart in the election...
Online Sun (01-Mar-2010)
Sounds stupid, but we could do with more dimwit MPs
We need more congenitally stupid people in government; they are a much-undervalued commodity. Clever people? Yep, we have those Mandelson for a start, and see where that gets you. Mediocre people loads of them, people with just enough nous to stick to the fatuous party line until the interview has finished.
Sunday Times (28-Feb-2010)
David Cameron tells Tories to 'get up and fight'
David Cameron ordered his party to get up and fight to prevent five more years of Gordon Brown as told the Tories' spring conference that he now has the confidence to run...
Times Online (28-Feb-2010)
If Labour is so terrible, why are Tories doing so badly?
Its being so cheerful as keeps him going. Im sitting in an office in the Norman Shaw buildings in the Palace of Westminster listening to what has gone so right for David...
Times Online (28-Feb-2010)
Minister admits Islamic extremists who believe in jihad and sharia law have infiltrated the Labour Party
The Labour Party has been inflitrated by Islamic fundamentalists, a Government Minister admitted today. Members of the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE) which believes in Britain should develop sharia law have placed sympathisers in elected office and local branches of parties, an investigation...
The Mail On Sunday (28-Feb-2010)
VOTERS were last night urged to back change and deliver the salvation of our country or risk a nations ruin under Gordon...
Daily Express (28-Feb-2010)
Tories caught up in new immigration storm
Conservative leader and home affairs spokesman appear on leaflet saying 'floodgates' have been opened to...
Guardian.co.uk (28-Feb-2010)
Once again, Ireland's young prepare to leave
Ireland enjoyed a boom like no other in the last 10 years, fuelled by foreign investment and runaway property speculation. But it is all over now, and the desire to emigrate, set deep in the nation's psyche, has taken hold once...
Guardian Unlimited World Latest (28-Feb-2010)