A selection of recent media reports
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
BRITAIN is the cocaine capital of Europe because Labours open-door immigration policy has made it easy for dealers to smuggle it in, the Tories warned...
Daily Express (03-Mar-2010)
Tory strategists fear it becoming a campaigning distraction, but the party should make clear where it stands on immigration
Guardian (02-Mar-2010)
Should the Tories talk about immigration? This will bring back a lot of bad memories for the modernisers, who believe that this hurt them in 2005. But, as Tim Montgomerie says over at CiF today, the picture has transformed since...
The Spectator (02-Mar-2010)
A EUROPEAN court ruling which gave a Somali woman the right to housing benefit in Harrow could cost council taxpayers more than £35,000 a year. The case of Nimco Hassan Ibrahim, who last week won the right to a council house, despite not being able to support herself and her four children, sparked outrage...
Harrow Times (02-Mar-2010)
THREE people have been deported after they were found to be working illegally at a Cobham Chinese food takeaway. Police were tipped off that Malaysian immigrants who had overstayed their visas were working at the New Cobham restaurant in the High...
Get Surrey (02-Mar-2010)
Two would-be illegal workers from Ukraine have been removed from the UK after they were caught attempting to use forged Polish passports to fool immigration officers at Bristol International...
M2 (02-Mar-2010)
Visitors to the UK could be required to hold health insurance before they can enter the country, the government...
BBC News London (02-Mar-2010)
Every rich city is poor. When Canary Wharf was being built I stood in Poplar High Street and wondered when the East End would rise in rage at being excluded from the new citadel of wealth by moats and walls and...
Evening Standard (02-Mar-2010)
A THINK-tank with close links to Downing Street last night called for the Government to encourage more immigration.
Daily Express (02-Mar-2010)
It is likely that in future visitors and immigrants in the UK will be refused permission to enter or stay in the UK if they owe money to the National Health Service (NHS) above a certain...
UK Immigration (02-Mar-2010)
A WOMAN dubbed Mrs Fixit has been filmed secretly by The Sun as she offered to arrange sham weddings at up to £20,000 a...
Online Sun (02-Mar-2010)
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Britannia Radio