Saturday, 6 March 2010

SHOCKER: BBC: South Africa: 2010: 90% of White Farms handed over to Blacks have FAILED!

Date Posted: Thursday 04-Mar-2010

[Well, we have been saying this and predicting this for the last 10 years, and here it is. Years ago I posted an article saying that 80% of black self-help projects in South Africa have failed. The list of failures goes on and on. 

Now think about this: These farms, in white hands made monies, and profit. They employed large numbers of blacks AND they paid tax to a black Govt. Now... they don't employ people, they don't produce food AND the Govt has to pump money into them which is still not saving them. 

Robert Mugabe, the black Racist Communist mocked us whites back in 2000. He asked the question: "Can only White people farm?" He pooh poohed the idea. Well, Robert Mugabe, apparently, the answer is: YES, ONLY WHITE PEOPLE CAN FARM IN AFRICA AND BLACK PEOPLE CAN'T!! 

BTW, I doubt any white farmers want their land back now because the farms have been totally broken. The infrastructure is broken and nothing works any more. The blacks can now keep it and can try to build up the farms FROM SCRATCH LIKE THE WHITES ORIGINALLY DID! Good luck boys!!! Jan]

Some 90% of farms redistributed to South Africa's black population from white farmers are not productive, the government has said.

Land reform minister Gugile Nkwinti warned the land might be repossessed if the farms continued to fail. 

Almost 60,000 sq km (23,000 sq miles) have been redistributed under policies aimed at benefiting black people who were left impoverished by apartheid. 

The land was bought from white farmers who sold up voluntarily. 

The BBC's Pumza Fihlani in Johannesburg says some black farmers are likely to argue that they have been struggling to get the resources and skills to develop their land. 

And repossessing the land would provide a whole new problem for the government, our correspondent says, as any move to return the land to its former white owners is bound to be controversial. 

Sensitive issue

The government had set a target of 2014 to redistribute one-third of white-owned land back to the black majority. 

But Mr Nkwinti acknowledged that the deadline would not be kept. 

He said the focus would now shift to helping the black farmers make their land productive. 

"The farms - which were active accruing revenue for the state - were handed over to people, and more than 90% of those are not functional," he said. 

"They are not productive, and therefore the state loses the revenue. We cannot afford to go on like that... No country can afford that." 

At the end of apartheid in 1994 almost 90% of land was owned by the white community, which made up less than 10% of the population. 

Land reform is a sensitive issue in South Africa and has been brought into sharp focus by the decline of agriculture in neighbouring Zimbabwe, where many white commercial farmers have been violently evicted.

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Posted By: Jan
AfricanCrisis Webmaster
Author of: Government by Deception

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