Il se trame quelque chose d’important à Washington (info # 012403/10) [Analyse] Par Ilan Tsadik © Metula News Agency Mais impossible de vous dire quoi. Pour une fois, les "officiels" se montrent étanches. Ca ne durera pas, rassurez-vous ; ce qui s’est dit hier soir à la Maison Blanche n’est pas de la sorte que l’on peut garder secrète. Nous nous trouvons au milieu de quelque chose. Ce quelque chose consiste en une proposition du Président Obama à Netanyahu. Netanyahu est intéressé, mais il peine à l’accepter. C’est si hot, que les deux hommes vont se revoir ce mercredi, afin de tenter de finaliser leur deal. Une rencontre qui n’était absolument pas prévue, et qui a été rendue publique par Nir Hefetz, le porte-parole personnel de Bibi. Ce qui précède est tout ce que l’on peut dire en ce moment sans jouer les Madame Soleil. Ce qu’il y a d’appréciable, dans les comptes-rendus de la Ména, c’est qu’il ne s’agit pas de conjectures mais de béton armé. Reste que, pour procéder à une analyse, il faut disposer de certains éléments clés, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour nous en ce mercredi matin, et qui maintient nos limiers sur le qui-vive. C’est tout ce qu’il y a à voir pour le moment... Ce que nous pouvons dire à cette heure ressort du mini think-tank que nous avons organisé ce matin à la rédaction. Sherlock Holmes et ceux qui aiment les exercices d’investigation mentaux n’auraient pas été déçus, je peux vous l’assurer. Comme Juffa l’a écrit, la crise entre les deux pays appartient au passé. Il n’y a plus que les blaireaux pour s’y intéresser. Cela ne signifiant pas non plus que tout le monde s’est mis soudain à s’adorer. Cette crise a servi à faire bouger les points de vue, et en cela elle a joué son rôle. Sans elle, le cabinet israélien – droite, et plus à droite encore – aurait continué à faire semblant de s’intéresser au processus de paix avec Abbas et à geler, sans conviction, l’expansion des implantations. De son côté, Obama aurait continué à feindre de vouloir empêcher l’Iran d’accéder à la bombe atomique, tandis qu’il se prépare à composer avec un Téhéran nucléarisé. Les Israéliens sont ainsi arrivés à la Maison Blanche avec l’intention d’en repartir avec les bombes à détruire les bunkers iraniens, les fameuses GBU-28, ainsi que quelques autres babioles dont ils ont un besoin pressant. Ils sont également prêts à patienter avant d’agir militairement, au cas où Barack Obama leur présenterait un plan diplomatique, menant immédiatement à des sanctions "déterminantes". Et non aux mesures de pacotille dont Kouchner, les Russes, d’autres Européens et les Chinois sont disposés à se contenter. Des "sanctions pour dire qu’on a pris des sanctions". Pour Obama, ce qui compte, est de parvenir à un règlement de paix définitif entre Palestiniens et Israéliens dans un laps d’un an ou deux au grand maximum. Pour y parvenir, il joue à plein la carte Mahmoud Abbas-Salam Fayad, et attend des Hébreux qu’ils se montrent bien intentionnés et corrects à leur égard. Nous en étions là lorsque Binyamin Netanyahu est entré hier à la Maison Blanche. Après une brève rencontre en compagnie de leurs conseillers et ministres respectifs, le 1er ministre et le Président se sont isolés dans le Salon Ovale. Leur discussion a duré plus d’une heure et demie. Elle s’est déroulée sans agressivité ni empathie exceptionnelles. Ambiance boulot ! Pas de journalistes ni de photographes, ni de conférence de presse. Ni avant le meeting ni après. Du très rare ! Bibi est finalement reparti sans jeter la moindre œillade en direction des centaines de reporters qui se pressaient au portail. Netanyahu a été surpris par une proposition que lui a faite son hôte. Au point qu’il a demandé un temps mort afin d’en parler en aparté avec sa suite qui attendait dans une salle annexe. Leur conciliabule a duré longtemps : une heure entière. Dans l’entre-temps Barack O. avait rejoint ses appartements familiaux. Ensuite, les deux leaders se sont retrouvés 35 minutes durant. Pour éclaircir des points de la proposition et décider de se revoir aujourd’hui pour trancher. C’est du gros. On peut imaginer quantité de choses, mais ce serait inutile. Vous serez les premiers à savoir, lectorat choyé. Mais pour l’instant nous n’en savons rien ; donc pas de raison de vous dérouler des hypothèses. Une peut-être, toutefois, parce que nous n’en avons pas encore parlé à la Ména : père pense (mais il ne s’agit que d’une supposition, il le souligne lui-même) qu’Obama a offert à Israël un engagement formel à assurer sa protection en cas de conflit avec la Perse. En contrepartie, il voudrait la paix. Vous savez déjà, et vous êtes les seuls, que Barack Obama a posé une offre cruciale sur la table ovale du Salon du même nom, et qu’il attend, avec grande curiosité, la réponse des Israéliens. C’est déjà pas mal. Vous savez aussi que Barack Obama a bu de la potion magique, après avoir obtenu l’aval du Congrès pour son plan d’assurance santé nationale. Il se prend probablement pour un surhomme, capable de solutionner le conflit israélo-arabe, sur lequel tout le monde, à ce jour, s’est cassé les dents. Restez à l’écoute de Radio-Ména. Dès que nous en saurons davantage nous le partagerons avec vous. L’essentiel, oui. Après débroussaillage des infos pour blaireaux, certes.
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Something big is brewing in Washington, Metula News Agency 24 03 2010
But it is impossible to tell you what.
For once, the "officials" aren't saying much. It will not last, do not worry, what was said yesterday at the White House is not the kind of thing that can be kept secret.
We are in the middle of something. That something is a proposal of President Obama to Netanyahu. Netanyahu is interested, but for some reason it's something not easy for him to accept.
It's so hot, that the two men will meet again on Wednesday to try to finalize their deal. A meeting that was never intended, and which was published by Nir Hefetz, Bibi's personal spokesman.
The above is all that we can say for the momenl. What is appréciable in the reports of Mena, is that it is not conjecture but reinforced concrete.
However, to conduct an analysis, one must have certain key elements, which is not the case for us this Wednesday morning, and keeps our sleuths on the qui vive.
What we can say at this time of spring mini think-tank that we have organized this morning to the editor. Sherlock Holmes and those who love the mental exercises of investigation have not been disappointed, I can assure you.
As Juffa wrote, the crisis between the two countries is over. There is more than the Badgers to get involved. This does not mean that everyone has suddenly began to adore each other.
This crisis has served to move the points of view, and it has played its role. Without it, the Israeli cabinet - right and right again - have continued to pretend to be interested in the peace process with Abbas and freeze, without conviction, settlement expansion.
For his part, Obama would have continued to pretend to try to prevent Iran from obtaining atomic bomb, as he prepares to deal with Tehran's atomic bomb.
The Israelis have now reached the White House with the intention to leave with the bombs to destroy Iranian bunkers, the famous GBU-28 and some other trinkets they have a pressing need.
They are also willing to wait before acting militarily, if Obama would present a diplomatic plan, leading to immediate sanctions "decisive". And not cheap measures that Kouchner, the Russians, other Europeans and Chinese are willing to settle. "Sanctions to say that we took penalties.
For Obama, what matters is to reach a final peace settlement between Palestinians and Israelis in a period of one year or two at the most. To achieve this, he plays full map Mahmoud Abbas, Salam Fayad, and expects the Hebrews they show well-intentioned and correct them.
We were there when Binyamin Netanyahu came yesterday at the White House. After a brief meeting together with their respective advisers and ministers, the 1st Minister and the President were alone in the Oval Room.
Their discussion lasted over an hour and a half. She was held without being aggressive or exceptional empathy. Atmosphere job!
No journalists or photographers, or press conference. Neither before nor after the meeting. From the very rare! Bibi is finally left without casting the slightest glance in the direction of hundreds of reporters who thronged to the gate.
Netanyahu has been surprised by a proposal made to him by his host. At that point requested a time out to talk with her aside after waiting in an adjoining room. Their secret meeting took a long time: a full hour.
In the meantime Barack O. had joined his family apartments.
Then, the two leaders met during 35 minutes. To clarify points of the proposal and decide to meet again today to decide.
It's big. One can imagine many things, but it would be useless. You'll be the first to know, readership pampered. But for now we do not know, so no reason to get carried assumptions.
One may, however, because we have not yet spoken to the Mena: father think (but this is only an assumption, he points out himself) that Obama has offered Israel a formal commitment to ensure its protection in case of conflict with Persia. In return, he wants peace.
You already know, and you alone, that Barack Obama has put an offer on the table crucial oval room of the same name, and he waits with great curiosity, the answer from the Israelis. It's not bad.
You also know that Barack Obama drank the potion, after obtaining the approval of Congress for his plan for national health insurance. It will probably take a superman, capable of solving the Arab-Israeli conflict, where everyone, to date, broke his teeth.
Stay tuned to Radio-Mena. Once we know more we will share with you. Most, yes. After clearing info for badgers, certainly.
French to English translation
It is brewing something big in Washington (Info # 012403/10) [Analysis]
By Ilan Tsadik © Metula News Agency
But can not tell you what.
For once, the "official" show was tight. It will not last, do not worry, what was said yesterday at the White House is not the kind that can keep a secret.
We are in the middle of something. That something is a proposal by President Obama to Netanyahu. Netanyahu is concerned, but it hardly accept.
It's so hot that the two men will meet again Wednesday to try to finalize their deal. A meeting that was never intended, and which was published by Nir Hefetz, spokesman personnel Bibi.
The above is all that we can say that moment without playing the Madame Soleil. What yad'appréciable in the minutes of the Mena, is that it is not conjecture but reinforced concrete.
Still, for an analysis, it must have certain key elements, which is not the case for us this Wednesday morning, and keeps our sleuths on the qui vive.
That's all there is to see
for now ...
What we can say at this time shows the mini think-tank that we held this morning in writing.Sherlock Holmes and those who enjoy the mental exercises of investigation were not disappointed, I assure you.
As Juffa wrote, the crisis between the two countries is over. There is more than the Badgers to be interested. This does not mean that everyone has suddenly started to adore each other.
This crisis has served to move the points of view, and it has played its role. Without it, the Israeli cabinet - right and right again - have continued to pretend to be interested in the peace process with Abbas and freeze without conviction, settlement expansion.
For his part, Obama has continued to pretend to want to prevent Iran from obtaining the atomic bomb, as he prepares to deal with Tehran's atomic bomb.
The Israelis are well come to the White House with the intention to leave with the bombs to destroy Iranian bunkers, the famous GBU-28 and some other trinkets they have a pressing need.
They are also willing to wait before acting militarily, if Barack Obama they would present a diplomatic plan, leading immediately to sanctions "decisive". And not to sham measures which Kouchner, the Russians, other Europeans and Chinese are prepared to be satisfied. "Sanctions to say we took penalties.
For Obama, what matters is to reach a final peace settlement between Palestinians and Israelis in a period of one year or two at the most. To achieve this, he plays a full map Mahmoud Abbas, Salam Fayad, and expects the Hebrews they show well-meaning and to correct them.
We were there when Binyamin Netanyahu came yesterday at the White House. After a brief meeting together with their respective ministers and advisers, the 1st Minister and the President were alone in the Oval Room.
Their discussion lasted over an hour and a half. She was held without being aggressive or exceptional empathy. Ambiance job!
No journalists or photographers, no press conference. Neither before nor after the meeting. On very rare! Bibi finally left without casting a single glance in the direction of hundreds of reporters who thronged to the portal.
Netanyahu has been surprised by a proposal made to him by his host. At that point called a timeout to talk in private conversation with her after waiting in an adjoining room. Their secret meeting lasted long: a full hour.
In the meantime, Barack O. had joined his family apartments.
Then, the two leaders met for 35 minutes. To clarify aspects of the proposal and decide to meet again today to decide.
It's big. One can imagine many things, but it would be useless. You'll be the first to know, readers cherished. But for now we know nothing, so no reason to place your assumptions.
One may, however, because we have not yet spoken to Mena: father thinks (but is only an assumption, he points out himself) that Obama has offered Israel a formal commitment to its protection in case of conflict with Persia. In return, he wants peace.
You know, and you alone, that Barack Obama has put an offer on the table crucial oval Salon of the same name, and he waits with great curiosity, the answer from the Israelis. It's not bad.
You also know that Barack Obama drank the magic potion, after obtaining the approval of Congress for his plan of national health insurance. It probably takes a superman, capable of solving the Arab-Israeli conflict, where everyone, to date, has broken teeth.
Stay tuned to Radio-Mena. As soon as we learn more we will share with you. Most, yes. After clearing the info for badgers, of course.
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