Monday, 22 March 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010


North Korean Regime Shoots Currency Official

The monstrous regime is increasingly desperate. Click here for the story.


Phony Trial of Rio Tinto Employes Opens in China

The secret trial has begun, as reported here.


Emboldened by Health Care Victory, Obama Poised for More Appeasement, Apologies and Disarmament

End of story.

Runaway inflation--Weimar wheelbarrows and all--looms. Buy gold if you can.


Ahmadinejad's Bluster Has a Familiar Ring

"The Iranian nation will guard its national security with full strength and will decisively cut any unclean hand from any part of the globe which tries to harm it."

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, 2010. 

"Germany is bombproof. If a single bomb should fall on German territory, then my name is Meyer."

Field Marshall Hermann Goering, 1939


Muslims Forcing Swedish Jews to Emigrate

Hate crimes against Jews are commonplace in so-called liberal Sweden. Whereas the anti-Semitism once came from neo-Nazis, it is now "99% Muslim." Click here for the story.


Sign of the Times: Gold Mining Company Set to Raise Nearly $1 Billion in London's Biggest IPO in 2 Years

African Barrick Gold, which is Tanzania's largest gold producer, is poised to raise about $881 million in London this week, as reported here.