>> FRIDAY, MARCH 05, 2010
Friday, 5 March 2010
The BBC slavishly reports the findings of the Met Office, even though it is headed by a climate change activist, and even though - with funding of £243m from the government to carry on its climate change mission - its forecasts are totally unreliable, its measurements systems highly questionable, and its overall credentials are totally shot. So the latest report from this august body (published, naturally, by the BBC, its house PR agency, before appearing on its own website), that recent research papers confirm increased man-made warming, is elevated to reverential headline status. No one at the BBC ever seems to even begin to question why it is so partisan; its utterances are treated as sacred, like the Delphic oracle was to Athens.
Thank god, then for people like Richard North, of EU Referendum. From his Bradford semi, he's been toiling and chipping away, working out how much our so-called government is spending on climate change "research" - those confections that the Met Office seems to think are real evidence rather than agitprop. In a cracking posting today, he points out that in the US, to date, at least $89bn has been spent on climate change measures and hot air; here, by just scratching the surface (as he puts it), he's found that no less than around £500m has been spent purely on funding research projects. And surprise, surprise; they don't bite the hand that feeds them.
Chances of the BBC uttering a word about this national scandal of our money being tipped on to the climate change gravy train? Zero. Yet the research involved from the Sybils of the Met has about as much credibility as that of a paper on human biology by Mengele.
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Britannia Radio