![]() Now you are up the creek and without a paddle Linda Hunnicutt grannywarrior |
I am so irritated it is beyond my experience to even express my disgust in Texas right now. Are you all stupid? Been smelling those Cow Farts too long? For once in your voting lifetime you had a true and good candidate who will free Texas from the illegal taxes, laws and false vaccines and what do you do??? You vote in the one person who is going to take your property, shoot up your girls with a dangerous vaccine, bring in more aliens and raise your taxes. Oh I forgot, he looks good with his $1000 haircuts. Have you gathered up all of your guns and ammo? You may want to have it handy for when the goons come to take them from you and it's comming. You asked for it and now you will certainly get it. Where did all the good honest brave Texans go to on voting day? They sure weren't at the polls. you all have allowed the crooks who have stolen from you for years to get another shot at your wealth and land. Debra Medina was a breath of fresh air, a Texas native, honest, believes in the constitution and could have done so much to get rid of the trash and enflamed egos in Austin and you let her hang in the wind. I wonder how Davy Crockett and the others at the Alamo who gave their lives for Texas are thinking of their offspring now? I would imagine they are all hanging their heads in shame... To think that some idiot like Glen Beck who trashed the Ron Paulers all during the campaign, who now claims to be one of us, to completely stab us all in the back again and again and again.. and obviously is in love with Mr. Perry who I never figured to be gay but now wonder since Glen wanted to give him a french kiss on air??? And you people went for it.. you allowed him to cloud your brain one more time against the only viable truthful candidate on the ballot. My lord people how much will you take? how much will you pay? Are your brains truly mush? Can't you think for yourselves any longer? Or do you really like to live like serfs and be monitored every day, bombarded with Chemtrails, have your property taken away for the mexican truckers to have a free shot at crossing our land carrying who knows what and taking more and more jobs from the Americans.? You allowed a northern event to control your vote in Texas... the 911 event had nothing to do with this election, not a thing. Should have never been mentioned unless you wanted to cause a reverse in voting with people who believe 911 was a government operation or those that think it was not? Using sneak tactics Beck threw a ringer in the campaign and even when Medina gave the right answer ( she thought there should be real investigation before making a statement) she was maligned and catagorized as a truther, a 911'er, how horrible is that? This next year when you are packing up what belongings you have left after losing your homes, trying to feed your children on little or no real money, no jobs and in general becoming a ward of the state and government think to yourself.... I DID THIS MYSELF> I followed the crowd now I am part of that crowd... all in need and in debt. When your little girl comes home sick as a dog from her gardisil shots just be happy and think of how glorious it is to be part of the crowd... Continue to vote for the very ones that have caused these problems. Stay with your party even when the party is over...corrupt and defunct. Trust the people who will take care of you... Don't even think of taking care of yourself, that is a job for the government... Yes Texas the eyes of this country were on you, for a brief moment we all thought Texans would shine the light of truth on the country and be a rising star for Freedom. Well all we saw was a falling star. |
Friday, 5 March 2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio