Monday, 22 March 2010
They stoop, but not to conquer. 21.3.2010.
We thought “THEY” had learnt their lesson,
But sadly, t’was not to be,
It seemed they will never, ever give up,
Like ordinary folk like you and me.
Another “Scam” on the horizon,
“Cash for Access” today we read,
It’s been ‘going on’ for ages,
For extra cash is what they need.
David Miliband was quite angry,
Said, “No matter what Party they are from”,
“We’re in politics for what’s best for our Country”,
But to THAT, what indeed have they done?
Between them, two Parties have betrayed us.
Our Country and our Queen,
They ignored and silenced people’s voices,
Yet all is not well, it would seem.
For when worms come out of the woodwork,
We wonder what damage has been done,
How much do we really know about?
For how long has it been going on?
For those in whom we placed our trust,
Have stolen and the game of treason play,
For strangers now rule over us,
Given our country, our way of life-away.
How low they stoop, how many times?
Has ‘cash for access’ been pooled?
This cannot be the only time
Have we all been taken for fools?
There can never be forgiveness,
For the deeds these MP’s have done,
For the Brits will have to fight again,
Until our freedom once more be won.
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Britannia Radio