Thursday, 18 March 2010 08:15 'Thimerosal is a light-colored crystalline powder (trade name Merthiolate) that is primarily used as a surgical antiseptic. It is a mercury based compound which can also be found in your personal care products, make up, and childhood vaccines. Because this is found in childhood vaccines, doctors have recommended that autistic children and their siblings not get vaccinated because Thimerosal can yield bad reactions. Yet, with Thimerosal also being found in numerous personal care products that you find in your local stores, you must stop to wonder what is this product doing to adults? First, it is important to understand that Thimerosal's only role within these products is to serve as a preservative. Your child also has contact with these products. For this reason, parents of children who have Autistm, AD(H)D or any other disability, really need to know more information about Thimerosal and I plan on sharing with you all that I know. ' Thursday, 18 March 2010 08:09 This is as good of an example as you can get of asserting your rights. Pete is no stranger to filming police and this is the second video of his used by Cop Block. The first was confronting Arlington police officers about parking their cruiser illegally, which Cop Block is still waiting to hear the outcome of that investigation. Pete’s decisions to go to his girlfriends aid, film the police, open carry a firearm, refuse to produce ID and to walk away from the police,without satisfying their request, were all perfectly legal acts.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
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Britannia Radio