Thursday, March 18, 2010
china confidential
Iran Allegedly Tried to Buy Nukes from Pakistan
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Deception and Disinformation
Thursday, 18 March 2010
The father of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program says Iran offered his country $10 billion for nukes in the 1980s. Click here for the story, which focuses new attention on China's backing for Iran, as explained here, because Beijing made Pakistan's nuclear program possible.
China Confidential analysts believe China is not really opposed to Iran becoming a nuclear weapons state. China believes it can deter Iran from meddling in or threatening China over its own restive Muslim population; and a nuclear-armed Iran, in China's view, would counter U.S. power and influence and further assure non-interference by the United States (which China regards as a dying but still dangerous "hegemon") in Tibet and Taiwan.
China Confidential analysts suspect certain members of the Obama administration are telling their closest friends in the media and the U.S. Jewish community that the United States will "bomb the hell out of Iran" if it is about to become a nuclear weapons state "to save Israel" (as if a nuclear-armed Iran would only threaten Israel) provided the Jewish State first agrees (a) to surrender all the land it captured during the Six-Day War of 1967, including eastern Jerusalem, and (b) go along with the creation of a Palestinian state in these "West Bank" territories and the Gaza Strip, with Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital.
In order to be "saved," the administration members are probably saying, Israel would also have to promise to refrain from attacking Iran and to restrain its military if Iran's Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, bombards Tel Aviv and Haifa with missiles. The Islamist group has about 45,000 missiles.
The administration does not want Israel to retaliate for the rubbling of portions of its cities with the leveling of Beirut. Instead, the administration wants Israel to promise that it will evacuate its citizens from the targeted areas, hide them in shelters, rely on unreliable missile defense systems for protection, and only hit back at Hezbollah positions if they are outside densely populated areas.
China Confidential analysts smell deception and disinformation. The administration is almost certainly preparing to "live with but never accept" a nuclear-armed Iran--the Brzezinski formula. Containment is the objective now that engagement (appeasement) has utterly failed to stop Iran's atomic advance.
That said, the road to Middle East peace runs through Tehran, not Jerusalem. Remove Iran from the equation, and Hezbollah, Hamas, and Syria fold (and radical Islam suffers its first big defeat since Iran's Islamic Revolution of 1979).
So, the destruction of the Iranian mullahocracy--the sooner the better--should not be linked to concessions from Israel to the Palestinians. On the contrary, Iran's defeat will make it possible to rethink the whole, crazy concept of a so-called Palestinian state--meaning, an irredentist, second Arab state in historic Palestine, as the Kingdom of Jordan, with Palestinian Arabs comprising the majority of its inhabitants, already exists. Logically speaking, Israel and Jordan should divide the land.
The Basques are not going to get their state in Spain and France regardless of how many bombs the ETA terrorists detonate. Quebec is not going to split off from Canada. Corsicais not going to become an independent state. The Tamil Tigers failed to create their state. Morocco still controls the Western Sahara. Cabinda is still part of Angola. Bavaria belongs to Germany; Puerto Rico, to the United States. Rome governs northern Italy. India's Assam insurgency has been going on for decades. Many nationalistic causes and separatist movements have no chance of succeeding; a whole host of them have been forgotten. What makes the Palestinian state idea so different?
In fact, the idea is idiotic.
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Britannia Radio