Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Notoriously Anti-Israel NY Times Columnist Reports Obama 'Incensed' by Jewish Building in Jerusalem
Roger Cohen, an Obama-adoring, Islamist-appeasing, left-wing, British Jew, who seems to be obsessed, ironically, with both creating an Islamist state in "Palestine" and rationalizing radical Islam's war against Western civilization, has weighed into the Jerusalem apartment building controversy with an exceptionally vile--and revealing--piece of apparently White House-inspired, anti-Israel propaganda. Read it here.
A genuine, Jewish anti-Semite in the tradition of Walter Lippmann--the liberal American journalist who praised Hitler--Cohen has basically acted as a de facto agent of influence for Islamist Iran. Last May, he stooped to a level of Israel-lashing that was astonishing even by the standards of the New York Times' notoriously anti-Israel Op-Ed page. Click here for that article, which recalls the anti-Semitic propaganda of the Nazis in Germany and their Jew-hating supporters and sympathizers in the United States during the 1930s.
The shocking title of Cohen's May 27, 2009 article, "Obama in Netanyahu's Web," seems deliberately aimed at exploiting a popular, prewar Nazi motif--that of a Jewish spider strangling Europe--which dates to anti-Semitic works from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Jewish spider theme was adopted by Israel's Arab enemies after the founding of the Jewish State in 1948--a miraculous event that Cohen and his anti-Israel friends clearly regard as a terrible mistake.
WARNING: Reading Roger Cohen can cause vomiting.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
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Britannia Radio