We Need Bigger Deficits. Or we're toast Ideallergy Ayn Rand's Excellent Proposal California Man Gets Eight Years for Stealing Cheese USA Gun Owners Buy 14 Million Plus Guns In 2009 – To put it in perspective that is more guns than the combined active armies of the top 21 countries in the world. Michael Moore: There's Going to Be a Second Crash (And Glenn Beck Can F--k Off): There's going to be another crash. The commercial real estate bubble hasn't burst yet. That's going to burst. The credit card debt is so huge right now, it will never be repaid. That's a house of cards waiting to fall. So the crash of '08 is going to look like coming attractions. And we're in for a much, much worse time. Fed’s Fisher Calls for Accord to Break Up Big Banks: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Richard Fisher called for an international pact to break up banks whose collapse would threaten the financial system, a position that goes beyond other Fed officials. Senate rejects $250 checks for elderly: A measure to give some 57 million elderly people, veterans and persons with disabilities a $250 check was rejected by the Senate on Wednesday, a setback for the powerful seniors' lobby. "Real" Unemployment Could Surge to 25%, Portfolio Manager Says: Lekas sees the headline unemployment rate rising to 10% in February and climbing to 15% or 16% by mid-year. Even more dire, he sees the "real" unemployment figure surging to 25%.
By Mike Whitney
The media has played a big role in fueling deficit hysteria. It's all part of a well-funded public relations campaign aimed at putting the government on a starvation diet. Continue
By John O'Kane
Obama's stimulus program lacks even the fumes of the Great Society anyway, certainly the parent New Deal, providing minimal funds to the states. It basically props up the existing order. Continue
By Ernest Partridge
In Ayn Rand’s sprawling novel, Atlas Shrugged, ubermensch industrialist, John Galt, infuriated over the “theft” of his property by the parasitic government, calls upon his fellow “captains of industry” – the “producers of wealth” – to go on strike which, we read, brings down the entire economy. Continue
By Daniel Nasaw
A California man has been sentenced to up to eight years in prison for stealing a $3.99 (£2.60) bag of shredded cheese in a case critics say shows the need for reform of the state's criminal justice system and the overcrowded state of its prisons. Continue
Friday, 5 March 2010
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Britannia Radio