Looks like the threatened British Airways strike is paying unforseen dividends to the Tories by focusing attention on the degree to which the Labour party is in hock to its Unite paymasters. Even Labour circles are said to be concerned. NowJoe Murphy of the Evening Standard reveals this gem: One of Gordon Brown's senior officials at No 10 is entirely paid by the Unite trade union, the Standard reveals today. Clare Moody, a national officer for the trade union behind the British Airways cabin crew strike, has been given a desk in the Prime Minister’s political office that deals with policy development and government relations. Although she works in the heart of Downing Street, her salary and pension are ‘100 per cent’ met The ever-sagacious John Bolton understands this very well, and more importantly understands where it is leading. In the Wall Street Journal today, he says Netanyahu’s strategy of trying to accommodate Obama – ‘America’s first post-American President’ -- has now been shown to be fatally flawed. The real issue is, of course, Iran; and the brutal and chilling message from this week’s brouhaha is that when it comes to stopping Iran from getting the bomb, Israel really is on its own. The Times insists it is a friend of Israel. With friends like these... The escalating Arab rioting today in Jerusalem and the West Bank is undoubtedly being stoked up by the fact that the Obama administration has turned so viciously against Israel. Doubtless as a result the Arabs now smell victory within their grasp and may now unleash another wave of violence against Israelis. Every single one of their recent ‘grievances’ is not just fabricated but stands history and justice on their heads. The ostensible cause of today's rioting, the re-opening yesterday of the ancient Hurva synagogue in the heart of the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem's Old City, is a typical example of this fanatical moral and historical inversion. The Hurva has been under reconstruction for years. The Palestinian campaign of incitement over it carries the message that Jews cannot build places... According to a study, when people feel they have been morally virtuous by saving the planet through their purchases of organic baby food, for example, it leads to the ‘licensing [of] selfish and morally questionable behaviour’, otherwise known as ‘moral balancing’ or ‘compensatory ethics’. Compensatory ethics, eh? Or as we old-fashioned types like to call it, stealing. But of course: hug a tree and screw your fellow man. Sums up green politics pretty well. ... Do Green Products Make Us Better People is published in the latest edition of the journal Psychological Science. Its authors, Canadian psychologists Nina Mazar and Chen-Bo Zhong, argue that people who wear what they call the ‘halo of green consumerism’ are less likely to be kind to others, and more likely to cheat and steal. ‘Virtuous acts canWednesday, 17th March 2010
All this whelan 'n' dealin' gives Labour a sinkin' feelin'
...Israel alone
Under a hail of domestic critisism over its reckless and unforgiveable inslaught against Israel, Hillary Clinton – deputed by Obama to do his dirty work last week – is now trying to defuse the crisis by adopting a more emollient tone. But Pandora’s box has now been opened, and the vicious creature that emerged cannot be put back again.With friends like these...
In its leading article today, the Times blames Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu for the row with America. Yet this row (see below) was ramped up deliberately by Obama who used a minor diplomatic blunder by Israel as a pretext to take the gloves off viciously and unfairly against it -- a move which has served dangerously to inflame further Palestinian violence against Israel, on which Obama (like the Times leader) is silent.Tuesday, 16th March 2010
The Obama intifada?
Are we seeing the beginning (heaven forbid) of the Obama intifada?Green morality? It's a steal
The Guardian reports:
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
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Britannia Radio