Wednesday, March 10, 2010
West Bank as Wartime Haven?
This reporter, who has lived, worked, and studied in Israel, and visited it dozens of times, has a better idea: retaliate with blood and fire--dam ve aish--meaning, more specifically, nuclear warheads and bombs. Incinerating Iran is well within the capabilities of Israel's presumed atomic arsenal.
The very idea of emptying out Greater Tel Aviv, of Jews forced to flee the heart of modern Israel, is deeply disturbing and offensive on many levels. Better to level Tehran, Beirut, and Damascus--and radiate the Arab oil fields--than to run away from Tel Aviv. The Jewish people did not cling to, return to, rebuild, and, against all odds, attain independence in their ancient, spiritual and religious homeland, did not transform great patches of sand and nothingness into a magnificent metropolis--one of the most inviting and livable cities on earth--in order to let it be rubbled by the missiles of monsters and madmen bent on creating a new Holocaust.North Korean Propaganda Video -- Funky Version
Thursday, 11 March 2010
As reported here, Israel would evacuate Tel Aviv--and temporarily move millions of people to Judea and Samaria (the so-called West Bank)--should the country's commercial capital and main population center come under a massive missile attack.
Nothing like a funked up North Korean propaganda video to get everyone dancing--produced and provided by Robert, a loyal and clearly creative and talented China Confidential reader.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 5:03 PM links to this post
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Britannia Radio